Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Rosa and all.

    How many Weetabix do you have Kandy? more than two and you're ready for anything woe betide anyone who gets in your way.:hehe:

    Rosa I think you nicked our weather I'm sure we were supposed to have nicer weather than we got.....not really but I'll try to make you feel guilty!

    Penny happy to know you didn't get any snow but if you like I can send you some wind and rain to water your garden if need be.:wink:

    Shiney I have news of your squashes three of them are already 2 inch high and I have a couple more just coming through! Many thanx sweetie for them.:luv:

    Sorry Shiney I can't feel sorry for you sweetie with your beloved costing you an arm and a leg after so many years it was due for a change although I'm pretty sure Mrs.Shiney with miss at least your arm on those much needed student cooking days so do go steady although I hear artificial limbs are wonderful these days...'we can rebuild him, we have the technology' Shiney Austin the Six Million Dollar cook!:D

    Jazmine do tell your trick to get hubby to make you tea and toast have not been able to train bob to do that! Boy those guys are so very hard to train 26 years and mine's still learning!:hehe:

    Been a rained filled couple of days here but have managed to brave the wind and rain to buy my beloved m-i-l a little something for her up and coming 80th one of those walk-in 50p shaped greenhouses it's only one of those plastic pop up jobbies but thats what she likes.
    We had to give the gift early to her and act like it wasn't a birthday gift as her husband (the lovely Jack) died on her birthday 10 years ago and every since then she doesn't celebrate her birthday, it's incredibly sad to lose someone special but more so when that someone has been married to you for nearly 50 years and then dies on your own birthday..... an unbearable reminder!:(

    Anyway Doris was delighted with the gift and I have no doubt she may have even gotten Bob's sister to brave the wind and rain to put it up....oh how I giggle just imagining that my poor sweet s-i-l!:hehe:

    Due to the rain no carboots today and although maybe I can manage to pop over to the plots even if it's just to see if it's still there!

    Have a nice nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning helen, our weather wasnt perfect yesterday it was nice then cloudy then rain lashed down when i was taking pics of the heron, then a sudden change and sunny once more got more pics, odd weather day and sunny this morning haha, just been out on my balcony and its ok a little cold.
    have a great day im having a lazy day today
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kath, I didn't know women changed their minds :scratch: :hehe:

    Kandy, the hearth is part of the original cave :)

    Helen, I'm pleased the squash are showing. Did you separate the two different types? I understand that the Coquina are slower growing.
    I haven't heard much of the six million dollar man since he became a pensioner :hehe:

    rosa, I shan't be doing the decorating - I hate it :(. Our nephew is a decorator and he is scheduled to start in a week's time. That may now have to be changed if the fireplace can't be done in time.

    We shall now have to decide whether we want the fireplace left as an open fire or whether to have it with a gas, electric or false fire. There is a capped off gas pipe that comes out of the floor alongside the fire but I don't know whether that is still connected to the supply. :scratch:

    Today's schedule: more students, more cooking, more gardening, more clearing of the lounge (books, magazines, ornaments etc) - but I don't think anyone fells sorry for me :rotfl:

    Have a great day :D
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney, thats great news having a decorator you will have great pleasure picking the wallpaper with mrs shiney and as for the fire thats a tough decision, open fires are lovely, more people are going for these new gas fires on the wall or even electric ones mind iff you use electric ones they bump your bill up, ive got an electric one but i just use it for the light and show nice in the evening with the glow anyway im sure what you both decide will be very nice, enjoy your day
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning all you late risers:D

    I have just come in for a break as I have been outside cutting back the second of our Lilac trees that are shading out some of our plants on the garage side of the garden which is South facing and when Mr Kandy gets some time possibly in the Autumn or Winter he is going to dig out all the roots.My left hand doesn't know what has hit it,but as the trees are only 6ft tall and have lots of sappy growth they are easy to prune back.It is jsut the lower branches that are too woody for me to tackle.It has already let lots of light into that bit of the border.:D

    Rosa,nice piccky's of the Heron plants and boats at the Marina:thmb:.The Herons build their nest high up in Heronry's so the large nest you saw was probably a swans nest and once the babies hatch they all take to the water and go off to feed and grow on:D

    Shiney,I think Mrs Shiney is cutting it fine in now saying that she wants a different fireplace so near to the time of redecorating.I know what Mr Kandy would have said if it was me...NO:p Don't you normally go away sometime in June? We have one of those gas fires that looks like a real fire with fake coals but it is now getting difficult to get it to light properly even though the service engineer showed us how to do it so now don't have it on much,besides a lot of the heat just goes straight up the chimney which you are paying for,still it keeps the pigeons bums warm in the winter months when they perch on the chimmney pot:D

    Enjoy your day of cooking,cleaning and packing up.I do that sort of thing most days:yho:
    Helen,how sad that your FiL passed away on his wifes Birthday.I think the passing of friends and family is sad any time of the year and I think Christmas must be the worst time to lose someone.:(

    Sounds like you are going to be swamped with Squashes.We didn't do too good last year because of the rain we had and mine are waiting to go out onto the allotment.We already have courgettes on our two plants so will be cutting them before they go into the ground at this rate:D

