Madeleine McCann..left alone

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, May 3, 2008.

  1. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    To carry on from that ( sorry about that, my g-daughter was mithering in her sleep). aren't we in a situation where we're blaming the victims rather than the villains. Bit like how the schools deal with bullying?
    Or is this just a place "to rant?"
  2. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    maybe if the parents had taken a responcability in caring properly for the children

    villians would'nt have the Opertunity in most cases

    the parents are not the victims here the little girl is they have no excuse for what they did apart from been very selfish

    their actions bought on their daughter been taken had they have been proper parents that little girl would of been with them that night and at home now safe and sound,

    you can't account for other peoples actions i.e the kidnapper but you can do your upmost to prevent things from happening as a mother of a 3 yr old myself

    i never leave him locked up so i can go the pub

    i never leave him in the paddling pool alone

    i could go on!

    i never let him out of my sight because of the deranged people that we have to live with and in answer to a question on here if i had left my car open and had my radio taken yes its my fault and i am to blame for not taking into account that some muppet will take it.

    now i have had my rant im off to the greenhouse section !
  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    dont think i will be happy till i see them charged,, harsh but true:thumb: yes i know the child has not been found....but honestly how could they be so stupid...yes it looks like the police wont charge them and it stinks:eek:;)
  4. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    It's a place to rant!!
  5. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    Cajary, I'm with you. Who is the parent who has never made a mistake, albeit one with such a tragic outcome? This family will never recover and will have to deal with the aftermath of their very stupid actions. Can we as a society really not blame the perpetrators of this awful crime?
  6. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Hi, anthea. This argument reminds me of the one that we used to have about girls going out for the night dressed "provocitavely". I've got 3 daughters and that's just the way they dress. Not struck on it but they would be safe it it wasn't for the predators hanging around.
    So easy to blame the victims rather than the criminals. I'd hate to have to live with the conscience that the parents must have.
  7. Dover Dave

    Dover Dave Gardener

    May 13, 2008
    I also think they should be prosecuted, the 'McCann Roadshow' should stop.
    I would and never have left my children whilst on holiday or at home....Family Holidays mean the whole family in my house:mad::mad::mad:
  8. dandilion

    dandilion Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2008
    i cant imagin going on holiday and leaving my children alone whilst i went on a jolly little trip to the pub with my friends..i have two children aged 18months and 7years and i would never ever dream of leaving them alone eitherf home or away.personally when i am on holiday with my family it is exactly that a holiday for all of us,if us adults eat out then the children come to,otherwise we eat on the balcony and enjoy the company of each other when our children sleep.
    i think if the mccanns had been working class people they would have been prosecuted straight away,but unfourtuanatly money talks as does status.
    kate mccan was a practising doctor at the local town surgery to where i live,and in light of the neglect she has shown her own children i would travel a hundred miles before i trusted her with the healthcare of my children.
    i think they should be prosecuted,maybe they are the victims of something horendous but the old old story is prevention is always better than cure.
    we all know these predetory creatures are out there and that is good enough reason to me to make sure my children are absolutly safe,with people they know and trust at all times.
    poor little madeline,at best shes with a childless family who paid for her abduction and at worst shes dead,but then with all the preditors out there and the sick ppl in the world maybe dead isnt the worst option?
  9. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :mad: Well I agree with you all about this.. I too spoke in the other thread.. My feelings are still the same...! :mad: The parents are to blame.... No responsible loving parent goes out to enjoy themselves leaving their children or child alone, at home or holiday...!!!

    As you say money talks... It would be wonderful if Maddie was found, but I don't think she ever will be.... The other thing is, I cannot understand how the mother has not gone out of her mind by now... Other children or not........ All very strange if you ask me... They are definitely guilty of child neglect...!!!! :(

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