How is all your veg doing?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by andrewh, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. andrewh

    andrewh Gardener

    May 28, 2009
    Lots of talk on various threads about good year for x, bad year for y. Be nice to have a summary of everyone's successes and failures, see if there's any trends out there!


    Spuds - average. Big spuds, but not many of them for some reason (even the earlies).

    Climbing beans - brilliant (EVERYONE should be digging bean trenches this winter - it works miracles)

    Broad beans - good

    Carrots - fantastic!

    Courgettes - rubbish

    Toms - cropping well, but not ripening

    Salad etc - is as salad does. Masses of it.

    Brassicas - good / average. Bit caterpillary despite spraying.

    Cucumbers - plants romping away but not really cropping yet.

    Rasps & Strawbs - rubbish

    Chillis - best ever. Overwintering is the way forward, people!
  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008

    Here's my score card:

    runner beans (Polestar) - excellent

    lettuce (Webbs Wonderful) - fantastic

    beetroot (Boltardy - pretty good

    carrots (Maestro F1) - excellent

    early leeks (Musselburgh) - looking a bit tatty and have been chewed by onion fly, I think

    onions (Sturon sets) - still a bit small

    main leeks (Carlton F1) - looking a bit peeky

    So, all in all, pretty good but I have to water them every evening because of the drought.
  3. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    All good apart from the onions, didn't get them in till late, in the stoniest part of the plot & the storm blew most of them over.

    Been living off french beans, spuds, spinage, salad & corgettes for past 2 weeks.

    Toms just starting to ripen, peppers & chillis have set. Sweet potato is just sitting at 4inches though.
  4. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    I should point out that all but the Runner beans are in containers :-

    Runners - brilliant
    French beans in plastic trough - excellent
    Peas in tub - not bad, no grubs and nice and clean but too few to make it worth it. Note to self, more next year.
    Courgettes in greenhouse - started off ok dwindling now, leaves pale and sickly looking although have had about 10 decent courgettes
    Tomatoes - superb, been eating them for 2/3 weeks. ( various varieties )
    Radish in troughs, ok ish, went to seed too fast
    Carrots in deep pots - wonder if it's worth it as dont get many in a pot
    Broad beans - some in pots ( dwarf ) and some in ground dotted in flower bed. Rubbish very few flowers/pods
    Herbs - all fine
    Onions - tried them in a trough, quite small
    Garlic - in a trough, planted bit late, small bulbs but they worked !
    Mangetout - planted a few in a large tub, quite successful
    Cucumber - leaves dont look that great but has cucumbers growing. One will be ready in a few days
    Chillis - in the greenhouse and 2 in a hanging basket. All have nice big chillis on especially the greenhouse plants
    Peppers - great, have eaten 3
    Spring Onions in a trough outside, prob wouldnt bother again, cant pull them up without them breaking


    Strawberries - in one of those large plastic planters, ok but very short lived
    Blueberries - nice but birds a menace, not had many ( birds have ! )
    Rhubarb - in a very large container, new plant so let it be but doing very well
    Peach bush in container - got 7 peaches, taking forever to ripen, rock hard still, one large one fell off today :mad:
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Onions - did fantastically - lifted a couple of weeks ago - posted pic on GC

    Runner beans (mainly Polestar) - superb - picked 15lb this week (I grow a lot and sell them for charity) - but absolutely smothered in blackfly and few ladybirds :(

    Rhubarb - in their second flush and picked 8lb this week so far - ladybirds but no blackfly :scratch:

    Courgettes - veg plot ones been cropping very heavily - trials of new small variety especially for pot growing going quite well (averaging 10 per plant so far - picked at 4"-5" size)

    Tomatoes - about 10 varieties with some doing better than others, have picked a few ripe ones in the last few weeks (not doing as well as last year but outside ones doing better than greenhouse)

    Marrows - excellent

    Sweetcorn - doing trials on new variety of white corn - appears to be doing very well but not sure

    Garlic - all ready for lifting

    Celery - doing well

    Blackberries - already cropping (early this year)

    All varieties of plums, apples and pears very heavily laden - last year almost no pears and few plums

    Chillies - 7 varieties - doing well. Our five year old plants not doing anywhere near as good as usual so may have reached their sell by date. Will see how they go this year and maybe next.

    Peppers and aubergines - just OK

    Brussels - OK

    Herbs - growing like mad.

    Bindweed - brilliant :hehe:
  6. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    I forgot to mention my Bindweed.... miffed now coz I bet mine's doing better than yours shiney :hehe:

    7 year old chilli plants? Do they just keep going? Interesting :scratch:
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Blueroses, I bow to your obvious expertise in bindweed growing :ntwrth:.

    Chillies are perrenial evergreen plants in their natural habitat. If you keep them above 60F (65+ is better) and give them plenty of light they will continue to grow through the winter. They will need pruning during that time if they grow well and you will get an early start in the spring. :thumb:
  8. thelittlegardeners

    thelittlegardeners Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 10, 2010
    Peas â?? OK, taste great, but not enough of them. Went with the dwarf variety so will change that next year.

    Carrots â?? deeeeeeeelish, in tubs, baby variety, taste amazing - so chuffed with those.

    Toms â?? lots of toms, just starting to ripen but the plants themselves don't look very healthy, we've been feeding them but the leaves are very yellow, bit worred about those.

