Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good mroning woo, Helen and everyone,

    It's going to be another hot day :( so no gardening for me apart from winding up the runner beans and tying in the tomatoes. A lot of the runner beans have reached the top of the canes but they are being naughty with their side shoots and not keeping them selves tidy :hehe:. Mrs shiney has also put some beans in sweet pea baskets on the patio under the pergola. So I am now experimenting with training them over the top of the pergola :). Oscar thinks I'm mad when I stand on a chair to reach to the top of the pergola. He just climbs up, walks along the top and looks down on me :D.

    Got to take the car in this morning for them to check an oil leak. :mad:

    Take care out there everyone and don't overdo things in this heat :thumb:. Have some strawberries and cream and relax in the shade :)

    Have great day :D
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo,Helen,Shiney and everyone and a 'Happy 1st July' to you all:)

    Nice to see some early birds on here this morning:hehe:

    Well another eighteen days and I shall be heading down to the South West for a week so looking forward to having a nice break but hope we don't get this hot weather then as it won't be very nice.We usually have this sort of weather when we go over to Wight:D

    Popped over to the allotment yesterday afternoon and funnily enough I was the only one down there,but at least I didn't get disturbed.I ust have spent the best part of an hour picking raspberries,then got all the stuff watered,though I noticed we have blackfly on our Runner Beans so I might have to go round rubbing them off the leaves.I have the first flowers open on the beans and like Shineys some of mine are at the top of the canes:)Came home and put the raspberries straight into the freezer so they will be nice later on.We have been eating them with Ice cream and they have gone down very well:D

    Woo enjoy your day and hope the girls don't get too hot in the heat.I have been dog watching this week for my neighbour and Monty loves me shooting him with the hose pipe:D

    Shiney glad to hear that Oscar is keeping an eye on your work so you don't slack.I bet it will be a good year for Runner beans though ours were slow to get going.Did you sow any Mergoles this year?

    I had a thought about your family reunion why don't you have Mrs Shineys sister and Brothers stay with you then you can show them your newish summer house plus the new loungs now it is finished,then you can take them out to see your local area and it will be cheaper than trying to find a hotel in Paris,sorted:D

    By the way glad to hear about your Bridge wins,sounds like you are in line for another trophy if that is what you get for winning:thumb:

    Helen sounds like you are busy again with Bob helping people out.I am a bit like that always putting others first:thmb:
    Sounds like the undesirables are the same lot as we had over at our allotments trying to find things to steal and sell on.We are in the process of replacing the rotavator that got nicked from ours but have to pay the first £75 excess and last week we had to have the caravan door replaced after it got broken into last year so that is another £100 excess to pay.We always seem to be out of pocket for other peoples misdemeaners{sp} and the Police sent us a letter last week to say they were not taking their investigations any further but if we get any more information can we pass it on to them.Bxxxxy cheek,they expect us to do their job for them:mad:

    Anyway,I am staying at home today to get the last throw washed,clean out the guneia pig,tidy up the flowers I was given last week and I must do some dusting and hoovering and then later on will watch Andy Murry playing tennis again so hope it isn't a late night again:D

    Hope you all have a great day and don't get too hot.We managed 82f yesterday but forgot to take a photo of my weather station and by the time i remembered it had dropped down to 81f:D
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, helen, shiney, kandy and everyone.
    sound like you all very busy today in your allotments and gardens, shiney do hope you car is ok mines great now had another visit to the garage yesterday they only shortened the new exhaust so they fitted a new part so it fine now running great, but someone nutter has slid into the back passenger side got 3 marks on it so getting a guy down to do it, sure its the girl that has an audi across the road as i parked across there the other night as i couldnt get parked outside of mine, so tonight going over to check her car to see iff its marked.
    just been out on my balcony and all my honeysuckle is starting to flower so will get pics once they are out
    its been raining here before now the sun has appeared could be a nice day.
    have a great day everyone
  4. scillygirl

    scillygirl Gardener

    Feb 7, 2009
    Morning everyone,
    It's drizzling here :( so think of me while you're toiling in the heat! We have had a very good spell of weather by our standards, so not complaining, but it looks unsettled for the next few days.
    This thread has got so busy lately! We have relatives around and have started doing our veg boxes so even less time at the computer! I try to catch up every few days but don't have time to reply properly to everyone, so general best wishes to you all!:)
  5. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,:)

    Its overcast here and looks like rain, so dont know if there will be fireworks for Canada Day tonight.:dh:
    I cant believe how much things have grown in the past couple of days, with all the rain and the heat, things have shot up!!:gnthb:

    Made it back from Toronto yesturday.........its so smelly, there is a city wide garbage strike......:flag:EWWWWW!!!!! I do have to go back down next week to deliver some more parts, so i'll take some nose plugs if the strike isnt settled.:rotfl:

    Hope everyone is having a great day.:thumb:

    I would LOVE to drive the roads in London, sounds like fun Natalie:D, after driving Toronto and being in New York, i'd love too.:thmb:....just need to remember to stay on the wrong side :dh::hehe:
    We hope to be heading to London in the next couple of years:gnthb:, and do the sights and head into Scotland (husbands family is from there), we figured with 1 daughter heading off to College in the Fall, not a wise time to be heading away:)....but someday, and i'll send word, so whoever is in the neighborhood, can come and meet us!!:yho::yho::yho:
  6. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Happy Canada Day Penny! You'd have fun driving here, narrow roads, cars parked both sides, facing whichever way they want to (confusing if you're used to driving on the other side of the road and you turn into a road, two vehicles parked either side, both facing the same direction......confuzzles you for a mo'). I've driven the Sea to Sky during snowy conditions, but would prefer to drive that than London in good conditions! Tomorrow is northbound on the M25 and beyond - hopefully it's not in parking lot mode!
    Garbage strike? How long has that been going on? I remember there was one in the UK years and years ago - it was absolutely vile and disgusting
    Have had a lovely evening out with friends, a couple of glasses of bubbly and some lovely canapes - must be snoozy time now - so good night all!
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    I hope that everyone had a good day yesterday and that you all managed to get things done despite the heat:thmb:

    It is beautiful out there again this morning and wasn't it hot yestreday? It got up to 83f at one point.:p Decided to stay at home yesterday and concentrated on house work but at times I was melting because it was just as hot inside as outside.:D Enjoyed the Murry match so only a few more to watch and that will be it for another year:(:D

    I have to get to the allotment today as there is bound to be another lot of Raspberries to pick and we should have some Broad beans to pick any day.I shan't be down there long though if it gets that hot but I've heard on the grapevine that tomorrow we are in for some quiet bad weather.In a way we need it because I am having to hosepipe the borders and last night I forgot myself and held the trigger in my right hand and ended up with bad cramp in my hand,ouch:dh:

    Hope everyone has a really good day and that you can enjoy the weather while we can:gnthb:
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy and everyone, our weather yesterday was awful bad thunderstorms and it poured down looks fab out there this morning looks like its going to be lovely.
    have a lovely day
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Gosh! It was hot yesterday. It reached the dreaded 30C (86F) and even Oscar wouldn't go out in the sun :)

    I can't remember but I don't think we have grown Mergoles this year. I know we are growing Polestar, Armstrong, Butler, White Lady as well as a couple of, as yet, un-named variety that we are trialing. Also we have some beans that were given to us to sell at the open day that we don't know what they are. We sold loads of beans at the open day so I'm now getting a bit confused :scratch: :)

    We can't have Mrs shiney's family staying as we don't have any room. The only place for visitors to stay is in the summer house which can sleep two. The others would have to share the greenhouse with Oscar k-l :hehe:. It sounds as though your soft fruits are doing very well :thumb:

    Sorry to hear you have all these excesses to pay :(. These people should have their hands chopped off.

    Oscar says thank you for the hugs k-l. He could put up with that all day. Mrs shiney had a load of friends round last night for a supper in the garden (I was at bridge) and Oscar went round and spent time with each of them. He loves visitors :yho:

    sorry to hear about your car being marked. It must be so annoying :mad:

    I took my car in, under warranty, yesteday and they had the courtesy car all ready for me. Service reception said that they would need my car for two days to make sure they had fixed the leak. I said that was no problem - UNTIL I found out that they had only booked the courtesy car for me for one day :mad:. I was not a happy bunny :(. Particularly when the person in reception said I could bring the car back before they closed and that I could walk home. So I said, calmly, in a fairly loud voice (there must have been about a dozen people in the reception area and the manager's office had the door open) "So you want me to walk 16 miles home at night, in this heat, on winding country roads and then walk back tomorrow!" All conversation stopped and waited for the embarrassed woman to come up with an answer :hehe:. We never found out because the manager came flying out of his office and rebooked me for a time when I could keep the courtesy car. I felt a bit sorry for her because she wasn't the person who had booked the courtesy car for me.

