Enhanced .. January 2008 Photo Comp Discussion Thread...!!!

Discussion in 'Photo Competitions' started by Marley Farley, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. Keving

    Keving Gardener

    May 7, 2007
    Woo, i apprechiate your remarks, but it is broken else pics would not have to be removed (for what ever reasons). But if we ALL play by the same rules, there should'nt be any problems.

    [ 22. January 2008, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: Keving ]
  2. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    but the snap you were working from for your enhanced entry 'a view' was diplaying EXIF 10.3.07.....hardly taken in the month of the comp
  3. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Nobody is accusing anybody of cheating here..!! We all make mistakes..!! Whether because we didn't read the few rules or guidelines we do have, beforehand, or because it was forgotten when the photo was taken...!!

    [​IMG] The rules are there because the members asked for them... There would not be a real challenge to go out & take a good photo and no competition if there were no rules at all for the members to go by...

    :( If I am told something is wrong by members them I must try & put the situation right.. That is all I have done in this instance....!!
    The members on the whole certainly wouldn't like it if I ignored what you told me & just left it..!!

    [​IMG] So please, let us stop wasting time here & get back to taking photos & having fun again.. As this is what the comps are about..

    [​IMG] Thank you all for your support again as well everyone &, "Good Luck" in the comps when it comes to voting time...!!!! [​IMG]
  4. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    sorry don't buy that mf
    it was 1 rule for me as newbie while the others were left to their own devices ie their EXIFs going unchecked but mine were checked for both comps.....not a level playing field 1 rule for existing members & a different 1 for me
    this for example was posted ages before my post

    but the snap you were working from for your enhanced entry 'a view' was diplaying EXIF 10.3.07.....hardly taken in the month of the comp </font>[/quote]and it went unchecked

    [ 22. January 2008, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: steadyhand ]
  5. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    SteadyHand I am going to explain this only once
    just for you as it seems hard for you to grasp.
    I took the original photo Not only in the wrong Month but also the Wrong year,I then took another photo this Month exactly the same ,because I catalogue all my photos they both ended up in the same folder,I then enhanced the earlier one instead of this months.Now that is all the explanation you are going to get.
    I am now bringing an End to the matter,Feel free to Email me anytime If you want to discuss this matter some more.Have a nice Day :D [​IMG] :D
  6. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    ive grasped the fact that things don't seem to be equal in these comps but like i said before it just seems to be certain peoples EXIFs that are checked & not others otherwise it would have been brought to your attention long before now
  7. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    just had a look back at some old posts & it appears that the EXIF were not checked back then either for the november enchanced WOO used a snap with an EXIF 29/10/07

    web page
  8. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] There is nothing personal about this at all Steadyhand...!
    I see no sense in going over old comps... Yes I may have missed something, but I do also have other things to do & NONE of are perfect....! As I have said before.. There is allot of time taken to make these comps work & keep them as fair as possible..!

    I do not see any reason to prolong this discussion further now...

    The matters of the entries have been resolved so there is nothing more to say.. Let's get back to photography...!!! [​IMG]
  9. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    but it's not fair when some are not being treated as fairly as others
    it's obvious to to me that the rules are of no importance when other members do not adhere to them
    personally i couln't care less which month the the snap was taken the new enhanced one is the only one that matters
  10. Keving

    Keving Gardener

    May 7, 2007
    another senior moment from a member who thinks its better to have the picture taken in the competition month? its all a joke.

    Marley, "back to the photography" and the what would appear constant rule breaking in a comp that members dont adhear to the rules they say they like.

    I obviously have 2 choices.
  11. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    what attracted me to this forum in the first place was that you had a photography section
    i love taking but particularly enjoy sharing my snap with others
    i have just recently acquired a garden so i thought i could endulge in both my passions with like minded people but sadly not
    i do feel that i have been singled out MF & it now appears that you're quite happy to just brush things under the carpet to 'get back to the photography' as far as i see nothing has been resolved here & i honestly don't think anything ever will
    you asked me in one of the pms you sent if i would be submiting some new snaps into the enhanced section ......well the answer to that it a definite NO
  12. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
    I'm sorry that members may feel they are being victimised, but unfortunately, we as admin or moderators do not check the exif data for every picture that is entered. one problem is that it can become a mammoth task to sift through the pictures checking the Exif data.

    The comps are meant to be fun, but unfortunately, as with any competition, that is what it is, a competition, so you find some of the people competing will take a look at different things about your pictures, you could also call it 'self policing'.

    What I would ask, is that if you do spot something that looks a little fishy, let us know, we do not bite and we want the comps to run smoothly and fairly, it's that simple. The comps are run to be fun, and no prizes are offrered apart from Christmas.

    We have tried comps with very very little rules, and it just didn't work, when the rules were slightly revised, we did ask the community what was wanted within the rules, these have been put in place, unforunately, we do have other things to do apart from sit here checking the exif of every picture entered, and yes, we do try to rely on honesty within the community, but sometimes, you can forget. So as Marley has suggested, Please check the rules occasionally to avoid putting us in the diffucult situation of telling any of you that your picture is not allowed to enter ....... It is embarrasing for us too, and this was also the reason that 1 member decided to leave, as far as I know, it was for no other reason.

    Rules have got to be in place, if you do have a suggestion for any additional rules, place a new topic within the Photo comps area, that way it will get noticed and hopefully rally support from other members.

    We are here to try and help you enjoy yourselves, and at the same time, do not want to victimise anyone, so if anyone does feel victimised, please don't.

    If anyone has any concerns, you can always contact a moderator or myself through the PM system, and we will delve further.

    As for past competitions, what can I say, i used to run the comps and probably am as guilty as anyone for not checking the EXIF's , but as I have also said, I do have a life outside of GC, which if i didn't, there wouldn't be a GC.

    I do hope you understand, and also I hope you continue to enter the photo comps and support Marley where you can, as it does take quite a bit of her time up to run things as they are.

  13. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    i am really sorry that you feel you have been victimised,i can assure you i being a novice in both photography,and computing,and have made loads of stupid mistakes,have been treated respectfully,and helped by everyone on this site,ask a question and someone will surely be quick to give you a hand to solve the problem
    why don't we all put this behind us and enjoy the competitions and the great forum that it is
  14. steadyhand

    steadyhand Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2008
    too late for that K3
    i was victimised & only that i took it upon myself to check out the EXIFs of the other entrants then no one would have been any the wiser as to how corrupt these comps really are
  15. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    now i think steadyhand
    you are throwing your dummy out of the pram
    but i am sure the competitions will still carry on just fine without your input,take care
    hope life is always smooth sailing

    Marley Farley and administrators keep up the good work Kathy [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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