Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Wendy, sorry to hear your news but your friends here on GC have you in our thoughts and are here for you. It is a hard time but you are needed by your aunt and your friend to help them and I'm sure your love for them will support them.

    All the best :luv:
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning 02, Woo, Rosa, Pippa, Natalie, Shiney and all.

    Sorry to hear your bad news 02 it sounds like it has hit you hard. I'm a great believer in letting go when things bulid up too much so go on girl have a cracking good cry, scream, rant or rave you wouldn't believe how better you feel with all that built up emotion off your chest. Life is always trying to knock the stuffing out of us (which you know only too well with your beloved Al) the only thing one can do (after having that good cry :wink:) is to just try and enjoy the time we have got left live life to the full and try not to dwell on the bad things.......and always remember I'm here for you sweetie.:luv:

    Rosa next time sweetie it might be better if you just stick to a car around the £1500 mark (that's what Bob's going to do when our Renault gives up the ghost) at least that way it will not hurt so much if things go so bad like it has with both of us.:(

    All the pickling is now done (at least for now) maybe I'll have time to pickle some babybeets later on in the season. Had a an hour or so over at the plots yesterday and found to my horror something had been at one of our baby marrows I do believe we might have a baby rabbit in the top plot so as we couldn't find where it might have got in we had to cage the rest of the marrows!:doh:

    Raining at the moment so that puts pay to Bob's idea of wanting to start cutting the rest of the hedge.Never mind I think I'll give him a rest day!:hehe:

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney and helen.
    helen we used to have old cars around that price 15 years ago and we had problems we got rid of them each time then we upt the anti to the new audi a few years ago wished we hadnt sold that it was a great car then we got that rover which never let us down then hubby said cos it was too big for me he decided it would be nice for me to have a sporty car, he reckons once this is sorted it should be fine, the thing is it never broke down on us, lets just hope it gets sorted this time, didnt realize you had a renault, my friends got one and my brother has a renault laguna and they have not had a pick of bother with their renaults.
    have a great day
  4. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its sunny here and warm, looks like a nice day ahead.

    Hugs to you Takemore.........
  5. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Thank you everyone for your concern and support it really means alot to me, you are good friends. Im going to have to pull myself together and and make the most of the time we have. My friend is going in Christies on friday for chemo to hopefully give her a bit more time, so she will be a little fragile.
    One day at a time.:( 02
  6. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Afternoon all :)
    It has been wet here so we popped out to a garden centre for a wander. I didn't buy a thing- I was very good.

    O2 sorry to hear your news, I don't know you but am sending good thoughts your way. :flwsml:

    Hel is right, life is unkind at times but that's when friends are there for us.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    takemore we are all here for you any time you need to speak to us i know what your going through i lost my best friend a few years ago to cancer it was most heart rendering, i still get upset to this day as i miss her so much.

    got some bad news i lost the allotment well my friend did apparently they made a mistake and hes next on list probably take around 6 months for another one to come available, most dissapointed i was so looking forward to going up in the morning.
    got some better news cars ready so my friend is picking me up at 7.30 in the morning and taking me up to wylam near hexham to pick it up
  8. Pippa

    Pippa Gardener

    May 5, 2009
    Ahhhh Rosa that sucks about the allotment.Always got to think positive though and hope you are thrilled when you get you car back.:)

    You were good Jaz,much better than me.i simply can't pass the checkout ha ha.:hehe:

    Hope you enjoyed a rest day as well as Bob Hel :)

    Hope you are doing good Penny :gnthb:

    Hello to Nat and Shiney :D.

    Wendy i have lost several friends and family.It is an ongoing part of life which sucks.My heart goes out to you[​IMG]
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi pippa yes its a shame about allotment, just been on internet and put my name down for a council allotment near were i live so wait and see iff they have anything available and im on list, even iff i wait at least 6 months thats fine as theres nothing much that i could grow till next year now, so lets hope i get one sometime this year. At least my car is already thats the main thing
    jazmine you have been very good going to the garden centre and you didnt buy a thing hehe, its poured down here tonight
  10. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good evening all :)
    Jazmine - you bought NOTHING at the GC?????? Now.....how did you manage that? Hubby must've stolen your purse and hid it from you, as well as tied your hands behind your back! lol
    O2 - one day at a time......just remember to let it out when you feel like it - people will certainly understand you being down if that's how you are feeling, but don't hide it <hugs>
    Rosa - so sorry about the allotment - you sounded so excited! But you are right - you are limited in what you would be able to accomplish this year yet, but hopefully you will get something sooner rather than later so you can set in on the weed control!
    Pippa - hi to you too :)
    Have spent the afternoon/evening down at uni son's new digs - has a house with his girlfriend and best friend......but just the two guys there right now, no girlfriend till Saturday.
    Now, why, when you ask a 20 yr old boy how well stocked he is for food,and he says 'I have loads'......you wonder how he gets by? He literally had a pack of spaghetti, a spaghetti sauce in a jar (!!!!!!!!! much to my disgust!), some apples, a couple of bags of crisps, and some milk. Huh????? What was with the 'I've got loads'? Apparently he has 'loads' in the chest freezer, but I didn't bother looking! A trip to Morrison's and NOW he has loads of food, and LOADS of fresh fruit/veg. Also a cucumber, pepper and tomatoe plant from my greenhouse - looking right at home in his conservatory. And......his kitchen is sparklingly clean and sterile - thanks to Mummy visit. Had got some extra pizzas for dinner, but there was no way I was eating it out of the kitchen that he and his buddy abandoned a few days ago to come to their respective homes!

