Good Nurseries in Kent

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by plantman, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. plantman

    plantman Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 4, 2010
    Hello all - we moved here to Bromley at the end of April and I am trying to find decent sources for plants within in reasonable distance. I was fortunate where we lived in Cheshire because there was a small family run nursery only 3 miles away with a selction of plants that I took for granted but I now realise that such places seem to be few and far between. Perhaps I'm being unfair to the big garden centres but they seem to be more interested in their Coffee Shops and Greetings Card displays.

    For instance my Leycesteria was one of the plants I couldn't bring a pup or cutting off and it was through searching Google for a source that I came across this Forum. That of course is not the only one I want- others that I thought were pretty common like Abelia (Francis Mason) and even the weed? Valerian only seem to be able to be got from specialist Mail Order suppliers which adds carriage costs (and anyway I like to see my plants before I buy)

    Any advice or help please
  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
  3. Beachlover

    Beachlover Gardener

    Sep 6, 2009
    Try Ruxley Manor in Sidcup most likely the largest garden centre which is not too far from Bromley the postcode is DA14 5BQ if using sat nav
  4. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Ruxley Manor has loads of stock - although it isn't cheap. I would also suggest you take a ride out a bit. One of my favourite places is Wood Cottage Nursery in the village of Nettlestead. It has all kinds of things crammed into a small space - so much so that it can be a little difficult to track down a specific plant, but you can always ring or e-mail to find out if something's in stock. The prices are hard to beat. And driving through leafy Kentish villages beats being stuck in Bromley traffic any time.

    Wood Cottage Nursery
    Maidstone Road
    Nettlestead Green

    Tel 01622 813311

    e-mail: [email protected]
  5. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    PS Don't under any circumstances let your satnav take you through central Maidstone. Fate worse than death.
  6. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    My local place that I kind of like.
    Does the usual bedding in spring/ summer but has a good supply of shrubs that are perhaps not always easily available, along with hardy perennials.

    Nothing wrong with the centre of Maidstone Clare, 3 o'clock in the morning is the best time.

    M20 east, come off at the Leeds Castle exit then a couple of miles along the A20 towards Maidstone, completely miss the town.
  7. plantman

    plantman Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 4, 2010
    Thanks - the most modern technology I use is this new-fangled marks on paper. Maps I think it's called.

    Wood Cottage looks really good and well worth a visit
  8. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    If you're prepared to travel just a bit, you're spoilt for choice - and can avoid the over-priced Ruxley, which I wouldn't touch with the proverbial barge pole.

    Notcutts at Maidstone - just off Junction 7 of the M20. A fair number of plants, but not good quality and often over-priced. Pots etc., grossly overpriced and I wouldn't recommend them at all. (Oh and, as a by the way - Maidstone town centre is not the nightmare they'd have you believe - honest - I lived there for 20 years, I never got lost!! :lollol:).

    Those I would recommend, are:

    Polhill Garden Centre, Badgers Mount, Sevenoaks (TN14 7AD)
    Extensive range of good quality plants (fruit and veg). Everything you could need for your garden, pots, troughs, fencing, plant supports, trees, fruit bushes, roses, water features - plus tools, garden furniture, lighting, plant food, seeds, even clothing. The staff, (mainly young Australian and New Zealanders) are helpful and knowledgeable - if they don't know the answer they'll go off and find someone who does, or failing that the manager/owner. Huge complex with a large number of shops but, unlike Notcutts, you're not 'forced' through them. Despite it's size, Polhill is not expensive and there's usually a 'seasonal' special offer, £2.99 plants at 4 for £10 for example. Here, you'll often find things you can't get or won't see in other garden centres (especially Notcutts). Just a couple of things: (1) - when you make your first visit, remember where you left the car - if you come out of the 'wrong' exit, it's easy to stumble into the wrong car park! and (2) you cannot go to Polhill without buying something - you have been warned!!

    The next place is Coolings Garden Centre, Knockholt - not a million miles from Polhill (TN14 7NN)
    Much more expensive than Polhill, although they do have a 'show' garden you can wander round. Excellent range of plants (but as I say, expensive), although they are laid out in alphabetical order. Not so hot on gardening peripherals, tools, tubs etc., although a good place to go if you know what you want and don't mind paying for it. A good range of books, but the staff are few and far between and when we did find a couple, well, let's just say English wasn't their first language. They have two sites, the main one is easy to find, the other is a b****r, it's best to ask the staff at the first site for directions to the other.

    This wouldn't be my first choice purely on price - but that's just my opinion.

    Much less well-known, and a lot smaller, is what is known locally as 'Ash Garden Centre', part of the Woodlands Group. It's between Brands Hatch circuit and Borough Green, at Ash (surprisingly!) (TN15 7EG)
    Fairly extensive range of plants, but because of it's size, not many of each. Having said that, they sell good quality plants, have knowledgeable staff, do a good range of decorative gravel, pebbles and aggregates generally, also garden buildings - sheds, summer houses etc. as well as water features.

    If you're after roses, the place to go is Rumwood, at Langley near Maidstone (ME17 3ND). Small range of other plants but then they are rose specialists. (

    For lavender, Downderry Nursery, Hadlow, Nr. Tonbridge (TN11 9SW) (which holds the National Collection for lavender and rosemary)

    That should keep you going for a bit.
  9. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Fidgetsmum - it's not so much that you get lost in Maidstone, more that the slow, depressing crawl through the endless traffic can make even the most upbeat personality lose the will to live. :(

    I find Polhill quite pricey, but then maybe I'm a cheapskate. :) It is a cheerfully peculiar place, with sections selling horrible furniture, maiden-aunt clothing and 1001 ornaments and oojamaflips which seem to belong to a different age. :scratch:. Still, they have updated the cafe area and it is now quite nice in good weather, when you can sit outside.

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