Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    [align=left]Hi Takemore02 A warm welcome back:)
    [align=center][align=left]Good morning Shiny:thmb: and Kandy-Rosa-Helen-Periwinkle-Penny-TakeM02WI-Walnut:)

    If I have omitted anyone I do apologise ,the Rain is making it extremely difficult to fly and type at the same time, as my tiny talons keep slipping off the keys:hehe::rotfl:

    Good morning all my friends I hope that you are all well on this beautiful Sunday Morning,everyone have a lovely day and please stay safe:)
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Glad to see you have returned to the fold 02/Wendy:thumb:

    Woo,you seem to have the same weather has we have here at the moment.Hope you don't get too water logged so you can't land or take off:oops:

    Shiney,silly me forgot to look at the NT sticker on the windscreen.Our dates run from Feb1st2009-January 31st 2010 so we are ok:thumb:.We joined July last year so was panicking that we had recieved a reminder like we do with the RSPB and Caravan Club.I was looking to join the RHS in case we want to visit Rosemoor next week but they want £96 for that one:euw:

    Peri I bet you are glad that you are installed in your new home now.Hope you didn't get any rain yesterday.We had it here for most of the day and still have it now:(

    Helen,now is the time when a lot of the Spring sown stuff starts to ripen.I thought about taking up my onions last week when it was sunny but never and now w ehave the rain so they are going to have to come up.We also have more Broad Beans thta need picking,plus peas and spuds to harvest so we will have to go this morning whatever the weather.Mr K will want to watch the grand Prix this afternoon so I expect I shall be podding peas and beans and cooking the Sunday dinner{Lamb} while he is half quiet watching that:hehe:

    Penny could you send some of your sun over to us please.After all it is supposed to be the height of summer over here:D

    Rosa,I am surprised you don't go to the Lakes more often as it is only a couple of hours drive from where you live.We are up there in the middle of September and are looking forward to it.As the weather has changed here to rain I am glad now that we cancelled a week of our holiday down to Somerset this week because I think the weather would have been unpleasant.:(I think the Lakes at Christmas time would be nice especially if they got snow up there then:thumb:
    Hope you and hubby enjoy your few days up there in August,especially if you go in your Birthday prezzie:)

    Well I think that I have spoken to everyone apart form the Lurkers that is:hehe: Hope everyone has a good day.The sun has just popped out so hopefully it will be nice for a few hours.Oh I forgot to say.I found no end of snails walking up the walls of my garage yesterday afternoon plus they were all over my winetr flowering clematis{that is in flower now:cnfs:} and got soaked collecting them all up:euw:Anyway,hope you all have a great Sunday in all that you do:luv::luv:
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning, peri, penny, walnut, takemore, woo, kandy and everyone.
    takemore welcome back great to see you i know what its like pc problems still pleased its sorted now.
    woo its been raining here this morning watch them feathers keep them dry hehe.
    kandy i guess when hubbys at home hes so tired at times he likes to rest and doesnt like to fly around hehe woo haha, when hes away i could go up there actually i might with my friend for a few days shes got a tent and we discussed it, looking forward to going 1st august not long to go hubby can sit an relax while i snap away.
    have a great day everyone
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Welcome back, O2 :gnthb:

    rosa, we always go to the Lakes for a week at a time :thmb:

    Peri, I hope you have settled in OK :)

    There were loads of birds at our feeder this morning. At one time I counted 16 finches, 6 tits, one robin and one woody on the feeder with 5 pheasants, two collared doves, 5 finches, another robin and lots of sparrows all scrabbling around under the feeder :yho:

    I have a busy day today with paperwork this morning (it's drizzling) and travelling to Cambridge at lunchtime to spend the rest of the day and evening playing a bridge match against the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire team. Then back home for a late dinner at the local Indian :thumb:

    Have a great day :D
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney, a week at the lakes sounds great to me but think hubbys quite happy to have a few days as we have to pack so much in while hes home doesnt give us a lot of time less than 4 weeks and hes waiting to hear from hospital for an operation so they could call anyway looking forward to it, bet you are to were are you planning on going to the lakes. have a great day
  6. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Good morning, Shiney,Rosa,Woo,Kandy, peri and all. Its so good to see you all again and thanks for the welcome backs:wink:

    Al and i are off to a steam rally today at Tabley Cheshire. We have been before and it makes for a real interesting day out. With vintage transport, cars, trucks,vans,motorbikes,bicycles etc. Then there are stalls, a little fair for the kiddies, beer tent and all kinds of wonderful things. :gnthb: Just hope the rain manages to hold off.:dh:
    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday whatever you may be doing. Take care. 02
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning takemore have a great day out that sounds a very interesting place to visit enjoy, im off to my friends for lunch weather is a bit hit and miss here so do hope weather is good to you
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone,
    up early this morning its a bit dull out there heavy showers predicted for today.
    peri lets hope you get your internet sorted soon and you enjoy your new home and im sure you will have some birds at your new place.had a lovely meal at my friends yesterday and her garden is just full of beautiful flowers i went clicking away taking loads of pics.
    iff weather keeps fine im off to corbridge, northumberland with my friend strawberry picking this morning.
    have a great day all
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It turned out a lovely sunny, warm day yesterday and today looks as though it will be the same. :thumb:

    I need to get into the garden and do some tidying up as we have the infants with learning dificulties, from the charity we support, coming round for a picnic lunch tomorrow. We will have to make sure there is nothing dangerous lying around.

    We have started picking our outdoor tomatoes, the courgettes are growing faster than we can eat them (have sold some already) and the runner beans should be getting into top gear soon if the blackfly will leave them alone. :gnthb:

    rosa, we shall be staying in a little village called Lorton - about as far as you can get from Bowness and still be in the Lake District :hehe:

    O2, I hope you enjoyed the rally :thmb:

    Have a great day :D

    Peri, I'm pleased that you are beginning to settle in OK. :)
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney, sounds like your going to have a busy day in your garden, never heard of lorton guess its windermere or nearby great for walking, i wont be doing any walking just around the village and taking pics of the lakes, maybe have a drive into windermere. have a great day
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Shiney and all.

    Welcome back 02 how you been sweetie? Hope your beloved is feeling fine, that Soon-2-B son-in-law needs to come around to my house if he's that good at cleaning!:D

    My goodness Rosa you on here first in the morning, whatever have you been up to?:hehe:

    Shiney sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time tomorrow with the kiddies running amok in your garden I wish I could see them I bet they are going to have so much fun. I believe no garden should be a 'show piece' and should always be open to children as they find delight and mischief in almost everything which is so enchanting, children laughing is one of the most beautiful sounds in the whole world.:)

    Peri fingers crossed you will be sorted in no time and settled into your new home, go steady on that foot darling.

    Yes Kandy loads of 'Spring' crops to harvest although still awhile for carrots (at least for us), I pickled some beetroot on Saturday and can't believe how easy it was so I am really looking forward in doing our shallots soon.

    Bob and I had some 'our' time yesterday and just did our own plot needless to say an awful lot of weeding was done and a few more sowings too, our plots are looking tip top once more and I don't want to brag but looking better and fuller than the plots of others that have been doing it for years!:yho:

    Looks like a good day for washing being out on the line and I have loads to do so will have to get cracking!

    Have a nice day guys no matter what you are up to.Hel.xxx.
  12. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its sunny out here but its a bit cooler and they say rain this afternoon.

    Had a busy weekend, and today i have laundry on the go and shingles for our roof are being delivered today too.

    The grass doesnt need cut, so thats good, and no point in watering if its going to later.

    I was at WM on the weekend and bought 2 of their Greenhouses, they were normally 90 dollars and had them marked down to 15 dollars, they are the 4 tier ones with shelving and the zip up door.....couldnt resist!!
  13. Pippa

    Pippa Gardener

    May 5, 2009
    I just want to say hi to everyone as just found this thread.:)

    Love this fabulous, friendly site.:D and already feel so at home. k-l
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    helen i couldnt believe it when i saw i was the first one here this morning most unusual hehe.
    peri great to hear from you at least you can get to the library till you get your broadband sorted, how did the home move come along take care.
    hi penny thats an excellent price for them greenhouses, my friends going to buy one for her garden pretty sure we seen them for more than you have paid, happy planting in them.

    hi pippa and welcome everyone is so friendly here on gc you will enjoy it here, very homely indeed enjoy
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Welcome, Pippa :gnthb:

    I've had a look at the garden and see that the main lawn is covered in bees which are on the clover flowers. So I'm going to have to cut the lawn low before the kids turn up. I don't think it is safe to leave it with them crawling or playing on it. It takes quite a long time to mow when the bees are there because I have to go very slowly and keep stopping. The mower has a metal plate that comes down to the ground on the front and I gentle push them out of the way as I mow :)

    Mrs shiney has some soft toys that she would like to give them but will have to get one of the carers to check them out first. :thumb:

    There will be one carer for each child as they all have learning difficulties. Oscar has been told to be careful with them as they are rather clumsy k-lk-l k-l k-l

    Have a great day :D

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