Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning everyone:) Well we have gone past the longest day yesterday and Midsummers day is only a few more days away {June24th} so we will soon be heading for Autumn and winter.:eek: Sometimes I feel like we are already in winter the way the weather keeps changing:rolleyes:

    I have woken up with a stinking headache this morning and just hope it doesn't turn into a Migraine.We are going over to my Father In Laws for the day tomorrow so don't need a bad head:rolleyes:

    It is chucking it down here but at least the garden and the allotment will get watered and my water butt filled up so that is a good thing.:D

    Enjoy your day everyone in all that you do:thumb::)
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy, I hope your head gets better. Can't you put on your 'going out' head and leave your 'home' head to one side to get better on its own? :D

    tweaky, if your doctor is a little on the small side she may be a Doctorette.

    It only drizzled here from 5.15 until 6.05 - not enough to water the veggies and the new plantings so I shall have to get out there and do them.

    Have a great day everyone :D
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Paladin - all the best for a lovely day for your daughters most special of days, but may ALL her days of married life be special!

    Kath :)
  4. Ivory

    Ivory Gardener

    May 30, 2008
    Trying to convince my hubby to drive to some flower show,non being very successful though. I guess I will go and hoe some weeds, sniff.

  5. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning all. :)

    By the sound of things, I'll have to be sharing my sunshine as Summer seems to be starting off on the wrong foot there.

    For a change I must go to the garden center today and get something bright for my concrete pots as I want everything perfect for my friend's arrival on Monday.

    Yesterday afternoon I found Cal with his nose in the grasses border, then he jumped back and was putting his paw forward. On checking I thought he was playing with a gecko but on closer examination I saw it was a snake's head ... :eek: It was about 60-70cms long. I think it may be the remaining one of the pair that was nesting in the bread oven and has returned to find the nest .... which of course is no longer. It squiggled off onto the dining patio and under a large corner concrete pot .... I hope it squiggled off into the orchard overnight .... I haven't gone out to investigate yet but no double Cal has. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good weekend and that some sunshine finds you.
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all late on again but it's not because I'ave just got up....ya right I hear you say!:D

    Had a busy morning but having to wait for the rain to stop before we can go to the allotment, already had loads of veggies although I must confess not grown by us nor nicked from over the fence but from the lovely jolly Ray next door, my charm never fails on him and he's just a sucker for my cheeky ways bless him.

    I'm gonna sort out some plants for Ray to take home to his good lady after all one good turns deserves another and I'm sure it will get Ray some brownie points with his good lady!:thumb:

    On a sad note a neighbour that lives across the way (who just happens to be also called Helen) is having some huge problems with four young boys that live on the estate you name it this poor lady has gone through it all eggs on her windows, door and car, stones thrown just to mention a few. She has just come back from a holiday to find her garden a mess and a wall knocked down, her next door neighbour cleans up after the mess but that's not the point these kids shouldn't be doing stuff like that!

    It makes me even madder that she is a really lovely, friendly lady in her 50's who lives on her own and doesn't cause trouble for anyone, the kids in question just live over the road from her with their grandmother who refuses to do anything about her wayward grandkiddies although I'm sure she will be first in line to collect the money she gets for them from the social.

    Thankfully Helen came to Bob and I for some advice on the recomendation of another neighbour hopefully things will get sorted out for her. It's amazing how most on our lovely estate are very friendly people they make you feel as if you have been living there all your life and always willing to stop and have a chat with you, but like most places one or two rotten apples can spoil things for the good'uns.

    Rant over sorry guys someone had to have it!:D

    Wish this blooming rain would stop so we can get out!:( Hel.xxx.
  7. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Afternoon all, weather rubbish...that's the last time I believe the local weather forecast.:(

    I'm very busy watching the F1 qualifying and later I shall be extremely busy watching the footie Holland v Russia.

    Tomorrow will be very busy watching the F1 Grand Prix. gardening (weather permitting). I'm really going to be shattered tonight, heh,heh.

    Ya'all have a good day then.:thumb:
  8. Dorsetmike

    Dorsetmike Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    I need to get out and do some dead heading, roses are looking a little sad partly due to lack of said dead heading but also due to the wind over the last few days.

    The aphids are also re-establishing so need to spray as well, but the rain just washes it off as quick as you put it on!!!!!!

    Ah well if we can't take a joke we shouldn't have joined :rolleyes: ;)
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,
    It is dark and warm out tonight and the moon was a large, deep orange, disc sitting on the horizon.

