As some of you may or may not Know, our son is in Bolivia working in a Orphanage/ Rehab centre for his year out at uni to improve his Spanish. The one thing we thought he had avoided, as it is common there is mugging. Unfortunately he and a (Bolivian)girl friend were robbed at knife point yesterday taking his phone and their money. Fortunately he left with those and didn't do anything nasty, they were lucky but has left them both in shock knowing what might have happened. he leaves Bolivia on Monday for a trip to Brazil for two weeks and then home, hope that part is uneventful as he will be out of contact and Rio is not the safest of places.
how awful strongy,so glad they are both safe and well what a terrible thing to happen,I remember when he went away, hope he gets back to you all quickly and put your mind at rest. we will all be thinking of him,best wishes for you all Kathy
Hope everthing goes ok for him in Brazil Strongy bet you will be glad when he is home safe and well pity he didn't have gun to shoot the illegitimate child.
Sorry to hear about that strongy but am glad to hear that both your son and his friend are OK. That is sad that he will be taking away a bad memory of his time in Bolivia - even if it is a reality. No point in saying 'don't worry' about your son when he is in Brazil - but I really hope the time goes quickly for you, and that he has brilliant experiences to tell you about on his return!
It doesn't matter where you go today near or far , even the corner shop and you seem to be at risk. Very sad.
Oh Strongy, I'm so sorry to hear about your son and his friend. You must be worried sick. I do feel for you. I hope your son manages to enjoy his trip to Brazil, stays safe and comes home with more good memories than bad. cheers
Hello strongylodon, I am glad that your son and his girlfriend got away unharmed, although unfortunately tourists are seen as an easy target for robbery. About Brazil, I was watching last night (very late, I think it was about 2 oclock) a short but very well made film, about the reality in a poor village of Brazil (not favelas, but just a step above from that). You could see that there was a bit like a mafia organisation and a boss whose home was protected by some youngsters with a gun in their hand all the time, and this boss was a bit like in charge for the area, listening to the complaints of the inhabitants and having to intervene everytime there was a shotgun, to protect his area, no matter the time of the day or what he was busy with. I think that it depends very much where you find yourself in Brazil, how safe you will be. Poor areas can be really dangerous for anybody, also those who live in them. You can be shot by error by the police, for instance, or be caught in the middle of a fight... Nevertheless i think that brazil is a wonderful country and definitely the first place where I would choose to go for a far away holiday. Brazilians are very cheerful people and easily pleased...
...Makes my blood boil hearing that strongy!!! Thieving scum Hope they can put it behind them anyway and enjoy the rest of the experience. Sounds like your boy is a great guy doing that kind of work:thumb: My girl's fiancee Del,was walking home in Maidstone one night and was held up at knife point. The Police were called and finding the mugger in a bad way asked Del what he had hit him with. Del held up his right hand and said 'Only this,I was holding my chips in the other':D:D He was given a lift home and a Thank you letter was sent to his Regiment! My girl only picks the best
Good on him Pal, my son like me is short and lightly built and wouldn't argue. The police were involved, went back to where it happened but naturally he had scarpered, they had given a description and the police said they thought they knew who it was and had been arrested before, so they let them go out there too! At least for the last two weeks he will have a couple of people with him. They are going to the Iguacu falls for a few days making me green with envy.
Cant be too carefull abroad, glad they are ok. Not sure what id do in a similar situation, probably something rash!!
"Cant be too carefull abroad" True. Only timeI was ever robbed was in London, near King's Cross, (not kidding), 30 bleeding pounds!! And that is definitely abroad. I really hope all is fine from now on. As somebody already said it is a pity hehad to bring back abad memory from his time abroad :-(
Thanks folks, I'm sure he will have a lot of good memories, so much that we have a feeling he wants to go out there again but he has his finals year to do first.
made me chuckle Pal, i always advocate the minimum force rule......pulling a trigger only requires a few pounds of pressure and they wouldn't do it again