Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :) Good Morning everyone, I seem to get on here quite late these days too..!!! Well seems Looks like I am not the only one who isn't brimming with Christmas cheer either then..:dh: Some years it is hard & this is one of them... Seems quite a few friends & rellies are having problems which spill into my life too... I don't mind at all, always ready to help.:) but sometimes it is hard to muster any cheer!! Just have to keep going & keep trying too I suppose, will get there in the end, still got a couple of weeks... Just..!!!!:dh::lollol:

    Kandy the under pinning Job is all finished & successful... It was caused by the fact that the ground is much much drier than when the house was built 200yrs ago... All the new building that has gone on here in the last 20yrs has altered the water table which in turn has changed the land..!!! A grand Job completed... Even now though there is still dust appearing from it all..!!! Still never mind, can get along with that..!! Will make some more in the spring when we rip the gas out & put an Aga back in... Oooh I can just wait..!!!:D

    :thmb: Shiney, there is never enough time before you go... I always have the same problem...:D You'll get there though welways do... Have a good day..!!:thmb:

    :) Hel I hope you & the family are all alright now..

    :thmb: Everyone else have a great day too, whatever you are doing..!!
  2. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    Good Morning everyone.:gnthb:

    nice and mild to-day and Wazzakins has promised ot give General Custard (my Mazda int he avatar) a wash and a polish. He is a bit mucky after Sunday's outing Lincolnshire.

    Even getting diesel for the car thsi morning was a pleasure since the price has gone down to 99.9.:)

    I feel like I might just get the Christmas spirit eventuallyxmastree

    Planned a New Year's Eve BBQ yesterday and will get all the invites out to-day. 31st Dec and 1st Jan are the only 2 days that Wazzakins is not actually working so will make the most of it....for his sake as well as mine.

    I can't plan waht to cook for dinner though:help: Any ideas?

    Thought I'd ask our friends over, it'd be cheaper then eating out. Vege. suggestions only please since I don't eat meat
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Shiney, Marley, Shobnah and all.

    Lol Woo and Marley you are not the only ones struggling with the mornings, I think it's a winter thing at least in summer it's nice enough to get up with the birds or just feel at peace with the world sitting outside and having your first cuppa of the day.....now that is indeed lovely.

    Shobnah as Kandy says we all are here for you sweetie and you are very much welcome to rant and rave at us....truly you are!:)

    Marley all the work will be worth it in the end on your house and as for all the dust it will be a distance memory....that is until you need any more work done!:doh:

    Shiney I hope you're ready for your trip all packs packed etc. and don't forgot your camera.

    Marley it's your dose of iron tomorrow isn't it? I wish you well with it sweetie.
    Bob had his second lot last week and yes you guessed it he has a bit of a cold again although thankfully not as bad as the last time.

    Well yesterday I had to phone up college and report our son's absent and of course 'they' wanted to know why so I told them of his bad fall.
    I was told I had to report the fall to the health & safety person at the college and after all the details were told and bearing in mind one of Harry's tutors saw him fall I asked if the carparks and walkways were salted as a rule, I was told all the pathways were but not the carparks.
    Later on I asked both my sons if this was correct (as they have between them been to the same college over the last five years or so) I was amazed when they both told me no the only place which is salted is the front steps of the building for the life of me I can't understand why the H & S person lied to me!:(

    Well I might get Bob to sort out our decorations we tend to put them up a little bit earlier but this year we tend to be a little bit slack.

    Anyway folks sorry for the essay I do hope you have a lovely day.Hel.xxx.
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Well, I got home a little while ago and it was very very icy so I suppose the roads will be even worse by daybreak. Sleep well :snz: :snz: :snz:.
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney and everyone,You still here Shiney I thought you would have been away by now?:hehe: I expect with the time difference it will mess up your body clock good and proper while you are over there:lollol:

    I bet this will be your cats when you come backk-lk-l

    Helen I do hope your son recovers soon from his fall.When I slipped over in the garden for the second time and banged my head I didn't feel too good for quiet a few days so I hope he soon bounces back again:gnthb:

