Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Gogs

    Gogs Gardener

    Jul 11, 2006
    Always here for you Whiley girl,never hesitate to get in touch,please.All the love & support for you free of charge you know ,take care & keep me updated pls. XXXX
  2. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Top of the morning everyone another special day in front of us ,Lets all enjoy it and all stay safe.Christmas is almost here and 2008 is just round the corner and with it comes Spring time Its only weeks away ,I knew that would make you smile.Take care everyone,Gypsy put me down I ,ll
    take you for a walk in a minute :D [​IMG]
  3. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning Woo and everyone, is that a late night walk Woo or a very early morning one you be careful out there, Whiley take things one step at a time, I know it's easy to let your thoughts run wild and imagine all sorts of scinarios you have done the right thing to drawing your doctors attention to your problems, take it a day at a time and good luck, have a safe day everyone.
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Walnut and all.
    Little late getting up for my morning top of drugs but don't think for a moment that the 'new' drugs are working yet I had a very late night last night!

    Whiley I hope you get some comfort from us on here your 'forum family' sweetheart and know that we are all thinking of you keep strong girl. [​IMG]

    Woo I wonder if this winter we will have some snow maybe then lovely Gypsy can take you for a sleigh ride then!
  5. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Morning all. Oh dear Whiley, what a worry for you. Here for you anytime my dear. Life is hard at times but if you can talk about it all the better. We are all good listeners here and quite a few of us have had, or are dealing with illness. So don't bottle it up. [​IMG] I have my fingers crossed & sending good thoughts to you & to Darren too. Keep strong both of you... [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Helen I hope your new medication will start to work soon.. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Have agreat day everyone, whatever you are doing... [​IMG]
  6. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Good morning all

    Thank you so much for your PMs, replies and kind thoughts, i really do see you all in a very special way, i don't know what i'd do without you all.

    Bit of an odd one yesterday, while having my tests and the dreaded 'clamp' put in we might have found the source of some of the pain, though the nurse wasn't letting onto anything, but it was 'jolly unusual' for it to hurt that much apparently, and my cervix is extremely inflammed and rather large.

    At the same time, my pain is getting worse and more frequent, and a friend in the medical profession was saying not to write off pregnancy just yet, as the pain and negative results might suggest that i am, but in the Fallopian tube or somewhere equally badly located.
    I'm not jumping to conclusions just yet, but this might be what my doctor was guarding and why he was insisting i treat myself carefully until things are cleared up.

    I'm just baffled right now, i'm trying to keep my head up! Nothing keeps me down for long, especially around Christmas :D

    But i do admit, i have to keep my mind busy, or it comes up with 'whats ifs'

    Darren met me after i came out of the doctors and after he came out of work [same time] gave me a lovely big armful of beautiful tulips [some of my favourites!] and we went for a bit of retail therapy. Bought some candles, a throw, some fake Ugg boots which i've wanted for ages [​IMG] and a beret. I love hats but few suit me! I have this grey beret i adore, a knitted blue beanie with cat ears on it made by a friend, and a cowboy hat. Hehe!

    Anyway, onwards with the kitten proofing of the house, because of the pain i'm in at the moment Darrens sister is coming over to help me do some house work and kitten proofing.

    If i get time later, i have an idea for a painting which i'm going to have a bash at.
  7. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone.

    Its cool and around 0 here, but another day with no snow.
    Prayers for you Whiley.

    [ 21. December 2007, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: penny in ontario ]
  8. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    whiley, they need to hurry your diagnosis, surely!!! thinking of you Sarah [​IMG] Dee..
  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Whiley I hope your tests prove nothing too serious and that your get the right medication and soon to sort out the pain.

    Dan's g/f Gemma is sadly getting into a state again with cysts and I think she is really worried now that the doctors will say enough is enough and take everything out, we have got to stay positive about it as the reality of it all is just a little bit too scary to think about.

    On the plus side I really do think the new tablets could well be working I'm not totally pain free but its a copeable pain at less through the day and I am pleased to say I feel amazing, it's been a very long time coming and I do really hope that the effects don't wear off too soon.

