Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning Woo Shiney and everyone,

    Late up this morning again due to a restless night and am now coughing and sound like a frog,croak croak:D

    We have blue skies and white fluffy clouds at the moment,but you wait some rotten sxd will go and spoil it:hehe:

    Have to go and get robbed this morning grocery shopping though I refuse to pay £1.28 for a six inch cucumber{£1.40 at the farm shop last week} when they were only 68p for a nine inch one in November.No wonder this world is going down the pan{rant over:(:mad:} Hoping to get to the allotment after lunch while Mr K goes to his dads to do some work for him:)

    Woo,hope you have a good weekend as well and you enjoy the fresh air:thmb:

    Shiney,glad to hear you managed to get the hose pipe attached to the attachement after a bit of fiddling:oops: I meant filing:D Hope Mrs Shiney's class goes ok and the food goes down well:thumb:

    Hope you all have a great day.The sun is shining now so must dash,byeeeee:D
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning woo, Kandy and everyone,

    Another lovely day :) :gnthb:

    Woo, enjoy your weekend walking with the girls :hehe:

    Kandy, I hope your cough gets better quickly :). When I went shopping last week I was surprised at some of the bargains there were in Sainsburys. I got some shoulder of lamb and some 'frying!' steak (Ok in a casserole) for just over £1.20 per lb.

    Have a great weekend :D
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy, Shiney and all.

    Kandy I have always been told inches doesn't matter.... strange that it's Bob who has always told me that...sorry a tad naughty there!:lollol::D

    Well done Kandy for not getting 'robbed' with them cucumbers don't line other people's pockets hopefully we will all have a good year at growing our own.

    What's on the menu today Shiney? Something nice and yummy I should imagine....those lucky students.:wink:

    Lovely weather we have been having here so I have made the most of it and gone slightly mental (nothing new there) sown some seeds which all except the Alpine stawberries have sprouted Yipee!:gnthb:

    Yesterday I managed to dig a large piece of the paddocks all by hand with the aid of a spade of course and the stunning sunny weather who could ask for more.

    Had an area in mind I wanted to do and was a little upset I hadn't done as much as I wanted until I realised the boys had been playing a trick on me and where they said 2 hours had passed only 1 hr 15 had so I knuckled down and dug for England result after 2 hours a nice sized 26ft x 26ft section had been dug. My back is holding well and I'm really pleased I have been able to do the first dig in the carrot and onion bed.

    Going over again today to dig even more then and maybe start weeding and bagging the roots etc. that I find.

    Hope you all are have been blessed with a lovely sunny morning as we have and do enjoy you day peeps.:luv:Hel.xxx.
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Helen, don't overdo the digging :flag::)

    I overdid the pressure hosing and can't straighten up today :(. It was a bit awkward doing the cooking.

    The lunch is always advertised on the website as vegetarian. To start with I made a mushroom soup made with Portobello mushrooms bought cheaply on the market. This was done with onions and garlic, thickened with a little flour, liquidised and then finished off with a touch of sherry. It was topped with chopped p@rsley and accompanied by hot ciabbata. This was followed by a mixed salad, a Greek salad, roasted butternut squash and sweet potato, veggie samosas, a puy lentil salad, lots of hot ciabbata, cheeses and two different types of houmous (shop bought). With a platter of melon and strawberries to finish.

    The weather was so good that we sat in the lounge by the French doors with them wide open. So Oscar came in and joined us :D

    Shortly after they finished I went for a stroll round the garden and was greeted by a new cat who insisted on having his(?) tummy rubbed.



    And wanted to know what I was doing with the black box with a round piece of glass on the front :hehe:

  5. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Shiney, I really think you should join the Ready, Steady, Cook crew ..... :)

    Love your new visitor ... such a beautiful face .... amazing how they make themselves completely at home elsewhere .... our Petal thinks she owns the house and our Boo is such a woos (is that how you spell it?) that he lets her ... unless I shout at her to 'para fora*' then he promptly goes and hisses at her and looks pleased with himself .... :lollol:

    By the way, had a good laugh at the e-mail ....:gnthb: :rotfl:

    * Para fora means to go away. She only speaks Portuguese but we are teaching her English and obviously our boys are multi-lingual ... :yho:
  6. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning everyone Hope that you all slept well and are OK and well,It was a lovely day yesterday built some raised beds with Breeze Blocks and some timber frames for the Tops,my four ladies really enjoyed watching me working in the Sun,anyway everyone have a super Sunday and please stay safe:thumb::)
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,

    Woo sounds like you were busy yesterday,I do hope that you were kept well supplied with plenty of mugs of tea.:D you had a good day for it:thmb:

    Helen sounds like you have been busy down at the paddocks.Love the way they kidded you on that the time was later than it was:hehe: Does either of your lads have any interest for allotmenteering? Glad to hear your back is holding up as well:thumb: I went over to ours and managed to get lots of rotavating done while Mr K went over to his dads and did some work on the foundry.At least now the large holes are blocked up:p

    Shiney love your cat photos especially the last one.Mine do that at times to me as well.They are sooooo noseyk-l:D Also love the colours of the eyes and the markings on the fur:thmb: I have added a couple of photos of the new one that has adopted us.We think it is an English Blue but certainly not as pretty as our Willow:D

    Sorry to hear you are suffering after the hosing,but I did say to leave it a few weeks,or better still get Tracey to do it for you:hehe: Sounds like you fed the students well yesterday as well:thumb:

    Well it is dull here today so don't know what we shall be doing after we have been for our usual village walk.We are both still feeling tired after all the work we both was doing yesterday.