    Shobnha,sorry can't help you with the meals as I am not a veggie.I don't think I could give up eating sausages and bacon completely and would miss my roast beef and lamb:pGood Luck with the festivities,Mr K isn't very festive at the moment but I am being more positive because it is for me and Mr K a nice time and helps lift my winter bluesxmastree plus we spend some quality time together:thumb:

    Marley glad to hear that all the work is done on your cottage so that is one worry out of the way in time for xmas.I bet you will have a brilliant time with your family and Grandchildren and I do hope we have some snow so they at least can go and play in it:D

    Well I managed to go without the heating on yesterday right up until 4.30pm and turned it on an hour before Mr K got home from work.I never had the pleasure of heating in the winter when I was working and had to sit with Arran jumpers and body warmers on so I will see how long I can last and if the fuel bills don't come down I shall scream:mad: My weather station says it is 29.8f outside and 65.7 inside so it must be frosty out there.

    Hope you all have a great day in all that you do:)
  6. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    Good Morining everyone.
    Friday to-day. Yipeeeeeeeeeee:gnthb: only so I have two days at home to do other jobs.

    Going to a Christmas party tomorrow evening and looking forward to a meeting up with friends and having a nice time.

    Wazzakins is workingt omorrow so it will a bit of a logistics exercise to get him to work, sort things out, pack car, and then go pick him up from work and then go on to the Xmas do. Staying the night there so that should be good and have plans to do lucnh with friends on Sunday before coming back home.

    I promise I'm getting there with the xmastree Christmas spirit.

    Kandyfloss.....I try to have the heating on a low setting but on all the time. It seems to keep the temperatur more even and I think it does not add tot he cost too much. saying that, I've plans to shop for cheaper suppliers in the next few days. Trying to sort out the mortgage and the also the house insurance. got a good deal on it last year but it has not shot up by £20 per month and that is just too much.
    I find [email protected] very handy.

    I did not have to chip the ice off the windscreen to-day, Wazzakins did it for me.:luv: Give that man a star !!!

    Now, I wonder if I can get into the work spirit...and see if I can finish of some of the pending jobs.:ywn:

    BTW...cooked pasta yesterday with home made sauce with loads of crusty bread and home-made garlic butter. all got eaten, only crumbs left !!
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning Shobhna,hope everything goes off ok with the Christmas party tomorrow night.I see that Himself has had a name change to Wazzakins:thumb:

    We are already doing on line meter readings with our fuel supplier but they still keep estimating our bills.:( I sometimes wish now we had stayed in the two bedroom bungalow where we used to live,at least it was warmer with the decent double glazing not the wooden rubbish that they are putting into the new houses these days.Still once we get nearer to retirement and the house prices have gone back up we shall probably sell up and downsize but will have to see.Paying off this mortgage is our first priority and yes Martin Lewis is brilliant.He seems to be the ony person around who is trying to help the ordinary folk which can't be said for a lot of them out there and he has helped Millions of people so good on him:yho:

    I have been out this morning and have taken some cracking photos of the sun rise before the clouds covered it up plus have taken some of my frosted Doublin Bay rose though the frost isn't as good as the one I got the pictues of around this time last year.I shall check the exact date I took them plus when Mr K sorts out the disc space I might put them up on here if they are any good.:p

    Enjoy your day and glad that the pasta went down well:)
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning again :thmb:

    Kandy, with a bit of luck we shall be back down to one cat now :). Oscar was getting a bit anxious with Tosh eating his food. He wasn't agressive to Tosh at all but was sitting and guarding the food with Tosh lurking nearby. Tosh had also become much less nervous and had been trying to get indoors. The people who owned/rescued Tosh had been worrying about him not coming home for the last few weeks so we called them and they came down with a cat cage. Mrs shiney managed to pick up Tosh and then got him into the cage with only a little bit of a struggle. She put him in backwards so that he couldn't see where he was going :). He started miaowing in a very heart rending way so Mrs shiney put a little bit of Rescue Remedy on the tip of her finger and got him to lick it. He calmed down almost immediately and just kept putting his paw out of the bottom of the cage door for us to just stroke it and reassure him. His human then took him home and we hope to get a report on him today. Oscar looked much more settled once Tosh was gone. :gnthb:

    Shobhna, enjoy your party :yho:

    Everyone, take care out there on the icy roads.