    Only down side of the new added medication is that one of the side effects (at least for me) is that it gives me the most unladylike wind thankfully it comes out of the top end so I don't have to blame the dogs! :D
  10. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning Helen and all sounds like you will have a reasonably pain free christmas Helen thank goodness, it's good you have Darren and his sister(and us)to support you Whiley keep your chin up we're all rooting for you,have a safe weekend everybody.
  11. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Hi guys

    You're all so blinking fantastic with your PMs, and really do catch me just at the times i'm falling.
    Thank you all so much.

    I'm doing okay, i'm not letting it get at me this or ruin anything, just being aware and dealing with the pain.

    I'm having trouble sleeping with it, the pain like i said, i'm dealing with, but i just don't know how i'm going to tell my mum. I have to really, she'd be broken hearted if she found out i was keeping it from her.

    Thing is, along with her own problems, she has an aweful habit of conclusion jumping, and thinking the worst of things, and though she doesn't mean it at all, tends to make me feel very shameful about things i'm not shameful about at all, ie, if i say 'mum, i've got something to tell you', before i'd finished that sentence, it would be 'Oh no, you're not pregnant are you??' with a look of horror on her face. All i have to do is smile at a baby and i get reminded that she doesn't want to be a grandmother! She had me very young and with my dad, who as previously mentioned, isn't a nice character, and pregnancy and bringing up children was a horrible experience for her, so as much as bringing up a child for me and Darren would be the sunshine of our lives, she'll have a heart attack if i so much as mention i'm broody.

    And i know, that she'll focus on the fact that i might be pregnant more than the medical and painful sides of things, i know that sounds really harsh, and the thing is, my mum is the most harmless person in the world, shes a fluffy fairy most of the time, its just her personal nightmare and she can't understand other peoples opinions on it. My sister is becoming my mothers replica too, [neither have got much in the way of lives lived and both are veeerrryy cynical].

    I feel that if she gave me a chance, i could tell her everything, but if she says anything about the big 'p' word, wether it be a likelihood or not, i'll button up. Shes just so unapproachable. :(
    I need to tell her face to face, she'll respect me more for that, but its going to be christmas eve next time i see her.

    If things kick off i know i can go to Darrens familys for Christmas, but i don't want to do that, i love my mum too much. :( I don't want to ruin her Christmas either!

    I'm so confused.

    I'm very much a black sheep of the family. Actually, let me correct that, i'm one of two. My aunt Wendy is the other. Shes very much adored by the family, but similar to me, the family feel they have to take us with a pinch of salt and just put things down to 'our ways'.
    Shes the 'non christian' in the christian family so puts up Buddha heads in her garden and gets tutted at, and her partner used to be a druggie, so gets tutted at, and actually is a very fun loving, successful woman with a beautiful daughter also! Shes great fun, adores both me and Darren and we embrace each other are fellow black sheep. She and her partner have invited Darren and I over for dinner tonight, so i'll tell her this evening, she knows my mum very well, and i know she'll be able to help me structure a plan to approach my mum.

    Its so wierd, my mum is a harmless fluffy person and not frightening at all. I can deal with the toughest of men, and the bitest of animals, but my mums look of 'let down' be it justified or otherwise, just melts me.

    Sorry for the long post, just taking advantage of the offer of listeners in this chaotic time!
  12. josephine

    josephine Gardener

    Jul 19, 2006
    Morning all,have'nt been on here for a while.I took a bad fall in the garden last october and my poor old back took the worst of it.Much better now and looking forward to christmas and the new year. Hope your all well.

    Merry Christmas to everyone. [​IMG]
  13. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Hi there Josephine! Sorry to hear you've been in the wars! The things we do to ourselves over our gardens!

    Hoping you're having a good one too!
  14. josephine

    josephine Gardener

    Jul 19, 2006
    Thanks Whiley,It's gonna take me sometime catching up with all that G.C.folks have been up to. ;)
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Josephine,sorry to hear about your fall.I hope you haven't too much damage to your back.

    Please Take Care and look after yourself [​IMG] [​IMG]

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