    Our garden is getting very dry but I am watering the veggies. The beans on the pergola grew 6" yesterday s00k. The ones in the veggie patch are covered in blackfly so it is war :mad: :hehe:. We have picked some lovely courgettes and they are just starting to grow like mad.

    have a great day :D
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy,Rosa and Shiney and all my other friends,I,m a bit behind today (like a cows tail):hehe: everyone have a lovely day and please stay safe.:)
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney and woo, by woo your late this morning hehe not like you.
    shiney sorry to hear about the carry on with the courtesy car nothing worse, i dont blame you as they just cant expext you to walk all that way home thats just not on at all, anyway pleased you were able to keep the car so you should when yours is getting fixed, im going to call this guy and he comes out to our home and does the scratches will have to pay as thats not covered on my warranty, the exhaust was so thats all been re-fitted they made the exhaust too small so a part extra has been fitted to the end its nice and silvery and shiny brand new hehe, anyway apart from the few scratches my car is running great, thank heavens its a pleasure to go out in it now.im out every day with the spray looking for green fly they cause havoc on my clematis hope you get rid of them black fly, have a great day
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Rosa, Shiney, Woo and all.

    Woo better late than never darling.

    Kandy sorry about the excess its just not on I mean what about that saying 'crime doesn't pay? it must do because the only people who have to PAY are the poor souls whose 'stuff' gets nicked, where if the crime goes unsolved the culpruit goes on to sell your machinery and are quids in!:(

    Shiney hope your car gets sorted out swiftly with no long holidays for your car, may I ask if you had to pay a reduced fee to 'borrow' the courtesy car or was it free?
    The only reason I ask because when our car troubles started we also had a courtesy car although the garage wanted to charge us I think about £12 per day for insurance cover although it wasn't a lot Bob had no intention of paying for it ( good job too as we ended up borrowing cars off them for 6 months) and he also did the 'Very loud voice' bit and got what he wanted.... the garage paid for it!:D

    Hope you win your battle with the blackfly mob!

    Rosa goodness me sweetie you really don't seem to be having luck with your car, are the marks bad or just something a little T-cut can bring out? What would you do if you did find some marks that match yours on the Audi, would you have a little word with the girl?

    Kandy our raspberries are the later fruiting ones as are most of the guys down on the plots so I will have to wait if I want some, although I have no trouble getting plenty of strawberries even though our own aren't up to much this year.:hehe:

    Scilly you are as always forgiven sweetie for being busy although I do envy your weather as we could do with a little drizzle too the chocolate sauce kind on our ice cream!:D Good luck with your veg boxes.

    Peri nice to know that the cygnets are doing well and hopefully they will stay fit and strong out of harms way.
    I do hope your 'legal matter' gets sorted so that's at least one worry off your mind.

    Penny a trash collection strike can't be nice more so if the weather is hot hope 'they' get what they want and get back to work so you can enjoy the fresh air.:wink:

    Natalie I wonder did you drink a little too much with your friends, is that why you are a little sleepy?:hehe:

    The visit to friends went very well non-stop chatter and loads of giggles it was a truly wonderful way to spend an hot afternoon they loved their veggie box and flan gifts. I did feel incredibly sad coming away as I got the feeling that they really didn't want us to go as other than family they get few visits. I will try harder but time really flies I really don't know how we managed to do all that we did before Bob retired!

    Dug more spuds up and onions yesterday evening once again we were down at the plots until 10pm. Popping around to a couple of our neighbours to drop off some veggie boxes later on and just like you Kandy our broad beans will be ready in a couple more day! Yippee!

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  13. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its raining here, but the temperature is nice.

    We had rain off and on yesturday too, but we did manage to get the grass cut and all the trimming done, and i weeded all the beds, and cut all the sucker branches off my tomato plants, nice to have it all done.
    The garbage strike has been going on now for over a week, and you figure that the trash of nearly 3 million people isnt getting picked up, and add all the business's to that......YUCK!!!!!!!!!1

    Hope eveyone has a great day~!
  14. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada

    Now i am off to watch some Wimbledon tennis......with my coffee, since its only 7:30am here.

    Might pop back in later.
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    afternoon, helen, penny and peri, just come back its just fab out there was lovely with the roof down went to a few shops and i ended up buying a lovely summer dress at matalan wearing it saturday to go to berwick then keeping it for my thailand holiday its a lovely deep pink with a touch of orange in it very light looks lovely on, just waiting for my neighbour coming back in and we are going to sit outside in the communal garden and admire my balcony hehe.
    helen the scratches on the car cant be taken off with T-cut unfortunately so going to get a guy down to do it and iff i see marks on that girls audi im going to knock on her door and tell her as its either her car or another one across the road they were the only cars there that night, it didnt happen anywere else.while my car was in garage i didnt have to pay for the courtesy car and once my other warranty runs out end of this month at least im in AA and iff i have a break down i get a courtesy car do hope shiney hasnt to pay for his.

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