    Have great day :D
  9. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Morning everyone, bit of a drear morning here today.. But yesterday was a good day doing some Christmas shopping with my daughter...:yho:

    :thmb: Hel went & had my iron & bloods done on Wednesday & yes have a sniffy nose again...!:dh: Luckilly I won't be having any for a few months now as they want to monitor the speed it drops at, luckily they will do that, by me only having to go to the docs surgery...!!! No more hospital for 6 months unless a dramatic drop.... Please not..!!:)
    I hope Bob is doing well....:thumb:

    Shiney you & Mrs shiney must now be tying up all the loose ends before you go now....:gnthb: Have a safe & wonderful time..!!:gnthb: Look forward to your photos next year...!!!!:hehe:

    :wink: Shobna, you were talking about a vegetarian BarBQ foods... Don't know if THIS link will help or THIS one..!! Lastly THIS one..
    :thumb: There should be something on those pages to help & inspire you..!!!:wink::D You can always google the indevidual recipes in the last link...:wink:

    Well have a great day everyone, whatever you are up to..!!:thmb:
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    the temperature outside has risen to 8C :scratch:. Maybe summer is coming :hehe:

    I've done my packing but Mrs shiney is still doing hers :ywn:

    See you all later :gnthb:
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney and everyone we have torrential rain and very strong winds here but at least the temperature outside is up to 43f so it will be mild.:)

    I havn't started my packing yet and neither has Mr K so Mrs Shiney is well in front of us.See you later and Mr K is still :snz:

    Glad to see you have got Tosh's owner trained.We still have the blue cat thta comes visiting us every day and it seems to spend more time in our house than it's own

    Hope everyone has a good day and manages to survive this weather:)
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy and everyone,

    Well, I hope we are going to get away alright. We are supposed to be able to check-in for our flight on-line 24 hrs before the flight and book our seats on the plane. I tried that last night and it said that 'you are unable to check in. We need more information' :scratch:

    I phoned them this morning when their office opened at 6 a.m. and they said that no one can check in because the airport are not allowing anyone to check-in online for this flight but there is no problem with our booking or the flight. Somehow this doesn't reassure me :(. They said that we should keep trying and it should be OK later. I shall try and do a search to find out what is wrong.

    Have a great day :D
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney,sorry to hear that you have problems with tomorrows flight.I do hope that you get away safely as you have been looking forward to the trip.Fingers crossed that you make it in the end,though if you are on here on Monday morning we will know you never made it:flag:

    Hope you have a stress free day:thmb:
  14. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    Good Morning everyone.
    Hope the airport / flight issue gets sorted out for Shiney.

    Yes, Kandyfloss, Himself is known as Wazza to his friends and much I always call him by his full name, I refer to him as Wazza or Wazzakins on the forums.

    I had to get up 5 am to take Wazzakins to work, since we will have a logistics problmes if we end up with two cars at the Christmas Party.
    Not a nice drive at all this morning, could not see a thing and there were branches and trees down all the way to Amersham, although I must say, I came back to MK on the Motorway, much quicker and at least I could see where I was going. The water is right across the road on some of the A and B roads from MK thru to Aylesbury and on to Amersham.

    just cooked me some breakfast and having a quick look on here.

    Wazzakins is what one would call a Public Servant :thmb::thmb::thmb: so spends more time then he is meant to at work. If, however, he is late finishing today, and I don't care what has crashed into who or what or whatever his "clients" have been up to....late finish means a walk home. :skp: He has been warned.

    The BBQ we are planning for New Year's Eve will be a mixture of vege and non-vege. and thank you Marley Farley for the links. We haved two seperate BBQs so I get no cross-contamination.:)

    take care if you are on the roads to-day. not nice out there.

    hope airport and flights all get sorted out. I know how fustrating that is.

    Have a good weekend.

    will be back on line on Monday morning
  15. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: Morning shiney & everyone,Shiney I am sure everything will be OK... They always seem to stop On-Line check-ins first if they have any problems with anything at all, so I wouldn't worry, just turn up your nominated 3hrs or whatever they want & I am sure you will be fine....... Have the greatest time..!!!!!:gnthb:

    :thmb: Glad the links helped Shobna, have a smashing time..!!

    Well everyone have a great dat, whatever you are doing.!:thmb:

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