Madeleine McCann..left alone

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, May 3, 2008.

  1. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    Madeleine McCann..dont want to start a debate on right and wrongs as i could not imagine what they are going through..but i was sure that in time the parents would have been charge for leaving a child it not a crime to leave children alone :confused:
  2. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Not when you are both middle class Doctors , it would seem.
  3. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi intermiplants

    i have to agree it is against the law and also im quite angry that they hav'nt been charged for neglect,

    i have no sympathy for the parents at all that little girl has gone through what she has gone through because they were selfish my sympathy is with madeleine,

    i watched a little of the documentry this week but had to turn it off as i was getting more angry finding out that the children were left alone and crying every night all week

    they were also trying to making out they are the victims with all the bad press they have had and to top it all they have refused to return to portigul to do a reconstruction ??

    i could go on all day about this but i won't !

    the only consolation is that leaving them kiddies will haunt them for the rest of there lifes
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    we have been down this road before in another post somewere, its certainly a crime inter to leave children home alone, but i guess this couple have got away with it, i dont feel sorry for them but i am very concerned to whats happened to that little girl its so sad, guess they should be feeling very lucky that those 2 twins were not taken off them. look at this kidnapping case of that 9 year old, that mother didnt get her girl back, shes still in care but i guess they are not in the same class as the mccannns.
    mind theres a lot going on in that case.
  5. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi rosa

    i do believe in the kidnapping case that the mother is been done for neglect aswell as other things !.
  6. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    I was shocked to hear from the parents the children had been crying the night before and they still left them.
    Some excuse about if they had another push chair they would not have left them.
    They had a double buggy !!!!
    Their bleeding hearts make me so angry.
    That little girl is gone because she was left alone in an unlocked apt.
    100% their fault she is gone.
    I would be ashamed to show my face let alone go on T.V moaning about getting bad press and hate mail.
    Who knows what that little girl as gone though or is still going through.
    It doesn't bare thinking about.
  7. Aesculus

    Aesculus Bureaucrat 34 (Admin)

    Apr 30, 2008
    Isle of Wight
    well unless it was them that took her it cant be 100% there fault...but they didn't exactly make it hard
  8. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Of course it was 100% their fault she went.
    If she and her brother and sister had been looked after and watched as little children should be and not left in an unlocked apartment night after night she wouldn't have been taken.
    They knew she had been waking up crying and they still left them.
    She was their responsability and they failed her 100%
    If someone had broken into the apartment while they all 5 of them were sleeping and took her that would be different.
    I think they are very lucky not have been charged with neglect.
    The more I see of them bleating on makes my blood boil.
    Maybe I feel so strongly about this because I have 3 Grandchildren the same ages as these 3 children.
    They are the most precious thing in the world to us.
    I cannot understand how anyone could leave them.
  9. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Agree utterly with lyn, Also I find it seriusly concering that having just lost madeline they were happy to leave the twins in england whilst they visited the pope etc. Not the typical reaction of normal parents who, you would have thought would have not wanted to let thier remaining children out of thier sight.

    I simply dont buy the fact the room door was left open, somethings seriusly not right here. I dont think that they had a part in madelines disaperance but I do suspect that she and the twins had been sedated with calpol. I also question why there was a delay before they contacted the police.

    One things for certain, Due to incompetence of the portugese police and at the least negligence on behalf of the parents we are unlikely to ever know what happened and tragicilly it is almost certain that madeline is dead.
  10. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    It might be a crime to leave chidren alone in this country, but they weren`t in this country. They were in Portugal, where it looks as if it`s not a crime. Having said that, I agree, it was completely and utterly unforgivable for them to leave 3 babies alone.
  11. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    I agree lyn they are 100% to blame and i myself have a 3 yr old and don't even hang the washing out without him coming with me or unless his dads with him.

    and they left two 18 month old children alone as well they ar'nt fit to own a hampster let alone children (my opinion on how i am with my own)

    in my eyes they are to blame for maddie missing weather they did it themselves or not i don't think they are innocent i think she was drugged and i don't think she was taken ( vital evidence on the so called abductor was given 5 months later) and if she was taken was it set up ?? leaving the door unlocked i bet they did'nt leave it unlocked when they were alsleep at night !

    plus when i have been on holiday the doors always are locked on the outside but not on the inside unless you flick the catch and even if they had of locked the doors any of thoses kiddies could of opened it and wondered off !!

    i know that they will proberly never find maddie but i wish that the truth would come out what really happened that night what kind of parents refuse to do a reconstruction to jog peoples memorys ?

    frightened maybe someone will remember something they should'nt ?

    they are just happy sitting back recieving peoples money to try find her instead of helping as much as they can.

    and all that campaigning to get tht alert thing going would'nt of helped maddie as they were to busy enjoying themsleves to check on her more than twice in 3 hours.

    they make my blood boil !
  12. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Sorry, didn't want to but have to speak here, yet again as I did on the other thread. This happened 40 minutes away from me.

    Pro, the Portuguese police are NOT incompetent, believe me. They were not informed immediately of the problem and then they were "criticised" for not searching the immediate "lofts/attics" of properties nearby. One, we DO NOT have lofts/attics in the Algarve .... it is a rarity .... and we ourselves had one created last year (we have 17 foot ceilings because of the heat) and two, this DOES NOT occur here on a regular basis ... in fact, this is a one-off!

    David, it IS A CRIME to leave children alone here also ... the McCann's were rich foreigners here who did what they pleased .... LEAVE THEIR SMALL CHILDREN ALONE AND CRYING IN AN UNLOCKED APARTMENT WHILST THEY WENT OUT DRINKING.

    I actually know the complex where this happened as a friend of mine stayed there and we visited in the early 90s.

    In case it is not common knowledge there, a Portuguese man (of some wealth) is paying for divers to go down every day in one of the lakes near us (we have seen them) as they THINK she may be there and has been since a day or two after the abduction.

    We feel very strongly about this and in our opinion the McCanns are 110% to blame ... don't blame those who are after the fact investigators , ie, the Police. We are not like England ... by the time it was discovered that Madeleine was missing she could have been in another region here (Alentejo is 20 minutes away) or even Spain .... just a straight shot at perhaps two hours .... there are no borders any more in mainland Europe and no passports or identity is required to pass from country to country .

    I've said my piece .... again. End.

    Put the blame where it belongs .... with the parents.

  13. Slinky

    Slinky Gardener

    Apr 20, 2008
    That IS what forums is all about, If you would like to here my opinion please
  14. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Thanks lol for corecting me. I was not a user of the forum when it happened so did not have the benefit of your local knowledge.

    I can now blame the macanes completly. Glad to hear confimation of the delay in reporting the crime, its difficult to seperate the facts from the fiction.

    as for the press coveradge of the mcannes, lets not forget THEY instgated it by launching a very public campaighn.
  15. Diziblonde

    Diziblonde Gardener

    May 6, 2007
    As has been said I can't believe they would leave their children in their house here on the their own whilst they went out for a meal with friends so why do it on holiday!? If you are a parent, you are a parent. End of story, you are not at liberty to go out for a meal when you feel like and leave the kids at home alone. Why not employ a babysitter? Take the kids with them? Eat earlier and stay at the appartment? Take all the kids to one appartment and eat together there?

    I can't imagine ever even thinking of doing that to a child of mine, I wouldn't be able to eat for worrying about them. Unbelievable!

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