Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Mornng Helen and Shiney:) Helen our beans have been slow to start due to the first lot rotting as beans in the soil and the next lot I put out as plants getting nibbled by the rabbits,then the weather turned colder so I had to put fleece all round them:eek: When w ehave the cold,wet and windy weather the bees seem to stop flying and we have only been having the odd lb or two to pick.I can remember years ago at this time of the year having bags full every couple of days to prepare for freezing so you can see how the climate has changed so much.Beans are like me we need the sun:rolleyes::D

    Shiney,we are with Utility Warehouse and they have been estimating our bills and it looks like they have been doing it wrong.We are paying £1200 a year for gas and electric which as friends of ours say is far too high for two of us for twelve months.They have lent us one of those gadgets that tells us which items are using too much power like the freezer we have in the garage and the candle light bulbs in the lounge.At this rate we will be going to bed at six to conserve power and will have to warm ourselves by candle heat:eek: Mr Kandy has now registered on line at UW and given them our meter readings so we are hoping they can sort this out.I shall be glad when he is old enough to get some money from the goverment but he has to wait another seven years for that:rolleyes:

    I don't like Energy saving light bulbs because my friends have them and when you are in their houses in the gloomy :eek: I am going to start stock piling the proper bulbs for the next three years when they phase the proper ones out:D

    I would have thought you would go to Australia or Canada,though the latter will probably be too cold at Christmas for Mrs Shiney.The only one from your list that would intrest me would be China but that would only be for the wall and nothing else.Exoctic locations like Tailand ,Vietnam, and Cambodia have never have apealed to me,but then thats just me:D
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, shiney, helen and everyone.
    its a shame we hadnt stayed in scotland longer iff i had known wooler all the B&B were full up, never mind, still cant download pics in pb, i can get into pb but it wont turn page over to my albums, was looking forward to downloading my pics i have of the highland cows.
    looking forward to december we are going to thailand for 4 weeks and i will get my pics as last time my other camera got stolen and all my pics so will get them again
    have a great day
  3. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Its a bit late I know...but just thought I would post...everyone seems quite happy...the weather here is great...so Aber will be heaving.

    All this talk of holidays...think we shall pop up to Blackpool, heh,heh.

    Have a good one everybody.:thumb:
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is a lovely sunny morning here today and I hope you all have the same :thumb:.

    Kandy, it is always difficult to say how much energy a household should be using because it depends on so many factors - size of house, detached or not, what type of insulation, how warm you like it etc. For example: a freezer in the garage generally runs much less efficiently than one in the house. This is because most garages get the extremes of temperatures because they are not insulated. Most people will realise that if the garage gets very hot in the summer then the freezer has to work overtime but don't realise that if the temperature drops below 40F most freezers don't run efficiently as the thermostat can keep cutting in and out. Having said that, even if it is running inefficiently it is not going to cost an enormous amount extra.

    I don't like the long life bulbs and have serious doubts about the claimed longevity - but they do last a lot longer than ordinary bulbs and use much less power. We use them outdoors where it doesn't matter that it takes a long time (about 10 minutes) for them to brighten up. We have started replacing some of our indoor bulbs but I find that you have to use a level higher than they say - still much less power.

    Have a great day everyone :D
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney and everyone, lovely and sunny here also this morning and i still cant download my pics from pb just cant get into my albums.
    thats another weekend over, going shopping this morning looking for bargains for my hols in december to put away.
    have a great day
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,been up since 5.30am and have been busy sorting out the pets,having some brekkie and then preparing all the meat and vegetables for my slow cooker so just waiting for the spuds to finish cooking then they are raedy to go in the pot as well.Used my first onion of the year that have been drying out nicely on the greenhouse staging.:D

    Vrey cold out there this morning,it was 58f on my weather station when I got up and now only reads 60f and it is only 67f indoors,so much for summer again brrrrrrr:eek:

    Shiney,I was shocked when Mr K told me how much the fuel bills are costing each year:eek: we only live in a small 3 bed,not these great big mansions that everyone else lives in,though between us and all our friends we are the only ones that have the heating on in the winter months.When I go and baby sit for some of them I have to wear my coat all night:rolleyes:
    We can't do anything about the fridge freezer that is in the garage because the one that the builders put in the house is so small it doesn't hold much so we use the one that we had in the bungalow that the people who bought the place didn't want as they had their own and as it was only 18 months old wasn't going to dump it.

    The chap who lent us the measuring gadget said that the reccommended amount of insulation in the loft should be 10"{or it could be 10mm:confused:} more than was put in when the house was built.We can't add more because Mr K has borded the loft since we moved in.:rolleyes:

    We shall have to go and live with Rosa as she has had all that lovely DIY done to her flat so will be walking round in her bikini in the winter months:rolleyes:;):p:D

    Rosa enjoy your shopping,too early to be thinking of winter holiday shopping:p

    Enjoy your day everyone and especially as it is a BH:thumb:
  7. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Another late signing in today...went to bed at 21:30 last night, felt decidedly under the weather...blocked nose, feeling off....but I woke up feeling ok...well at 10:30 that was, so I suspect a side swipe of something....that's the problem when you have four visitors staying for a weekend isn't it.......

    When I say feeling ok, I mean ok and not terrific, so its a stay indoors get well day for me.:thumb:

    Dont talk to me about electricity bill.....storage heaters are the pits....we have getting oil installed before winter. Can't have mains gas in the village, only bottled.

    I don't know how Mr Kandy checked your consumption apart from the meter, but you can purchase a little unit that you plug your appliances into one by one and that racks up the electricity usage for you. Such as kettles, toasters, washers, freezers and fridges etc. Even your puter usage and tv's.
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Greetings everyone,hope you all had a good weekend and BH:)

    Tweaky the gadget came from Southern Electric and you put the sensor in the electric box.Not sure how it works but it measures the elctricity units used per day and hour.I am taking it back this morning now we have had it a few weeks.They have been advertising this unit on the TV.My parenets had strorage heaters in their five bedroomed terraced house and they were a nightmare guzzling the electricity:eek:

    It is dry today which I said it would be after the BH.Very cold and windy yesterday:rolleyes:

    Just off to start preparing me shallots for pickling.:)

    Hope you alll have a good day in all that you do:thumb:
  9. The Nut

    The Nut Gardener

    Jun 27, 2008
    Gawd its as black as yer hat here today how depressing :( and its back to work too ...sob sob, boo hoo. Oh well seems like I will need the money just to pay my utilities bill. Has anyone checked out the capped pricing to see if its worth it?
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everybody,

    Tweaky, I wish you a lot better :thumb: :). You take it easy and stay wrapped up warm and I'll look after the charity box in the POP INN :D. We used to have storage heaters years ago and they were awful :eek:.

    Kandy, they used to recommend that the loft insulation should be 2", then they increased it to 4", then they increased it to 6". So it wouldn't surprise me if they now say it should be 10" :(. We have a three bedroom bungalow (reasonable size rooms) and our total power bills last year worked out about £1200. The loft has 4" of insulation and is boarded, the walls have cavity insulation and we keep the place quite warm in the winter :thumb: - but we live in a warmer country than you :D :D :D :D

    Nut, fixed prices are OK if you think the prices are going to rise during the agreed period. A lot of the power companies are doing it to keep their customers from switching.

    Have a great day :D
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy-The Nut and Shiney and everyone else have a good day and stay safe:)Today I have an archway to build in natural wood:D and just might visit my local Bird Reserve(Cliff Pooles):)
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning guys.

    Such a lovely day yesterday so I was able to do the things I love most of all go to a carboot, potter about in the garden, spend a few hours over the allotment (there's a funny story about that for my allotment page!) all with my beloved Bob things don't get better than that.;)

    Although we did have to pop into Tesco for our milk as the village shop doesn't stock Cravendale and I saw how many runner beans you got for £1.48 only blooming ten now that's just disgusting I always get a huge amount from the lovely Ray and at no cost at all....it's good to have friends down on the allotment the guys are even sending stuff home with Bob for me, yesterday it was a huge marrow I haven't had one for years it's going to be fun to stuff that I can tell you.:D Hel.xxx.
  13. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Morning all, hope you all had a nice weekend... Sorry to hear your trip was cut short rosa..!

    :D Well the holiday weekend is over... Where's the sun..??:confused::D

    :thumb: Nut, I have my leccy & gas capped, certainly good value, but I am taking the gas boiler out next summer & putting either a Rayburn or Aga back in for next winter... :thumb: I have an endless abundance of wood to burn or I can change it to coal... So makes sense to me... Oooh, talking about it makes me wish it was in, already..!! :( I am sure I will miss the ease & cleanliness of the gas & I have certainly enjoyed that side of it....! But a multi-fuel stove is better for me, plus I have missed my old Rayburn sooooo much..!!!!:rolleyes::D Ah well, a major mess while it is done...:eek: I do have to look forward to, or not..!!!:D Next year..!!! Buying it now though, on an amazing deal..!! ;):D

    Oh well, must do some more...:thumb: Have a great day everyone, whatever you may be doing..!!
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, tweaky hope your feeling better soon, yes its a shame marley never mind looking forward to thailand in december going for 4 weeks just looking for flights but they are reaching £900 will keep looking might find them cheaper.
    well i just cant get into pb at all now dont know whats going on, i cant have a virus as norton would come up and everything else is working normally any suggestions.
    have a great day
  15. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Gud Moaning my friends.

    Thanks for get well wishes...I feel as though I am over it now apart from a few sniffles...tough old begger thanows. Thanks for the info on that elecky thing Kandy.

    Well, like Nuts....its black as the ace of spades here....well very dark anyway.....wonder if we have upset someone upstairs, heh,heh.

    You'll all be pleased to hear (I dont think) that my large cheese plant has survived the kitten..Mr Tibbs. Only two broken stems....anyone want two large yellow cheese plant leaves by any chance?

    Now there's a thought...can you treat the green leaves to stay green, so that I could put one in a picture frame on the wall....just an idea. Could look nice as a backdrop to a dried flower arrangement.

    Hope you all have a nice and safe day.:thumb:

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