Is This Blight??

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by lindyco, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. lindyco

    lindyco Gardener

    Oct 2, 2007
    Of my 4 tomato plants, 2 are sick! The leaves have shrivelled and died, quite suddenly. They curled down and withered, and all the small fruits dropped off. A third plant is recovering slowly and a fourth, a more compact variety has only slight signs of up-curled leaves. They are well-watered in a shaded greenhouse which gets full sun. I have removed the sick ones from the greenhouse. Is this a disease? I didn't see any pests on them and there were no obvious markings on the leaves. I also have 20 potato plants in the veg patch, of which one is showing signs of the same problem - leaves curling at the edges. Can I spray them with something or will they go the same way as the toms??
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    It doesn't sound like blight, it is more likely stress caused by over/under watering or more probably too much sun. My best guess is that its too hot for them in there, have you a thermometer? If its getting to over 30 deg C then thats too hot for toms. Try and get more ventlation as well as your shading.

    Check here for disease descriptions:
  3. lindyco

    lindyco Gardener

    Oct 2, 2007
    Thank you, John, for your reply. Read the useful article you recommended - You may well be right about the overheating - I've moved all the toms into a sheltered spot outside, keeping the sick ones well apart, although I don't suppose there's any help for them - they may be too far gone to recover. As a beginner (first year) to veg growing, I'm very grateful for any advice. I have read with interest the posts about infected compost. I have not put anything on the new patch where I'm growing pots, dwarf French beans, cabbages and sprouts. All the plants are doing well except for this one potato plant, which is going pale with curling leaves (upcurl). Again no sign of pests or blotchiness / discolouration - just a drying out of the leaves. Its neighbours are fine. Any ideas?

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