My friend who lives in CT, USA has these 2 plants and flowers in her garden but doesnt know what they are! what are they? i think the purple flower is a Viola of some sort.
Well the first is a violet, perhaps Viola odorata? The second is a Chaenomeles, I think, either c. japonica or c. speciosa. Also called Japanese Quince, I think,not very good at english names of plants, more at home with latin! ;-)
can anyone tell me what these plants are please. They were growing for fun in the garden of our B&B in Irland. cheers.:thumb: 02
Thanks Walnut, Ive brought some seed back with me thought I'd give them a try. Has anyone else tried them? 02
Well you cant really go wrong with them 02 i bought a live plant on eBay 3 years ago and now there like weds all over the garden should be lovely next year when they flower (biennial)
Walnut - I don't think they would survive the winter outside in Yorkshire. Could you grow it in a pot the first year, which could be overwintered under glass, or would it be too big? Kalmia - that's intriguing, I presume it has self seeded. Where are you, what is your winter like?
Our landlady at the B&B said they seed all over the place. I noticed they took seed better in nooks and cranies. It seems to me they like to have their roots cool and damp but thrive in full sun. Am I right ? 02
Hi Peter and To2 I am growing some in pots at the moment I will keep them in the g/house over winter I don't think they will get too big in their first year.
I've grown a few over the years and the hardiness seems to vary. Some plants can be killed by frost ,next to others that survive OK. I agree with the nooks and crannies thing, they really do seem to grow better and survive better if they are struggling just a bit.