This being on line thing during the day, Start work at 6.30 tommorow morning as an insurance rebuilder. Anything that has been damaged by storm, car, vandal or act of glod, i've got to fix it. Not my first choice,but i've left it a bit too late in the year to launch my company & I need to pay the mortgage. I don't want to be dealing with external lime mortar before the frosts as customers just don't understand that it needs protecting right thru till march against the frost, it needs to cure. During my job search i've not tried to claim a single penny of benefit,despite being skint. There is always work there if you are willing. Tell me to break a leg guys 0):D
Well done Ziggy and good luck for tomorrow. I just found a new job after 5 months off, hence I've stopped posting during the day too. There is work out there if you are prepared to compromise.
I'm an engineer and luckily found a very similar job to the one I was made redundant from, I'm working for a big IT company now. It's less money and much further to travel, but consider myself lucky to have found it.
Well I must say we shall miss you online during the day but hey ho work must come first. You will just have to come on here in the evenings and cheer us all up :thumb: Good luck with the new job, and you too JWK ! :gnthb:
Nice one Ziggy and JWK. Unemployment is grim. I've got a horrible feeling there will be a lot more of it to come, the way this Government seems to be going. Sigh. Good on you for avoiding benefits too. My last period I had no choice - would probably have been homeless without them. Horrific experience. After all other costs you literally end up with about a fiver a week to feed yourself. Yuck.
Good luck to you both. It must be just awful to loose your job. I feel so sorry for people who want to work and get made unemployed.
Good luck to both. I had not realised you were posting during the day due to no work thought you were retired:lollol:. I'll be posting a bit during the day for a while, off sick, just hope the job is still there when I can go back.
:gnthb: Well as you say the work is there if you are prepared to compromise Ziggy & John Well done from me too.. Shall miss you both hanging around though... :D
Best of luck Ziggy, I'm sure you'll do well. Many of us who are "pleasantly unemployed" don't know when we're well off.