Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Morning all.

    Whiley hope everything turns out well for your mum, she is in my thoughts and prayers.I sure its going to be an awful long week for her.

    Hel I'm so happy to hear the good news for you and Bob, it must such a relief to you both.:flwsml:02 X
  2. Ivory

    Ivory Gardener

    May 30, 2008
    Whiley and Moyra, my thoughts are with you both. Seems tobe a complicated period,eh? Must be something in the stars configuration or may be they are right that the worldend is near 0-, lol.
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hello All,

    I haven`t been keeping up with this thread for a while, and just wanted to say to everyone here who is having a difficult period just now, to have heart, all will be well in the end.

    My job is to rent out residential properties and am frankly shocked to hear some of the stuff above. If it is one of only a few houses a particular landlord owns-or worse only one they can overstep the mark quite often, and it is worth remembering that absolutely NO contract can supersede property LAW, in fact that contract is null and void if it attempts to do so, and as such is unenforceable. The Landlord has to pay costs involved in taking the case to court and magistrates are very unwilling to evict a paying tenant. It is worth getting a bit tough if you have to. It is your home, and the courts view it as such. Unfortunately it usually results in difficult relations with the landlord and of course they can simply ask you to leave and give notice.

    I consider myself fortunate that rent is paid and they don`t smash up the house which seems to be quite prevalent.

    And to Whiley, having been through much the same with my Mum when she got ill I am sincerely hoping you get the news you are so desperate for.

    Best Wishes All.
  4. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    How's everyone doing today? I'm tired :D
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning alli i couldnt sleep but will be going to bed soon its now 3.30 am mmmm, hope you all have a lovely day and i guess im most likely in bed when you all get up ha ha
  6. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Rosa and everyone else ,Rosa enjoy your Sleep and all my other Friends have a good day and please stay safe:)
  7. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Good morning everyone,
    once again couldn't sleep due to lying in bed panicing, then once Darren got up for work and started talking to me I was doomed. Its not a tragic time in the morning, but its ironic for a fatiguey person!

    So decided to come down and work on my website a bit more, then maybe try to catch a few more hours later before mister Tesco delivery man comes.

    Take care everyone in all you're up to today!
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Woo, Whiley and all.

    Thanks for joining me with my good news about Bob peeps it's nice to have some good health news for a change..... you know the old saying one down another one to go.:wink:

    I do feel for you girls (Rosa & Whiley) not been able to sleep and all 'been there done that' don't get me wrong it was ok at first as I was able to do 'stuff' while all the boys were still asleep then it just got too much for me in the end and I had to have some 'help' just to get to sleep at night soo not good. Anyway girls I do truly hope you manage to get a decent sleep whether through the night or play catch-up in the daytime.

    Oh by the way Ste that whip is getting dusted at this very moment to say Bob's shaking in his boots is an understatement but needs must and all......work must be completed otherwise there's Hel to pay!:D

    Have a lovely day peeps no matter what you are upto and I do hope the weather is nice for you all.Hel.xxx.
  9. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Morning everyone.. :thmb: Great news about Bob, Hel..!!! Give him my best wishes too..!!:thmb::D

    :thumb: Have a great day everyone, whatever you may be doing.!
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, weather quite dull this morning, taking rosa to the vet this morning went to clip her nails and one is curled, never noticed it a few weeks ago when i last bathed her, must of been with them fluffy feet she has. i didnt dare touch it as she yelped but seems ok when shes walking she doesnt cry.dont know how long i will be in there.
    anyway have a great day all
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa and all.

    Poor little darling I know what you mean about those 'fur slippers' that Rosa has our two old Yorkies are the same so much hair on their toes you do sometimes forget to look at their nails I am pretty sure your little sweetie will soon be back to her normal self.

    Hope the weather stays dry as I would like to spend a fair amount of time outside this weekend still so much to do. Have a lovely weekend guys and if it rains don't let that spoil what you are doing.Hel.xxx.
  12. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Good morning all,

    slept a bit better this morning! Very thankful for it too!
    Poor Rosa, its a pretty common thing, when i was grooming one summer there was always at least one dog a day with it. Groomer should have tool to get it off without hurting her :D Give her a schnoogle from me.

    Got a few jobs to do, including conquor one of the last cupboards from 'pre my arrival' days which is a huuuuge complete mess and i've been putting off for a year and a half. Its sort of like the 'stuff cupboard' but is also at least half toppled over tupperware and at hte back is the boiler, so the floor of it os covered in tupperware and countless other treasure i can't see from the front as it goes back so far! I will deserve some chocolate pudding over this.

    All the best to you all.
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi guys, went to vets with rosa, the vet clipped the 2 nails out they were in her pads, she screached a bit took 3 of us to hold her, vet said i will have to watch as it will happen again, she also clpipped the rest of her nails right down, just have to bathe her back paws in warm salty water till they clear, poor little sweetie, i felt very emotional always do when i take her to the vets.
    just thought i would let you all know, taking her in november for her yearl booster so will get her nails checked
  14. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good Morning Everyone ,Goodness me I have overslept:DEnjoy your Sunday and all stay safe:):thumb:
  15. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Morning Woo, can't you sleep either hun.:( Ive been busy in the garden most of the day cutting grass etc, as we have had a very rare sunny day.:D I should be shattered, but here I am burning the midnight oil. You have a lovely day yourself and try and get some shut eye.:snz::wink: 02

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