I have had a very interesting sugestion put to me by a member. I was wondering what you all thought about it.. It has been suggested that we run a "Seasonal Photo Comp". i.e:- Spring - March, April, May. Summer - June, July August. Autumn - Sept,(Autumn Equinox) Oct, Nov. Winter - Dec, Jan, Feb & so on... 1. Each comp would be held over a 3 month period. So would over-lap with voting etc. As set themes not a problem. 2. Up to 5 Photos can be entered by each member. 3. A no holds barred competition, with the criterion for judging based on how well the image and title captures the "Seasonal Theme". 4. It is an open competition as regards editing.There are no limits as to whether you use enhancements or not. 5. Voting to be on a 1st, 2nd & 3rd plus runners up. The same as the other competitions. The member who suggested this, also said & I quote. I wholeheartedly agree with that too... So what do you all think..??
Sounds interesting, Marley, but my seasons and others are different ... would this make any difference do you think or no difference than now? Must say, not so keen on the no limits for enchancements. I thought this comp was for "true" photos and we have had so many beautiful ones, I find it breathtaking at times. To me, this one is "true" ... if we want to "play around" then we go into the enchanced area. Anyway, that's my thoughts.
Could be A winner Marley But like Lol My personal opinion would be no Enhancements not even a border .I am all for Photo Competitions as long as We remember that Gardeners Corner Is Primarily about Gardening.
Hi Marley Farley, I do agree quite a lot with what LoL says, as, to me, the ability to take a picture and the ability to enhance it are two different stories. If the pictures are taken in the 3monthly period stated and not pasted from old pictures -or found pictures etc- they are bound to be seasonal pictures. Whether in Portugal for example the sun is shining while over here is raining , will offer the possibility to see the difference in the effect on the flora bla bla bla i do like the chosing the theme part, the winner having to choose the theme for the following competition. that is mostly it...
Hi marley, count me in sounds like a great idea,Looking forward to it, I guess for summer woo everyone will take pics of flowers in any case. cant wait
Great idea! I agree with lol about not having enhancements. I would like to see, at some time (bit off thread I know), a comp with no holds barred though - would it be too much work to split this new comp into 2 catagories? You do such a grand job MF, dont want to put too much work on you
Hi everyone. LoL I think the different climates will add to the "Seasonality". Not detract.. This comp would run alongside the two existing comps.! It seems to me you would want this comp to run like the monthly comp where we have no enhancements, is that right? There would be no "winners choice" in this one as we have already got the themes chosen.. Maybe if it works we could split it into two in the future. "Enhanced" & "As Taken".. Have I got that right so far?? [ 07. October 2007, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]
I was typing this while you were posting Marley - My "bottom line" says it all though. I like the idea and quite apart from any ââ?¬Å?artisticââ?¬Â content/context would enjoy seeing the seasons as seen by others. ENHANCEMENT Pros - ââ?¬Â¢ It might help even things out between those who have cameras with lots of facilities and those whose cameras donââ?¬â?¢t afford a wide range of control. It would allow some participants to do off-camera what others can do in-camera. ââ?¬Â¢ Enhancement does not have to involve producing a heavily processed image that bears little resemblance to the original photograph. It could simply involve very minor tweaking of contrast or light. ââ?¬Â¢ If the competition is run on an ââ?¬Å?anything goesââ?¬Â basis with an option to submit up to five images, we would have the freedom to choose to enhance or not and simply select the images that we think best conveys the seasonal theme. Cons ââ?¬â?? ââ?¬Â¢ Not everyone has access to enhancement software (though the same could be said regarding in-camera software) WOOââ?¬â?¢s picked up on the use of borders. Personally, although I didnââ?¬â?¢t use them for quite some time, I find that simple borders help me focus on the images in competitions. I do however find the use of frames a little bit distracting. Running two competitions (enhanced and non-enhanced) is a nice idea but with competitions running over three months and with up to five entries per member, the administrative task would be significantly greater than for the current competitions. Weââ?¬â?¢ll end up having to employ Marley as a full time, paid competition admistrator! :D My bottom line ââ?¬â?? Great idea and Iââ?¬â?¢ll enjoy whatever the final decision. [ 07. October 2007, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Dave W ]
Seeing as we lost members before over the question of enhanced and non enhanced comps I think we should leave it as it is.
Nobody wants to go down that road again Strongy, :eek: that is why we are talking about it here first... We shall see what others think, I hope..
Cracking idea. I dont think the enhancement issue is a problem.At the end of the day,you need to show a pic that appeals to all. Maybe some of us dont like enhanced photos,and will therefore vote for those not manipulated etc. Anyway,whatever happens,i'm in. Joe.
Sounds good to me, as jj says, i don think the enhancement issue is a problem, just cos its "enhanced" does'nt mean it will be a better photo, [ 07. October 2007, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Keving ]
Well there are allot of people who haven't commented yet, but it is looking as though there is fair amount of interest from those who have. Come on the rest of you. What do you think??????????????????
its a great idea,although i am useless at photography,and don't have a clue about enhancement i am willing to take part,everyones taste is different,personally i would vote for what turned me on. is it 5 pictures each per quarter?,thats a lot of work for you Marley Farley,who need to count sheep,but I'm all for it