Something nasty on our plot!

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    After our weekend away here's what Bob and I found 'growing' on our small veg plot

    We have done all we can to stop next door throwing stuff over our hedge Bob even has extended the 5ft hedge another foot or so with pea netting to catch the items thrown over. Bob's had a few near misses with the items thrown over such as bottles, stones, branches you name it we have had it all but this last thing has really peed us off.
    I went crazy when I saw it and unlucky for the neighbour she was outside her back when I found the said item I was really angry and I'm afraid I called her a dirty cow thankfully it wasn't a 'full' nappy but who would do such a disgusting thing as that?

    Anyway her 'new' boyfriend came round and demanded the nappy back but I told him no way I'm taking it to the council and they can sort her and her daughter (hopefully) as she is a council tenant and in fact gets everything paid for her.

    I had to forcefully push the guy down our garden path as he wouldn't leave but my goodness you should have seen him run when Bob came thundering around the side garden like a mad man I'ave never seen a bloke (or Bob for that matter) move so quickly needless to say the 'boyfriend' must have left skid marks all the way back to his girlfriend's house but I'm not sure if they were made just by his feet!:D

    I can laugh about it now but it's still a very disgusting thing to found in your garden the said neighbour has been nothing but trouble since she thought it would be 'fun' to spray all our hedges, gates and front door with silly spray last year, she's a nightmare to live next too I'm just really thankfully that the rest of our neighbours are wonderful.

    Anyway enough of my rant do you think I should give up on the idea of the veggie plot now after all nappies and food don't mix well do they?
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    You are unlucky to live next door to such thoughtless idiots, I just don't understand why people behave like that. I think you are doing the right thing though, contact the council and tell them what they have done, you could pay them a visit in person with your evidence in a see through plastic bag, perhaps if you waved it in front of a few officials noses it might get them to do something (or at least make you feel better). Oh and mention "Health & Safety" a lot that seems to grab their attention and might get them to move your unwelcome neighbour.

    As regards your veggie plot, is there any scope for moving it as far away from that neighbours side as possible?
  3. Sar

    Sar Gardener

    Sep 25, 2007
    Hel, they sound like a nightmare :( Hopefully you can find a safe place for your veggies
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanks for that John I will be taking the bag to show them that's for sure.:thumb:

    As for moving the veg plot it really is a very tiny spare piece of ground and just a tester to see if we are capable of growing our own veg. If we did well we were thinking of taking on an allotment obviously if the throwing keeps on happening we might have to give up the idea of growing the veg in the ground altogether and maybe give it a go at pot grown veg
  5. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    That's horrible! I really hope you can get it sorted out.
    I seem to have an ongoing battle with my neighbours on all 3 sides, sadly it means that often we come home to find our plants smashed outside, stuff stolen from the garden and on halloween the kids pumpkins always end up outside on the path smashed up. It only really started happening since we got in a fight with the third neighbours. Maybe people don't like us! :)
  6. BekiMac

    BekiMac Gardener

    Apr 3, 2007
    Helen, that really is disgusting. I know what it's like having bad neighbours. We live on a council estate and everybody's on top of each other. My heart goes out to you, it really does. And I wish you all the luck in the world when you goto coucil armed with the evidence. Let us know how you get on.
    Regards, Beki
  7. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    Dont give up hel!!! You shouldn't have to put up with anti-social behaviour like this, and I hope it is dealt with swiftly, and to your satisfaction. However, don't let them stop you doing what you want in your own garden, build a netted cage if you have to!
  8. Bashy

    Bashy Gardener

    Mar 4, 2008
    I honestly don't know what's wrong with people nowadays. There just seem's to be scum everywhere.
    Good luck with trying to get these people what they deserve. As long as they are not relocated near me ;-)
  9. goosegog5555

    goosegog5555 Gardener

    May 23, 2008
    I am just wondering if you may have a case of harassment? Please believe me , I am a council tenant and the new Hand Book speaks very harshly about ' annoying' , causing un necessary stress to your neighbours. The council can act . Plus , I checked in my Hand Book about ' messy Gardens . You could actually take a photo in to show them. I suspect it could be called a ' health hazard ? Best of luck to you . The Council in Surrey are very hot on the heals of any tenants that break the rules
  10. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Helen, that is disgusting. I don't know how you put up with neighbours like that. Like you say, your other neighbours are OK so it's just the one. I would keep taking photo's of everything & I hope the council takes notice!

    I remember your tales about Halloween.

    I have to say if I was the 'boyfriend' I would have run from you let alone Bob:). They are stupid to behave like that, but then that's probably exactly what they are - stupid.

    Let us know what happens with the council Helen.

  11. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    I know what I would do, but it ain't legal, so I can't say it on a public forum.:mad:
  12. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Id have gone around and thumped the dirty W***** of a bloke. I think you and Bob were restrained
  13. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    In all these cases the problem people have nothing to lose, they live in crap and surround themselves with crap.
    The rest of us have lots to lose, you cant get back at them any way you try.

    Pros idea is a good one but you then end up in court.

    I think your taking the right approach for now, try to get some friends in "high" places, you could try your local councillor. I know they tend to only listen when its voting time, but you may have a goodun.
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanks guys for your support as Sandra (Borrowers) said all was fine until Halloween when in between going to the doctors and coming back home to finish decorating the house to welcome all the little'uns trick and treating I came home to find next door have sprayed all along our massive hedge, drive gates, garden gate AND our front door with silly spray as some of you may know that stuff is not the easiest thing to remove!

    But believe or not 'she' even came back to get some 'treats' I asked her if she did the damage and couldn't believe it when she said yes with a big silly grin.... to say I went nuclear on her is an understatement and since then I have had nothing to do with her.

    Anyway Pete is right unfortunately law abiding people have more to loose than the trouble makers that is NORMALLY true but I am well aware that my neighbour is on benefits and gets her rent and council tax paid for her by the state so we are going to 'hit' her when it will hurt her most of all her purse after all I'm sure she hasn't told the benefits agency that her boyfriend is living with her....I know it's a nasty thing to do but she has left us with no other options but to fight dirty just like that nappy!

    Also Pete I don't want to name names but we do have friends in high places and they just happen to be on our local council seats so just maybe there is a chance we can get something done. Here's hoping
  15. gingernutsman

    gingernutsman Gardener

    Apr 26, 2008
    Go Girl. Do your utmost 'cos people like them are just rotten to the core. They don't care about anything but themselves.

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