Cheers for all the good karma guys & gals. 200 mile round trip & a few aches but otherwise ok. I was starting to think I was retired too, good to get back to it.
How did the first day go then? Did you take an apple for the teacher? Seriously though, hope it went well. :thumb:
How did you chaps manage to find work? I did a specialised job, and there was nothing at all when I was unemployed. So I set myself up gardening, self employed. It was that or nothing. I couldn't even "compromise", there was simply nothing available in my line of work. It's only going to get worse too, as the Government cuts bite. Depressing times.
It is horrendous andrewh, I know-I have the same situation, currently endeavouring to keep my chin up. Well done Ziggy.
Try to keep going lollipop. It's important to fill your day with little jobs etc too, to avoid getting completely down, I found. Even if it's just re-arranging the tins and spices on the shelf in the kitchen. Sounds stupid that, doesn't it?! The worst thing is the way unemployed people are looked down on by society. Yet almost one in ten people is in the dreaded situation, and it's probably going to get worse as more people are laid off by the Government's policies.
Hope it works out Ziggy and John, I have been through it once and it is not pleasant so i am glad you have both found something. Lolli, as said, keeping occupied is the key.
Like you Andrew, i've been doing some part time garden work, but this wasn't enough to pay the bills so past few weeks i've been going around nurseries, shops & local businesses & leaving my details, then I was queing up at the post office & a neighbour said hello, we got chatting, I asked him about his double decker bus & he said it was going wednesday, as he was too busy to work on it & I said if he needs a hand I was looking for work. He just said he'd need my CIS card & i'd start tommorow. Quickest interview i've ever had. Mind you, he has been watching me building me house. What line of work were you looking for Andrew ?
Um difficult to explain Ziggy. Research. Office work. You know these reports about social attitudes and economics etc that people like the Office for National Statistics, or opinion pollsters, or Universities do? I did that. Gardening work has complications too, mind. Forsythia, as a neat hedging plant, regularly pruned through summer and autumn? What's wrong with these people!?
Great news Ziggy I post during the day, but then I spend most of my time on the's my job!
Hmm, you need to diversify & use your skills to get into reporting media. Lob your CV to the Jeremy Vine show. Is forsythia that small leaved yellow flowered shrub that needs fixing up against a fence ? If so then I sympathise.
When I was working on Claredon Palace, the archaeologists used to pay us £15 to go field walking for artifacts after the days work. So I too have been paid to do a hobby :hehe: