Enhanced .. January 2008 Photo Comp Discussion Thread...!!!

Discussion in 'Photo Competitions' started by Marley Farley, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Hi Keving,
    No I am not saying that at all.....

    [​IMG] What I am saying is.. If the EXIF data is telling us the wrong month & year for that months comp... Then there is a problem...

    [​IMG] If the EXIF data does not contain any data saying when it was taken.. Then there is no problem as the info is not there, as with allot of peoples EXIF data, it does not contain that..

    As you say this was all decided when the comps were set up.. Just that somtimes it gets forgotten .. All I want, as do the other members, is, as far as is possible, a fair competition.. [​IMG] No more. no less... [​IMG]
  2. Keving

    Keving Gardener

    May 7, 2007
    sorry, dont agree, the point of having rules on when a picture was taken surely means you must be able to prove it if required. To say IF you have EXIF data it must be correct, but if not dont worry its ok we trust you guys. By the way, in the rules it says current month not year i beleive.
  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    so make sure your camera�s date/time is set at least to the correct year:month:day)<---- keving..

    [​IMG] So can you please all check your cameras date settings please...!!!
  4. Keving

    Keving Gardener

    May 7, 2007
    sorry thats not what the mod of the section is saying, check your camera's date etc, but it it dont work dont worry, so why bother?. As said earlier i am not being a pain here, but beleive it or not by my photos what i enter i put a lot of time into and if i am not on a level playing field i cant see the point.
  5. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    I understand what your saying keving, I suppose it boils down to trusting each other..
  6. Keving

    Keving Gardener

    May 7, 2007
    sure. it should come down to trust, but judging by the number which have been changed or the thread completely removed it would appear its just not the odd one is it. Why does it matter when a picture was taken, i just think we are making it harder then it needs to be.
    If i took a stonking picture last month and it fits this months theme, whats the problem, surely we would get more entries and more competiton and more fantastic pics. But if you insist on this current month and maybe year thing you need to be able to police it.
  7. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    i have to agree with keving on this the EXIF data should be on show for every member entry if that's what your rules state....otherwise these comps are not on a level playing field.
  8. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    mf you said in one of your pm's to me that you hope i didn't feel that i had been singled out ....well i kinda feel that way now
    all the posts that have been removed or have since been adjusted were all posted way before mine yet these posts had obviously not been checked by the mods ....why?????????
  9. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    The "current month" criterion was set quite a long time ago. The sole purpose was to set a challenge to get out and take photos that fit the theme for the month, rather than sit in the house and dig out an oldie. It does make it more difficult, but that's all part of the challenge. I really like being challenged and tested to go out and create something NEW that meets the current theme - it makes me really think and look around me.
    As far as regards "making things harder than it needs to be" it seems to me to be a case of 'no pain, no gain'. I enjoy being pushed,though I recognise that others may not share this view.

    With regard to the deletion of entries - Since the start of the competitions only a very,very small proportion have been withdrawn and nearly all of these were due to new entrants not reading the rules and being swept away with a sudden burst of enthusiasm and most have submitted new photos.

    Marley-Farley has a difficult and time-consuming job moderating with great sensitivity in order to maintain a level playing field that provides many with a lot of enjoyment. (There are really not a lot of 'rules' and those that exist are pretty basic.)

    EXIF data/ No data - Well, as has been said already, it's all down to honesty and trust, and most folk are honest.

    (Edit) - Just spotted Steadyhand's post which was posted while I was writing.
    Steadyhand - Some edited submissions are due to folk like me submitting a photo and then either changing the title or finding a better photo to enter. You can chop and change at will so long as you do it before the closing date.
  10. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    i beg to differ i checked the EXIFs on the admitted posts & they were incorrect & therefore not viable for submission however these have now been re~submitted with changed EXIFs
    these posts should have been picked up by the mods in the first place
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Everyone must completly aggree with everything Dave W has said.This Comp has been going quite awhile and its Worked and it is still working
    If its not broke don,t fix It.Having to take your Photograph in the current Month is an ecellent
    Guide line or (Rule)if thats what you prefer to call it.I certainly find it most enjoyable and challenging searching for the next entry rather than just sending in a photo I took 3 months ago.
    All have a good day [​IMG]
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    I personally always pick the photo that appeals to me rather than when it was taken,that is always the deciding factor when I come to vote.

    What I don't like is people taking my photos without my permission storing them on their computer and then reading the information before sending PM's to Marley telling her about it.

    I had one of those PM's yesterday informing me that the wrong year was showing on my photos submitted a couple of weeks ago,though why it has taken until now to inform Marley only they know.

    I have driven to the spot and retook the photo's but because the conditions were not right,then those photos are not a patch on the first batch.

    I used to enjoy taking the photos and entering them in the comp,but not now.I feel like taking myself and my photos off to somewhere else,wher they will be appreciated for the art work that they are. :(

    I heard somewhere that other members last year let this site never to return because they were upset at being accused of cheating.

    I have never cheated over anything in my life and,whether it be school,work or photography,and I hate the idea that people may be thinking just that.

    The only fear I have with winning the comp is having to think up a title for the next month Comp,that for me is the hardest part.

    If I wanted to cheat,I would have entered my photos in competitions that offered more than the choosing of the title for the next month.

    I notice that each month there are less and less entries being entered anyway, now I understand why.

    Marley,this is no way intended to get at you,I know you do a fantastic job of running these comps and modderating them [​IMG]

    PS Sorry about any spelling mistake,I am still asleep,didn't get much sleep last night :(
  13. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    i only checked the EXIFs because i had been told to remove my stuff
    fyi i did not report you to mf but someone reported me
  14. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :( Oh dear, this is turning into an unnecessary shouting match.

    [​IMG] It is very simple, The competitions are of course based on the Integrity & Honesty of the entrants....
    If your photo is showing wrong information then people will question it.. If for some reason your photo does not show information then we must trust that the person has it correct.. So all I am saying is please make sure your exif info showing is correct... [​IMG] Genuine mistakes are easily made.. Nobody is accusing anyone of cheating here.......!
  15. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    well that aint working then
    the solution to this problem is no rules
    not fair that the people who display their EXIFs must be correct & those who don't we just go on trust ......not a level playing field as far as i'm concerned

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