    I hope you all have slept very and shall chat with you later. :)
  10. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    What do you mean Wakey Wakey, its the middle of the blinkin night....go back to bed.:rolleyes:
  11. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty

    Shiney far to late or early to be up looking at the moon I was well asleep by that time,though we didn't get to bed until 10.45pm whcih is late for us:rolleyes:

    Nothing worth watching on the telly last night and couldn't do any gardening so I sat and listened to some songs on the lap top through You Tube and then watched the film on dvd called Shall we Dance? Not really into ballroom dancing but I do like Richard Gere ..sigh and Jennifer Lopez is good as well:thumb:

    Something else I found out,I didn't realsie that Bill Medley who sings Time Of my Life with Jennifer Warne was one of the Righteous {spelling} Brothers and that they wern't actually brothers.Amazing what you can find out whilst surfing the net:)

    Well we are off to the in-laws for the day and I can predict we shall have chicken for dinner:rolleyes:

    Hope you all have a great day in all that you do:D
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Shiney, Tweaky, Walnut, Kandy and all.

    My goodness Shiney/Tweaky you guys are really late owls aren't you! Don't you need the old beauty sleep anymore?;)

    Mike we haven't been struck with any aphids as yet but I'm sure we will get 'lucky' just like you.:rolleyes:

    Not able to do anything yesterday other than catching up on my ironing although I have to plug in my MP3 player for that as it's not one of my favourite chores I can tell you but once the music is playing away I even start looking in the wardrobes to iron even more things....how crazy is that!:D

    Felt like a cornered cat yesterday not being able to get out to the alloment although I have to admit I'm really pleased we managed to cut the grass and tidy things up outside in our gardens (on Friday) as there's nothing worst than having to be shut-up and looking out of the window at a messy plot.

    Kandy chicken is always great even more so if someone else has cooked it but I know where you are coming from if it's all your in-laws cook, I mean you could start spourting feathers before too long!:D

    Raining again I think we will have to sow some veg seed indoors today as Bob is really getting into this veggie growing thingy more so as the lovely Ray (from the plot next door) just keeps passing me no end of stuff to take home it was cabbage the other day and I must admit it tasted lovely and lucky for Bob it's the one thing he is allowed to eat lots of as it has no potassium in it.

    It's pretty bad when you have an illness which restricts you on what food you can eat and not because you need to loose weight either. I mean even the smallest thing we take for granted Bob's not allowed he's pretty good and doesn't moan about it (unlike me:D) but it's just one more cross for him to bear.

    High potassium levels are quite deadly and your organs start to shut down and there's nothing the doctors can do to bring you back so to speak. Bob's levels have been high a number of times mostly around the 6 mark, when it's like this the hospital start to worry Bob's level was 6.5 the time before last.

    I'm sure some of you may recall when I told you about the police coming for Bob as the hospital couldn't get in touch with us by phone so the police needed to escort Bob in their police car and take him to A&E to get his levels down (it was 7 at that time), the poor guys thought they were dealing with a dead man and couldn't believe how cool we were about it all, we told them don't worry guys we have done this before plenty of times! :D

    Like I always say joking gets you through the bad times after all if the worst happens there will be planty of time for crying afterwards.Hel.xxx.
  14. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Morning all

    This rain up here in Cumbria is ghastly...and coming in sideways too. As they say "It's blowing a hooli"

    I've not been able to get into the garden for what feels like ages now but is probably only a week..just aboout managed to cut the front lawn the other day, cant touch the back as its covered in timber (tarpaulin covered in this rain) waiting to be erected into a pergola.

    Most of my time has been spent planning and reading up on things for the future, both gardening and otherwise.

    I'm meeting some friends on Tuesday (Photographers) out in the Lakes, hope the weather settles a little for that, moody skies and light rain make excellent photos, sideways rain does not !

    Wish I had a greenhouse I could go and play in.

    Have fun everyone !

  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning, again, everyone.

    Helen, the beauty bit of sleep gave up on me years ago and the sleep bit has always been very small :D (just the sleep bit) :)

    Kandy, 10.45 p.m. is early afternoon for me :)

    Walnut, Thanks for the very interesting info. It was still a big red moon :D. I thought it was due to light refraction.

    We have friends coming for the day and it is a bright sunny morning (but very windy). I've mowed the front lawns, made a nice minestrone soup, prepared all the veggies for our roast dinner and made a Bolognese sauce for our evening meal. I might get a little bit more done in the garden before they turn up.

    Hi Steve, you posted whilst I was typing. Hope the weather is good for you for your photos. Have you decided which part of the lakes you will go to?

    Have a great day. :D

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