    Oh and by the way it's two weetabix in the bowl followed by fresh fruit.In the winter I have porridge but in the summer months I like a change.:D

    Well now I have sat here typing this the sky is dark as if it is going to throw it down.Glad that I got most of it done but I want some sun so I can get outside more for my Vitamin D fix:hehe:

    Take Care everyone:luv:
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    afternoon kandy,pleased you like the heron pics theres no swans at the royal quays so dont know whose that large nest is, its hidden in the reeds and that heron was standing by it and it seemed to be guarding something by them reeds, just been planting some seeds on my balcony Datura Ballerina Tatu exotic flowers so im hoping they will grow ok on my balcony and also growing cress didnt realize how easy it was to do.
    have a great afternoon
  7. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Oops, missed out in the good mornings here :dh:

    Can somebody please keep my chair warm as I will be away until Friday - we are going to stay on the coast, hopefully just chilling and going on a boat trip out to see the seals :) Lots of walking and some beautiful North Norfolk coastline to enjoy.

    See you all soon. :luv:
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    jazmine we will sure keep your chair warm hehe, have a great holiday look forward to seeing your pics when you get back
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Jazamine hope you have a good holiday and hope the weather turns out very nice.See you when you get back:thmb::luv:
  10. scillygirl

    scillygirl Gardener

    Feb 7, 2009
    Hi everyone,
    Another of my late-night mornings! Sorry I disappeared for a while, have been really busy the last few days. My little boy is 4 tomorrow and we had his party today as sunday is easier for mums and dads to come. I've been madly cleaning the house and cooking for the last few days!:help:
    He's just fallen asleep so time to wrap the presents ready for the morning :)
    The weather here has been pretty bad, cold and wet, so not much happening garden-wise, except the small polythene mini greenhouse we put up for my sweet peas collapsed on top of them :(. It was brand new and the metal frame snapped in two places. Obviously not a suitable type for our conditions!
    Kandy, I'm a big fan of Harry Dodson, I have an old video of the Victorian Kitchen Garden which I've watched many times. Had a quick look at your Beth Chatto pics, and will look properly when I have more time.
    Penny, you must be more than ready for some warmer weather, hope you don't have to wait too long:)
    Have a great day everyone xx
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Scillygirl and everyone,

    Sounds like you have been quiet busy Scillygirl getting everything ready for the little ones party.I bet you all had a great time though with all the usual jelly,crisps and cake and it will be a day to remember:thmb:

    Me and Mr Kandy watched all the series because they did a couple of others afterwards.I remember the one they did where they did a lot of cooking but can't remember what the other one was but it was good to watch and learn.I might see about Mr Kandy getting me the set for my Birthday :)

    Well I had another sorting out day yesterday because we had heavy showers and strong winds all day yesterday.I managed to cut down the second lilac tree/shrub so it's just the roots to get out later on.It has given us so much more light and space in that side of the garden.:D

    Shiney,did you get all the tree and shrub work finished in your garden in the end?I remember you had work being done a few months ago:)

    Anyway,hope you all have a great day and that the weather is kind to you all:)
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy and all.

    Shiney yes I did plant and tag each one of those seeds and dated them that might seem anal to date them but I like to know how quick or slow things grow and I'm hopeless at keeping a seed-sowing diary somwthing that I have tried to do but failed after the first week! Strange you say the Coquina is the slow of the two to grow as two of the three that have shown their faces are the Coquina!:D

    Shiney I do miss our open fire but not the mess it use to bring with it, I'm sure your wife will make the perfect choice for your 'new' room.

    Kandy my standard lilac hasn't flowered yet although other people's seem to have gone over already.

    Good luck with the Datura Rosa I brought a little plant last year a lovely cream edged leaf and Walnut told me how to go on with it so if you have any problems contact the him he's sure to help you out.:thumb:

    Jazmine will have to eat more beans to keep that seat warm for you!:D Enjoy your time away.

    Happy 4th birthday today Scillygirl to your little boy, oh what fun you are bound to have with your little lad enjoy yourself but remember don't over do it with the cake or ice-cream or you'll pay for it later!:hehe:

    Managed to remove my beloved Bob from the house yesterday afternoon and had a wonderful day cleaning and doing a little DIY I did so enjoy it.

    Some potting on to do today and yet another batch of peas to sow.

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning skillygirl, kandy, helen and everyone.
    skillygirl happy 4th birthday for yesterday for your son, sounds like you been busy and had a great time.
    kandy sounds like you had a busy day also in your garden.
    helen im hoping the datura grows from the seeds i planted will let you know what happens do hope they do as they look lovely.
    have a lovely day all
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kandy, he did all the tree work he could (it was too late to work on the fruit trees as it was 16th March by then) and I put up a thread about it. I was supposed to update that thread showing what was growing in the gaps :o but haven't done it yet.

    Helen, they have germinated quickly so I guess all the others will be up soon. :gnthb:

    Now that we have had a little rain I can get on with cutting new edges on the veggie garden. They don't need to be as neat as the flower beds so it will be a bit quicker to do. I can't cut them straight anyway as there are too many tree roots in the way.

    The fireplace man is turning up shortly so see you all tomorrow :)

    Have a great day :D
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney,enjoy picking your fire sounds like you have a busy day ahead in your garden enjoy and have a lovely day

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