A man with more muscles than brians went for a job as a lumberjack. He asked the foreman if there were any vacancies. "No" replied the foreman. "Please give me a job, as I have four children and a wife to feed" begged the man. The foreman, feeling sorry for the man said, "Ok, but I must have three trees felled and cut into six foot lengths in an hour" The man agreed. The foreman told the man he would be back in an hour to see if he had done what had been requested. An hour later and the foreman returned and asked, "How many trees have you done?" "One, sir" replied the man. "Well, sorry, but you know I want three an hour, so I'll have to let you go" said the foreman. The man fell to his knees and cried, "Please sir, give me one more chance" The foreman, taken back by such begging, said, "Ok, last chance, be back in an hour" An hour passed and he asked the man how many trees. "Two sir, the man replied, but I'm sure I can do three next time" The foreman still feeling sorry for the man said, "Ok, let me have a look at the chainsaw, perhaps it's faulty or something" He took the machine, pulled on the cord and it burst into life. "Christ!" cried the man, "What's that nosie?"