Bob & Hel's allotment

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    I fell on my butt a few weeks ago Helen on the allotment only because my neighbour took me by surprise. I keep telling myself must clear the path of so much junk. Its all done now. At the time I felt soo embarassed and my neighbour (girl) laughs at me now lucky for me my ego was bruised.:dh:
  2. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    :( I'm so sorry to hear that Helen. You must have expected it with all that work you do! Bet Bob said 'I told you so'! Glad to hear you're not badly hurt though, will you take it easy woman:mad: Good to see you have the young'ns in order as well as the 'oldies':D

    Seriously mate, watch out will ya! What are you trying to do - get the whole body knackered? Tell Bob I feel for him having to cope with you, running all over, getting this & that for more work!

    Will catch up soon.

  3. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Glad that you were lucky this time. I'm sure Alan is learning loads from his new 'mum and dad' and that he is happy to help.
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Fancy glad I'm not the only member of the 'butt falling club' although I'm pleased to hear you didn't suffer..... well not physically anyway!:dh:

    Sandra would you believe me if I say I'ave been at it again? Not anything saucy I hasten to add nor falling on my butt (makes a change) but running poor old Bob ragged once again!

    Yesterday Bob was putting some stainless steel sheeting we dug up off our new plot (recycling once again as I do so like to do) around the outer bottom of our new shed (this will have to be painted pretty soon what with the price of s**** of late) so while Bob was busy I started to dig a pretty big plot of ground on our new plot.

    Needless to say 3 hours later (with no breaks) and a new personal record for me a 25 x 30 foot section that hadn't been dug for 25 years or so was given it's first dig and boy was I pleased once Bob finished his work he came to loosen the ground for me with the fork while I followed digging the area over.

    Little Miss you will be pleased to know Bob is surely making use of young Alan as about 3 quarters of the way through the dig Alan came down for a little chat and visit so cheeky Bob passed his fork to the lad needless to say that kid can sure move he's even quicker than me and that's saying a lot as it's common knowledge that there's slow, steady, quick, fast, superquick and Hel's speed!:D

    If the weather holds I'll take the camera over with me today and take some pictures of the shed and our new plot for you all to see.Until then it's bye from me.:wink:
  5. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Awww bless Hel sounds like you're getting your weekly exercise and Alan sounds like a real sweetie and it goes to show that all younguns aren't bad. :)

    Keep u the good work and can't wait for the pics :thumb:
  6. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    glad you and bob are enjoying the lotty hel and its good to see our bob doesnt miss the chance to get a little work done by passing the fork:lollol::lollol::thumb:
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well here are our new plots once again we have fallen for some plots that haven't been touch in 20 odd years but on the plus side it's been used as a horse paddock for the last 15 years so will be rich in horse poop, it doesn't have a slope so fingers crossed I will not be slip sliding on my butt again anytime soon!:lollol:


    I'm afraid I'm going a bit posh here so you will all have to forgive me as I keep calling the new plots 'The Paddocks' so I'll have to tell the guys that visitors are allowed by appointment only!

    On the news front there's a terrible virus going around down on our allotment site it seems to be affecting more and more plot owners strange as it is it was something that never seemed to effect the plot owners......that was until I joined the crew.

    This horrible virus is called 'The Helen strain'. :grn:

    This virus systematically attacks shy people and makes them hold conversations to all and sundry, nobody is immuned to this horrendous bug in fact if you are grumpy this virus will find you and capture you until you submit to it's ways in fact you have more chance of finding a cure for the common cold than this bug!s00k:D
  8. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    I can see your next year's spuds now , big and chunky.
  9. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    I can see your next year's spuds now, big and chunky.
  10. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Bob and I are proud to make the announcement to all our GC friends of the arrival of our newest baby to our allotment family Master Briggs-Stratton both mother and baby are doing fine, our 'baby' has been a godsend to us and even though 'he' only arrived 2 days ago he has already been hard at work.

    The two large beds are now very nicely done and one of the fruit beds along the border has had a running over like all toddlers our little lad does give us a run around.

    I have to confess I felt a little bit of a cheater getting a machine in but now we have got 'him' I'ave been kicking myself why didn't we get him sooner!:scratch:

    One of the guys on the plots brought it for his plot only to find it was no good for him as his plot has been overworked so much the rotavator just sank into his soil so one of our other buddies told him to come along with him to see us, needless to say all the 'boys' had a play with it and the blue boy joined our crew!

    I have to admit I was feeling a little down I mean what was there for me to do if I couldn't dig anymore?:( Amazingly I found that I could manage the machine with ease so now it's a fight between who gets the job of using Master Briggs-Stratton!:D
  11. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Really pleased for you Hel. 02

  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all.

    What you think there is to do down on the allotment today?:cnfs:

    How about 2 tons of well rotted manure to move and another ton or so of fresh stuff and with the promise of snow we had better move fast!:flag:

    Any volunteers are very welcome.

    Payment for your hard work is as follows; a hot drink choice of beverage Hot Chocolate,Borvil, Tea, Cappuccino, Normal Coffeee, Chicken and Leek soup, Vegatable Soup (just because it's an allotment doesn't mean you have to slum it! A chocolate biscuit sorry no choice here only got Break Aways at the moment, complete with a good old natter after the work is done of course!:hehe:
  13. Antonio

    Antonio Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 24, 2008
    Ooooh dear Helen just count me innnnn:gnthb:
  14. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    :gnthb:OOOH AAAAHHHH dear Helen me too:gnthb:
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Sorry Tony & Phil you guys just missed out as we managed to move the whole lot in one and a half hours so the kettle didn't get put on!:doh:

    The snow was falling at the time be it only little polystyrene balls and we really went for it, Bob started on one side and me on the other by the time I was through my pile Bob had only made a little dent in his so I finished his off too.

    There were a couple of guys down on the plots doing the same as us but they had a head start on us and were fitter than either of us, by the time we were finished they had only made a little dent in their piles.

    When we went yesterday to get some leeks their piles were still there and very much large piles too....when I say piles I don't mean the ones attached to ones bum!

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