    Potatoes â?? we put our earlies in a bit late â?? pulled half of them 2 weeks ago and got about 8 stupidly tiny potatoes... other half are still going. will leave them for maybe another 2 weeks. Main crop are Purple Danube I think - all looking good, nice and healthy.

    Herbs â?? thyme, rosemary, parsley, chives, garlic chives all going great. Coriander is bolting.... again. I give up with that. Basil is being devoured by caterpillars.

    Strawbs - been and gone. Massive crop compared to last year so v.pleased. Runners are just starting to take.

    Beetroot - very good. Harvested 6 or 7 last week, tasted deelish. The rest are doing great.

    Fennel â?? growing well. Some have been seriously munched by the snails but are fighting back.

    Swede â?? wow, first year growing swede. Big leaves. Caterpillars like them but again, fighting back.

    Garlic â?? one of the Elephant Garlic has flowered... others are doing OK.

    Shallots â?? looking OK, not as successful as this time last year.

    Onions â?? first time growing from seed, they're v.small... we're not expecting anything really so whatever we get is a bonus!

    Blueberries â?? looking fab! they're all mine this weekend â?? looking forward to that!
  9. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    oo, glad you said blueberries, my last task for today is to take the blueberries out of the freezer & plant them & i'd forgotten to do that. Put them in there 3 months ago to make em think it was winter.
  10. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Tomatoes: very good - the new variities (Sungold, Floridity & Minibel) I'm trying for the first time this year are a bit disappointing in taste. Gardeners delight and New Girl have been delicous and heavy cropping.

    Cucumber: Very good - way too many for us from 3 plants - lucky the 4th one dies giving room for some spinach and lettuces in the greenhouse.

    Courgettes: Only two plants this year of a variety I've never tried before; Parthenon has been exceptional - we are letting some grow large and eating as marrows.

    Carrots: Useless! - they have just sat in the ground and hardly grown -not had a single one so far.

    Onions: Sturnon is growing well, but the Red Onios are a bit small.

    Shallots: Ready now - a bit small.

    Garlic: Looks OK above ground - time will tell.

    Leeks: Looking well - waiting to be transplanted after my spuds.

    Potatoes: My first earlies in containers were very good, the other earlies (same variety Rocket) grown in the ground have been variable and now they are breaking up when cooked.

    Runner Beans: suffering from Blackfly, but we are getting enough for a few meals.

    Summer cabbage: Looking good if a bit late.

    Peas: Mangetout and main crop have both been very good - probably the best I've ever grown.

    Parsnips: Another disaster; slugs got my first batch and the second are way behind and will probably fail.

    Winter Brussel sprouts/Brocolli: Looking OK - Need taller netting as they are getting too big.

    Chillis and Peppers: Pods are developing but none ready yet.

    I'm sure I've forgotten one or two?
  11. Snowbaby

    Snowbaby Gardener

    May 9, 2010
    Broccoli: harvested my first tonight to have with roast chicken tmor. I have 6 or 7 broccoli plants all growing well!

    Green Beans: 7 plants. FAB! I've probably harvested 8+ times now each time getting enough to accompany a meal for 2 adults & a toddler. However, something has nibbled loads of the leaves and the plants appear to be dying off :(

    Courgettes: 3 plants, have harvested around 8 courgettes so far, but now they seem to be dying at the flower end before they grow much :(

    Tomatoes: My plant is absolutely laiden but all toms are still green

    Aubergines: 3 plants, they are all growing well but nothing producing as yet!
  12. Axie-Ali

    Axie-Ali Gardener

    Oct 20, 2008
    generally most of my lottie crops have been fab...I know you all listed yours seperately, but i'm wayyyy to lazy for that!!!
    mostly...runners, french beans, cougettes etc have been superb:p
    strawberries were far from good :(
    everything else, cabbages, peas etc have been fair!
    Oh...sweetcorn..................tremendous, at least 6' high and 4 corns per plant!
    blackberry roots....hmmmm (those buggers go on for miles!!!)
  13. Ciryluk

    Ciryluk Gardener

    Jul 19, 2010
    Cherry Tomatoes... I only had 1 small plant but had around 50 Tomatoes off it and now theres new flowers on it so thats done quite well.

    Mini Sweet Peppers... Lots on the plant... 1 has just turned Red I'm waiting for the others to turn now.

    Chilli Peppers... better than the Sweet Peppers and the Tomatoes loadsss on the plant and now going from green to yellow... I love chilli's even eating the super hot ones raw! :D

    Aubergine... as earlier thread I got 8 growing on 1 plant and they are now getting big... can't wait to eat them! :p

    Radishes... beginners mistake I planted them too close together and thinned them to late so they've gone to the dogs! :o

    Curly Parsley, Basil and Corriander... growing well.

    Peas... Beetroot... Carrots... Spring Onions... French and Runner Bean plants growing well but don't expect anything much from them till October.

    I sowed some Romenesco Broccoli, Purple Kohl Rabi, Cabbage (Hispi F1) and Fennel seeds about 2 weeks ago in my grow house seedlings doing well but I'm waiting till they are alot bigger before I plant them out... I've already lost 2 biggish pots of lettuce to Cabbage White caterpillars! :(
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

    I was wrong about the aubergines. I've just found three that are about 6" long. They were completely hidden by leaves.
  15. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    So far from everyone's postings it looks like most people are doing very well. There are a few variations of course, maybe the only common problem I can see this year is that potatoes have been poor.

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