Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Rosa Pleased you enjoyed your trip out and I,m over the moon that your car is running OK.:)
  2. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hello friends :luv:

    Rosa that's excellent news :thumb:

    It has been so hot here, we went off for the day-went to the coast, some garden centres where I bought some lovely hanging baskets at half price ready to replace some of mine which are disintegrating.
    OH then took me out for a meal so all in all a lovely day. :)
  3. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Penny - do you know of any wysteria that will grow in your climes? I would love to have one sent to a friend, but no idea if they would even grow there?

    Rosa - glad you had a great day and drive! Yay - nice to see somethng turn out for the positive. I'm sure your friends will have a thoroughly enjoyable ride tomorrow - no matter how small the seats are - who cares, the roof will be down!

    Jazmine - sounds like you had a nice day - you can never go wrong with a day on the coast in this weather!
  4. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Be careful of your back Peri, don't cause yourself more damage
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thanks woo, jazmine and natalie im a happy bunny now back to my normal self now that i have my car back, took car along to show my brother and sister in law they loved it, they have the renault laguna in black gorgeous car.
    peri im absolutely delighted hun that you have keys for your new house excellent news bet you cant wait to get moved, good luck with all the moving.
  6. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    I need to catch up here with all the news, haven't been on for a few days. I hope Hel is ok, it sounds like she has been having trouble poor Hel.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    jazmine im worried about helen and bob also do hope they are ok and theres not much trouble.

    peri my brother has had 3 cars this past year had nothing but bother with one lost money on it and then he got his laguna he loves it, they like mine but they like bigger cars it would be a bit small mine for them they think its great for me very sporty looking.
    my daughter is the same she got a rented house recently and they hate were they are living so when lease is up they are moving closer to me, mind the house is lovely were they are.
    well good luck with the moving dont envy you its hard work packing everything up once you get moved and settled you will be happy im sure
  8. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends hope everyone is ok and well,Its 21c degrees here at the moment and unusually quiet,have a great day and please stay safe:)
  9. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Periwinkle,Its just getting light and the Dawn chorus has started,you to have a great day and take care:)
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Where Is everyone its been light for 2 hours now:dh::lollol::rotfl:
  11. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Yes Woo it does get light early these days doesn't it? A few doors down have chickens and a rooster, we get an early morning alert. Would be nice if they kept him in the dark overnight :( Ah well such is life I guess.
    Looking like a glorious day here, lots of blue sky all around. I hope everybody has a good Monday and all are happy and well.
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Woo,hope your girls are coping with this hot weather especially Gypsy with her long fur.Forgot to say we saw a gorgeous ten week old Jack Russell on Saturday and his name was Hobo:D

    Peri,Congratulations with the move but please make sure you drink plenty of fluids because the weather is going to be a schorcher.We have been in our new house exactly nine years today.The time has just flown:D

    Rosa,glad that you are enjoying your new car.When we were driving back from our allotment yesterday tea time and saw loads of sports cars and at least nine Ferraris{spelling} so we reckon there must have been something going on beside the hot weather:hehe:

    Hel,hope everything is going ok for you with your neighbours and hope that you going to see them hasn't caused too many problems.:(

    Jazmine,nice to see you and hope you are keeping well:thmb:

    Well,it is quiet hot already here this morning so if I decide to go to the allotment I need to get over there early.We went over yesterday afternoon to pick the fruit that was ready and that took about an hour,then we did some weeding before heading for home when the sun got to me.We had been over there three hours:oops: Good job we took plenty of fluids with us:D

    Well I hope everyone has a good dayI have just been outside to move my car and it is hot out there already so I think I am going to stay here and get some holiday things sorted and some other jobs done.Take Care:luv:
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning peri, woo, natalie, kandy and everyone.
    its pretty foggy here now so hoping it turns nice mind its very warm out there this morning, going to my friends hope they have nothing planned then we are off to high force its only 1 1/2 hours drive from me so thats not bad.
    peri your right all cars will have something wrong with them at some point anyway im real pleased with mine now its running great, passed one yesterday the same as mine.i saw a subaru at the garage when i bought mine but i much preffered the one i bought, think iff i hadnt bought that would of gone for a mazda convertible but they are only 2 seaters and very small
    kandy i think once someone talks about sporty cars you start seeing them ive never seen so many convertible cars on the road since i bought mine doubt i even noticed them before.im pretty sure there was a show on for ferraris
    woo havnt been up long must of needed the lie in by you been up early do you go to bed early hehe
    have a great day im off at 10 this morning
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is hot and sunny out there so be careful when you go out :thumb:. For those of you that love the sun you are going to have a good week :gnthb:. For the rest of you, stay cool :)