    Hope you all have a great day and here are the kitty photos as promised:)
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy and all.

    Back working in the garden eh Woo? I thought you had ran out of space ages ago sweetie, I do hope Mrs.Woo looked after you with a couple of cuppas just to keep you going of course and didn't rub it in too much how nice it was sitting out in that sun watching you work so very hard.:hehe:

    Shiney reading your menu made me long for my breakfast it all sounded so yummy those lucky students, Bob says it's sounds very tasty indeed and he's a meat man!:D

    Love your new blue-eyed buddy what a cutie, he/she must have heard about your dinners and thought better get in there!:D

    Shiney after a long winter any decent sunny weather and we all think we are immortal or have the strength of ten men, good fun working away but it's the afterwards that's not too nice but I'm sure like me you never learn and are always thirsty to 'do' some more.

    Kandy those guys do gang up on me but it's all in good fun and I do get my own back on them lol.:hehe:
    I managed to finish the first big bed 45mins in all, people think I'm mad but I do like to time myself and have a goal for each time I'm down on the plots. I dug out the edging of the last 26ft x 19ft bed although I think this might be on 'hold' until later on this week as I have been given a shed by one of the guys giving up his plot, not sure if it will move/come apart with ease as those brought ones are nowhere near as well built as bob's but we will have to see.Also got some bean poles and some much needed rhubarb too off the guy as well

    Kandy I'm not ashamed to say when I saw that sweet blue fur ball I shed a tear or two it is so like my beloved Merlin what a character, he went for a routine op and died on the operating table even the vet was crying her eyes out.:(

    Just cooking my pork before I'm off over to the allotment, seem to be spending quite a few hours over there these last few days and as we all know workers need to be fed a hearty meal otherwise it's all out strike!:mad::D

    Have a lovely day guys and may the sun shine on you all.Hel.xxx
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Vikky, I don't know what language our new visitor speaks :) but he/she is very loud. We don't even know what language Oscar speaks because he doesn't react at all to his name or any commands. He definitely doesn't understand the word 'No'. :hehe:

    Woo, you never seem to stop building things in your garden :). Are you sure it's not an outdoor Tardis? :hehe:

    Kandy, your visitor looks really friendly. Does he spend much time with you? My back is a lot better this morning which is good because I have to play in a bridge tournament all day and evening and don't want any distractions. :)

    Helen, you seem to be getting a lot done :gnthb:. The students enjoyed their food. They aren't students as most people would imagine. They are adults. Yesterday, for example, one is a doctor, another is a pilot, one is in IT etc.

    Have a great day :D
  10. nathan7

    nathan7 Gardener

    Jul 13, 2006
    Hello everyone very windy here this morning with a lot of cloud
    Going to Stoke later having dinner at our son`s with his family, Will go down the 500, I am not keen on motorway driving, Lots og things pushing through now garden must be getting warmer Take Care everyone :thmb:
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Hel,Shiney and Nathan:)

    Hel,they sound a great bunch of people down at your allotments:thumb: though I would have thought you could have got the lads to have done all the digging for you while you kept them supplied with tea and biccky's:hehe: Good on you though for showing the men just how real women work:D

    Shiney,your Oscar is definetley male as all men ignore the command NO:hehe: Hope you have a good time at the tournament:thumb:

    Our other cat spent more time with us when we were knee deep in snow the other week and would often wake up in the morning to find him curled up at the foot of the bed.Our two cats don't like him and although we keep trying to get rid of it,it comes back again.Mr K says it's my fault because I keep feeding it,though we don't know what happens to it when we go away as the flap gets shut,but he usually is sitting on the garage roof on the day we return,though we haven't let it know what day we are arriving backk-l:scratch: It has spent at least the last two years trying to weedle it's way into our affections :p

    Nathan hope you have a good day down at your sons house:).We have roads closed off here due to resurfacing so there is more traffic coming along the road outside our village as they all try to find a different route:hehe:

    Enjoy your day:)
  12. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I hope you are all OK and well :)Its the last Monday in February next Monday we will be in March as Sunday is the 1rst ,The Foxes are about and the Cubs will be born March or April. well we will be going for our walk shortly .You all have a great day and please stay safe :)
  13. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Good morning Woo and all. as you say Woo March is only round the corner. The daffodils will be something to look forward to though,:gnthb: a sign that spring is here at last.:yho: Hope you have a lovely walk, and take care. Hope everyone has a good day:flwsml: 02
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,looks like it is going to be a nice day today,so I think I will be spending some of it out in the garden:)

    Hope you all have a good day in all that you do:flwsml:
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, 02, kandy and all.

    Shiney could I ask what the students learn from your good lady wife? Please forgive me if you have already told us.:doh:

    Nathan hope you enjoyed your dinner with your son and family, I wonder if his wife has trained him like Shiney's has and he does all the cooking!:hehe:

    Kandy I got lucky and guy (who gave up his plot) gave me some more raspberry canes which I split and managed to get two rows from. So along with the rhubarb and the fruit bushes I have already brought our fruit bed is filling up nicely it's 11ft x 26ft so a cracking size to have a go at. Good times!

    Have a nice day guys it's been raining here so unless it dries up somewhat no pottering around for me today.Hel.xxx.

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