Madeleine McCann..left alone

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, May 3, 2008.

  1. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    A young women was saying the other day in the supermarket.
    Everyone leaves their kids when they are holiday.
    You put them in bed and go for a drink.
    I was horrified.
    I said to her
    Would you leave your purse full of your holiday money on the bed and go out and leave the door unlocked.
    She looked at me as if I was mad. No of course not ,it would get nicked she said.
  2. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    thanks for the info lady of leisure i did'nt know they were searching lakes !

    and lyn its people like that annoy the hell out of me the thing that makes me laugh is if you want a pet from the dogs home or breeder you have to be questioned and checked out first and on a few occasions

    but if you want children well ! bang as many out as you can

    i went to my sister-in-laws house in february when i came out about 10.30pm there were a family of asian children playing outside the youngest been at the most 3 yrs old i gasped i told him to go home as it was late he did'nt have a clue what i was on about and when i drove off he threw a brick at my car

    i think they should bring in something that you can have as many children as you like but after 2 there will be no more help from the goverment child allowance ect

    as its an incentive to just keep breeding at the moment but they don't care about the children !

    i was also standing behind the mother of the 3 yr old in the postoffice and had to bite my tongue in asking why she allows her 3 yr old out to play when its freezing cold and more to the point at half ten at night ,

    but noticed she did'nt speak a word of english and then she promptly collect over £500 in child allowance !!!!

    i heard the other day that they are trying to lift a ban off 3 people who have information but are not allowed to be questioned i bet the priest is one of them !

    theres so many things to this case that don't add up for me
  3. loopyloo

    loopyloo Apprentice Gardener

    May 4, 2008
    I have said this since little Maddie went missing and I will continue to say,they are GUILTY OF NEGLECT and should be brought to book for this Crime.:mad:
    I cannot understand why they needed a buggy..if the kids had a chance of babysitters on the site,were they too skint to pay up..?They could afford to drink with friends..couldn't be that skint. If the kiddies got tired, they would be ratty the next day...!What..couldn't they cope with whinging that case they shouldn't have had any..selfish and irresponsible idiots..all this for a few Tapas and booze.They make me so mad...I think they should be charged with NEGLECT and the other two ..where are they in amongst all this mess?
    The Mcanns swan around doing publicity and who's paying for that...they want shooting...upperclass Fools.
  4. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    I said I would never discuss this again,I had company in the other night,and the woman friend had total sympathy for them two,well I lost the place and nearly came to tossing her out of my home,the two of them are as guilty as sin,I honestly dont believe it ends with them just leaving the kids on their own.
    Something happened in that flat,and she knows it :mad: .If it were me I would be begging for a LIE DETECTOR TEST to prove my innocence, why has that never been mentioned???:confused:.the programme the other night was truly a farce,sitting down playing with the kids ha, do they look the type? I THINK NOT.I dont think they even like each other.
  5. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
  6. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Thanks for that link LoL- I shall keep it for future reference.

    You would think with all this in the media about Maddie that parents
    would be extra careful of their children wouldn't you? Well seems not.
    Yesterday we parked up and Jack sat in the car whilst I went in the shop.
    As we did so a young Mum with two children, probably 2 and 3 years old,
    in the back of the car also parked. She left the window open a bit and did
    not lock the car and off she went into the shop. She was gone a good
    10 minutes - quite long enough for somebody to abduct them.

    Unbelievable in the light of all the McCann coverage.

  7. Alison1942

    Alison1942 Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 26, 2008
    Some parents are so irresponsible and they get away with it.
    The children are the ones that suffer when things go wrong.

    The McCanns are guilty of neglect at least.:mad:

  8. Willo

    Willo Gardener

    Sep 22, 2007
    I too think it's a disgrace that the McCann's have not been charged with neglect, though under our law neglect is defined as the persistent failure to ensure that a child’s basic physical and or emotional needs are being met which may result in the serious impairment of the child’s physical and emotional health and development (DfES, 2006). So it may have been decided that the 'one off' incident is not one which is 'persistent' therefore doesn't constitute neglect :-s With that said it's the Portuguese Police that would be the ones charging them, or not, with neglect and their definition of neglect may be different to ours.

    There is another case in the news at the moment regarding Brits getting so drunk they are unconcious when supposedly being in charge of children, and those children are now in the care of the Portuguese Social Services;

    A sad state of affairs :(
  9. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Hmm! While not excusing anyones behaviour in leaving their children without adequate care. Shouldn't our anger be directed at the people who do the "snatching", rather than the parents. On a less important note. Do we blame the owners of cars who get their radios nicked because they've left the car unlocked, or do we blame the people who nicked it? :confused:
  10. eleagnus7

    eleagnus7 Gardener

    May 31, 2006
    I am a mother with an adult son. I brought him up alone. I only went out if he came with me. If that was not possible I stayed with him.

    Now I have a little dog who is very friendly and attracts all sorts of people because she has a smiley little face and greets everyone with great glee. I wouldn't dream of leaving her alone - where I go she goes or my son has her with him. You can guess what I would say about people who leave children in an unlocked flat !!
  11. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands

    I think thats called passing the buck.
    Or , do something wrong and blame someone else with the consequences.
    I wouldn't compare a car radio to a child.:eek:

    You neglect a child and you are 100% to blame.
  12. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006

    yes Lyn i do agree your child shod come first at all times
  13. Beefy

    Beefy Gardener

    Feb 14, 2006
    I am afraid that I don't have a lot of sympathy for the McCanns. We have two kids at home 3 +7 and they are always with us or in the care of someone we know and trust.We have been out for meals/parties with our extended family and come 7.30 - 8.00 pm we make our appologies get up and take the kids home and get them to bed . If a babysitter can be found both of us will go back. If not one of us wiil always be with the kids . To leave 3 kids alone in an unlocked apartment to me is just uncomprehensible and as others have said I think the parents are guilty of neglect.
  14. Beefy

    Beefy Gardener

    Feb 14, 2006
    If a parent or babysitter had been there it would not have happened.
    I will not say here what I would do to the preson who abducted the child , they were given the oppurtunity to commit the crime because no responsible adult was there to intervene.
  15. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Yeah, I accept all the critisisms, I expected them after a post like that! Someone much cleverer than me said " the price of parenthood is eternal vigilance" we all know that to be a fact. But, given all the surveillance techniques that are available, why can't we find the peple who are committing these acts? Lynn, all I was saying is that we're blaming the parents but if the perpretrators weren't on the planet the problem wouldn't arise. Not excusing the parents but it was the "snatchers" who carried out the offence.

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