I'm rich. I won £14.30 on the Euro lottery last night and I won £10 on our lottery last week...I'm quids in...and there is still tonight's as well. So the drinks are on me...come early cause I don't think the money will buy too many beers or wine.:thumb::D
Well done Tweaky,though you had better not let Mrs Tweaky know or else she will drag you off to the shops to spend it:thumb::D
Virtual glass of Sherry it is Slinky, would you like a cherry in it!! Oop's Kandy, your advice came too late...I did tell her...and she's just gone shopping with her PA...think it's going to cost me a trifle more than the winnings:D
Serves you right,no point stashing it in the bank,you can't take it with you,well some will try to take it with them:rolleyes::D
Missed out on my virtual port & lemon then tweaky:( Bet you're the only bloke who can say you won the euro lottery & his wife came home with a rabbit:D All the men are breathing a sigh of relief here. so come on, have you got a friend for you first one? Be honest - would we have heard from you if you had won ' a bit more ' :rolleyes::D Congrats. Every little helps. cheers
Perhaps third time lucky Tweaks............................. £4,000,000 be OK...................MATE.
borrowers Only the two flamin guinea pigs mate...I'm having nothing to do with it...I'm just awaiting a call from the animal sanctuary for my Welsh Border Collie pup. Mind you, I did find this. So they won't be a total waste.
Don't you dare let go of your collie:(. I don' t know what thread to look at now you have 2 bunnies. Will have take time tomorrow. Hope your rabbits are doing well Where are you posting pics? cheers
Nooooooooooooo One Rabbit and two Guinea pigs. Not posted any pics yet. But when I do I shall stick them on the Pets thread yea.