How much topsoil

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by jakleb, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. jakleb

    jakleb Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 21, 2009
    Hi all, i am currently preparing my garden to lay a new lawn, but i have had to give it a good dig over as it was like a WW1 battle field, trenches and mounds everywhere. it is also full of rocks and bricks.

    so i am thinking it needs a layer of good topsoil, the garden is 120sqm, how many tonne of topsoil should i order? and any other tips would be greatly appreciated....thanks

    also thinking i might need a roller would this be a good purchase? 0)
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    It depends how deep a layer you want. For every cubic metre of topsoil you buy it will give you about 8mm depth approx spread over 120 sq m. A cubic metre is about 0.7 tonne depending on the type of topsoil and water content and gets delivered in a big builders bag. It's going to be expensive I think to cover that area with say 4 inches (100mm) - you would need about 13 cubic metres. If you have good access it would be cheaper to buy 2 lorry loads and dump it loose. It depends on your budget but I would recommend trying to level the soil you have and remove most of the bigger bits of rubble.

    What depth of soil have you already?

    You will need to compact it well, a roller would be good, maybe you could hire one or a cheaper method is to tread it down using your heels. It's a bit time consuming and means walking on your heels over every bit of ground then filling any depressions then compacting again. It does work provided you have only disturbed the top layer of soil. After compacting use a rake to create a nice seed bed if you intend to sow it yourself. It will need plenty of watering especially on sunny days.
  3. jakleb

    jakleb Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 21, 2009
    Thanks JWK, there is a decent soil depth already and i have removed most of the rubble and bricks. am just looking to to fill in the depressions and then just put a layer of good soil to lay the lawn on. the current soil is very dry in parts and looks like theres no goodness in it at all.
    So from your estimation i would need about 9 tonne to lay a 100mm bed over 120sqm? think i might just get a roller to, any good recommendations on websites to buy gardening equipment, i think the chepest i have seen one for is £54.99

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