I am going to put a new Hard-Drive in my PC ,I am going to start tomorrow as today I am Artexing and Melting.:D
I'm with Daisees - what the heck!!! Don't show me, I have enough to worry about switching it on. Don't want to see insides:eek: When you are all sorted you will be our teacher - yes? Then you can tell us what's right & what's wrong.:D Oh you've got trouble coming!:rolleyes: cheers
Lol...................The hard drive borrowers is what looks like a large slab of metal in the right hand corner of Woos pic.
brave move WOO, I contemplated doing the same a few weeks ago but decided that a plug and play external hard drive looked much easier. guess what, it was! It also means I can move files between the pc and laptop quite easily. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone,I have installed new Hard drive,put in the Recovery Disk,and have downloaded 84 drivers up to now still some more to do,I have just popped on this old Laptop to cast my vote in the Photo Comp(some of these Typing Keys have given up :D) Strongy The Artex was meant for the ceiling but got most of it on me:D.
Your definately getting there woo and this time try not to artex it otherwise you will be back to square one,and can we have a photo of an artexed woo as I have never seen one of them before[its a messy job isnt it].
ROFL Paladin How far is it from Kent to Land's End? Maybe WOO is taking the scenic route especially if he's got 84 drivers to help him :D
Thank you all,I have in my infinite wisdom decided to ignore all your cheap jibes :D as I feel quite proud of what I have achieved with both the Artexing and the PC:thumb::D Covered IN glory and Artex:D
Well done Woo,alot of people are scared to death of the inside of a p.c when really its quite simple.You have done yourself proud and saved yourself a bit of money at the same time:thumb: