....is it one of those cheesey football thingies that we always used to get at Christmas when we were kiddies???
No, Non, Nope, Nup, Niet and No :D I have found a couple of web references so I know I'm not entirely alone. They are slightly confusing though so I'll leave you in suspenders untill tomorrow morning while I investigate further. All I'll say for now is, they are very common.
mmmmmm! Sort of enlightened, but not much!!!! :rolleyes: I won't tell, keep you all in suspenders! :D :D
Well, the time has come to reveal all! There is still some confusion as web searches revealed 3 hits that give a Cheesybob as .... Tarraa! A wood louse! A Woodlouse Oniscus asellus. Often called a Slater. However my definition from childhood is a bit more specific as we referred to a Pill Bug Armadillidium vulgare as a Cheesybob because they can roll up into a ball like a Gouda cheese. They need calcium carbonate for their 'shells' so tend to be found on chalk or limestone soils or in old walls. There's similar critter; Pill Millipede Glomeris marginata which can also roll into a ball I also seem to remember a children's TV character (Magic Roundabout??) that would pompously refer to itself as a Pill Bug and got quite cross if he was called a Woodlouse. Now, wasn't that all a fascinating piece of useless trivia? :D
Frogesque - the woodlouse that insisted he was a pill bug was on Creepy Crawlers I think it was called??? The song went 'Creepy Crawlers not like big and tallers', and there was a spider called Ariadne Not that I've watched it or anything :rolleyes: :D :D I've never heard of Cheesybobs before - who says GC isn't educational!!?? :D :D