A new compost bin...

Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by sheepy, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. sheepy

    sheepy Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    I've just made my own compost bin - its all of recycled material, some old bits of wood that used to be a mfi cupboard! I have a bottom flap with a hinge and we are ready to go!

    My question is:
    Do i need to start it of with some soil? and then add the material to rot down?

    the bin sits on the mud, so ive been told i dont need soil - i just thought id ask the experts!
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    If the bottom is open the the soil I reckon that is good enough.

    I'm afraid at the moment I am just chucking everything in a heap :eek: but when-I-were-a-lad I sued to put a thin (1/2" - 1") layer of soil every so often (every foot or two).

    Soil definitely won't hurt, it has the right bugs to kick the thing off.

    You could get some compost activator, although you shouldn't need that, but it might help to get the temperature up (which will give you compost sooner, and kill a lot of the weed seeds etc.)

    Mixing green material and more "stalky" material will help. You need to let some air in, rather than just have a soggy mess [which you would get, for example, if you just used grass clippings - although mixing in some grass will help you get the temperature up quickly].

    Stick some carpet, or somesuch, on the top to keep the rain out, and insulate the heap. But do make sure that the heap is not dry - it may even need watering - check how the centre feels now and again.

    And if you have the energy to turn the help (particularly mixing the outside material into the middle) that will help

    Things to avoid: diseased, woody, meat, pernicious weed roots (bindweed etc.)
  3. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    Just to add to the above (agree, you shouldn't need soil 0 but if you have any spare, it will only help): pop in your old loo roll tubes/kitchen roll inners and other cardboard bits you might not otherwise recycle, as a 'high fibre mix' is great, and the rolls help aereate the heap.

    If the wood isn't treated it may rot down quite quickly - but good on you for making a reclycled heap!!! :) Any pictures?
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Good points JB. We shred all our paper (computer laser printout stuff) and stick it on there too. Some folk say that the ink/toner is not good, so beware of that [I don't know the answer, but as it is all confidential paperwork I'm content with the fact that I have replaced Burning with Composting]
  5. sheepy

    sheepy Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    thanks everyone, ill take some pics and post them here..

    im hoping i get about 2-3 years from my home made bin, after then, when rot sets in ill make the 'sheepy compost bin 2.0'!

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