Bonsai Oak

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Yacobian, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Yacobian

    Yacobian Gardener

    Jul 8, 2010
    Hey folks, a question for people with good knowledge on bonsai here!

    I recently found an acorn in my garden that had sprouted a small tree, however the soil in that area was a very small amount. It was only about 4" deep. So the plant as a result started to grow with a very stunted look about him.

    I took the plant out of the ground because either it would die or break my patio (neither of those are acceptable!) and planted it into a bonsai pot. I then stuck the bonsai pot in another bigger tupperware box with some pebbles in the bottom and water up to the top of them.

    Its now about a week in and the plant has literally not moved an inch, its not got better or worse. Now i understand that this might not work at all, but i thought i would give it a go!

    My question is: Where is the best place to keep the plant as it is now? Is it inside or outside? direct sunlight/indirect....etc

    Any info you guys could dispense would go a long way to helping me keep this little guy alive and healthy.

    Thanks a lot

    Edit: Ive also put some mesh at the bottom of the pot so ive got the root side of things covered from what i can tell!
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    :) Hello Yacobian.

    I am been 'doing' Bonsai for about 17 years now I guess so have some knowledge ... there are several threads up here on them.

    I am curious as to why you have put the Bonsai pot in a Tupperware pot filled with water ... you could easily rot the root.

    You put mesh in the bottom of the pot to stop slugs or other such slimey critters from crawling inside through the drainage hole.

    A Bonsai is a tree and should be outside, certainly during the summer months. You don't say where you are located. If it gets cold where you are, then you should take them into a conservatory or place them on a bright windowsill. In Buckinghamshire I kept mine outside year round in a sheltered position. Obviously here I can have them outside year round but have to protect them from the fierce summer sun and water them at least twice daily at the moment. They are watered less in the wintertime.

    I hope this information is useful to you.
  4. Yacobian

    Yacobian Gardener

    Jul 8, 2010
    Ah thanks a lot!

    I read something about putting it on stones with water up to the top on a bonsai site (cant remember which one now though....) It does seem a bit like a bad idea when you put it like that.

    Im living in bristol at the moment so its nice and sunny at times, but completely horrible in the winter when it snows.

    thanks for the info, i'll keep you informed as to whether or not this little oakey pilgrim survives


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