    There were over 30 gardens open yesterday so we only managed a few of them. Some of them were serving tea and cakes so we were forced to try them :hehe:. At one of the gardens we met one of the girls who worked for me for over 20 years and she and her friend spent the rest of the day and evening with us. Very enjoyable :).

    Most of today will be spent in my office catching up on all the work I have neglected. I also need to do some research as I'm arranging a family reunion for Mrs shiney's brothers and sister. We shall be meeting up for three days in Paris (her brothers live in North and South America) and I've got to find a nice hotel that is a reasonable price and within easy walking of interesting places. We did this a few years ago so I might end up booking the same hotel but would like to see whether there is any other place to suit us. As the pound isn't very strong against the euro I think it will be a struggle this time.

    Have great day :D
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Peri, Nat, Kandy, Rosa, Shiney and all.

    My goodness loads of early birds up this morning I do hope there hasn't been any bed wetting accidents, remember nothing to drink after six pm!:hehe:

    Thanx Kandy/Shiney for the info on both the shallots and garlic it appears ours have some way to go yet.

    Penny hope the weather stays nice for you so you can potter around your yard and plant those Hydrangeas and rose bush.

    Jazmine hubby taking you out for a meal? watch out he just may be after something although I have no idea what that might be!:D

    Rosa a tank full of juice was the least that garage could do for all the woes it has caused you but I have to say getting an extra 28 days warranty was brilliant I really wasn't expecting that!:) Just in time for the heat-wave too enjoy it sweetheart!

    Peri two houses, two sets of keys what a nightmare! move quick sweetie and then you can sit down, relax and enjoy the summer ....yippee!

    Kandy you did very well indeed to last outside that long in the heat so well done to you but do watch out sweetie not to get sun stroke what with you being fair and all.
    I suffered terribly yesterday (in the heat) I just about manage to put some washing on the line and that was it my skin was prickling me which was odd as I am not pale skinned like Bob who doesn't seem to have been bothered in the least by this heatwave. We are going to change our allotment 'work-outs' to late evenings otherwise things will start to get out of hand.

    Shiney I bet the weather was just perfect for open garden visits, 30 gardens is an amazing amount to visit but I'm sure that it wasn't the amount of gardens to visit that slowed you down but the amount of cakes and cups of tea you just had to try!:hehe:
    It must have been a real treat meeting up with an old friend and I'm pretty sure you will have just as much fun in Paris as well.

    Update on neighbours:
    Saturday morning we were scared out of our wits a wagon pulled up outside next door and 9 fellows jumped out one was our soon to be ex-neighbour Mick, they took away the bespoke fencing and gates that our previous neighbours (the very lovely Trish and Nigel) had made and left a nothing but a total mess like one would see in a ghetto!

    They scaled up the out-buildings which is the only way one can get into the back garden if you haven't a key and proceeded to smash up Nigel's stunning two tier decking, I did manage to take a photo when they were having a rest on the front garden it's even worst now!

    I wanted to call the police but Bob said if Mike and Kelly still owed the house surely there's nothing the police can do? But that's the thing I don't think they own it anymore, I know that Mick had to go to court regarding the house sometime in the 20's of June and I think that might have happend on Friday and he just might also have been told that he could no longer enter the house legally anymore:cnfs: This must have angered him as he still had an awful lot of tools etc. inside the house which he hadn't moved yet so I think his cronies and him must have thought 'If we can't go inside we will smash up the outside and take what we can!

    What do you guys think if they come back I really want to call the police do you think I'm right in doing so? I mean there's got to be something illegal about trashing the place as they have done.Hel.xxx.

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