    Good night everybody - sleep tight :)
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    I've been working my way round GC before coming on here and am surprised to see that I am the first today :D

    I had to go to the doc yesterday. My leg has been giving me trouble for a few days so eventually phoned the surgery yesterday morning. Our surgery are very good but like all of them are very busy so they always ask whether it is urgent. I said that I am not sure but I think that I have phlebitis. Her immediate response was "I can fit you in at 10.48". This was very good but a bit worrying because she obviously thought it was urgent. Outcome - I've got phlebitis :(. I don't recommend it as it is quite painful :hehe: but the drugs are beginning to work.

    Ah well! I'm too busy to bother about it :). Some gardening to do, then off for my regular physio appointment, then two meetings, shopping, food to prepare, holidays to organise and bridge club to run. It's good being retired with nothing to do :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Shiney and all.

    Shiney I have to admit I didn't know what phlebitis was but thanks to that wonder thing called THE INTERNET I found out! From what I can gather it can be very painful and it gets better with time (don't you just love those ones) it also goes on to say 'The best way to tackle many problems of veins is to lie on your back with your legs in the air. The trouble is this is neither practical not dignified!
    I hope the drugs give you the pain relief you will so badly need and that things get back to normal in no time at all until then I think your days of wearing Mrs.Shiney's stocking are over I'm afraid.:wink:

    Rosa I'm praying for you girl that this time your car really is fixed, goodness me you must dread hearing 'You're alright love you can come and pick up your car, it's ready'..... maybe this time it will be so.:)
    Keep at it with the allotment thing you will get one in the end more so if you're willing to take one on others refuse.

    Lol Natalie I can well imagine your house of horrors at the boy's place Supermum to the rescue everytime, what would those boys do without their mum to clean up after them?:D

    Jazmine someone's loosing their touch! A garden centre is a place for addicts to indulge in their green fingered habit, next time take a shopping list so you don't forget.:wink:

    Had to get up a little earlier today than normal as Bob's going for a pumping of iron although not down at the gym!:hehe: I set two alarms my battery clock and my new ipod one the battery one went off at 4am (needed new battery which I didn't know about) and the ipod one didn't go off because I had not set it right! God what am I like?:doh:

    Hoping to potter about the garden later on that's if things brighten up as at the moment it's overcasted.

    Have a nice day whatever you're up to.Hel.xxx.
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning natalie, shiney, helen and everyone, nice and sunny out there.
    shiney do hope your leg gets better nothing worse than pains, i get pains down my legs but its with my back problems i have, lets hope your feeling much better after taking the tablets.
    helen and natalie away for the car at lunchtime and it better be ok it should be think they just hadnt tightened something up were the fuel is, pretty ridiculous really when there supposed to be trained mechanics they overlook something.
    im hoping i dont wait to long for an allotment as i wanted to buy my shed and other bits for the garden area im going to create, bit disspointed but in time i should get one see what the council come up with.
    have a great day and im hoping weather is good for kandy on her hols lets hope so and jazmine i would of bought something iff it was me haha mind probably i wouldnt iff hubby was with me, he always says im always buying things when do i ever stop hehe
  14. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its warm here today, high of 88, but its supposed to rain, and thats fine, we do need it.

    I might go out and cut the grass in awhile, so thats done.

    I have a daughter who will be off to College the middle of August and she'll be living in a house with 3 other people (3 girls & 1 guy) too Natalie, and even though she'll be 3 hours away, we will be making trips down to make sure she's stocked up on food and the house is clean. Her bestfriends parents bought the house and thats one of the girls she'll be living with and it comes fully furnished, which is awsome...hardly a thing to buy, other then a bed, and a few small things.
  15. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi everyone,

    Popping back in, I've been out and cut the lawn, so thats done.

    I washed all of our bedding, including my queen size feather duvet, a friend of ours has a dry cleaners and she told me how to wash it at home, provided you have the right machines to do it, now i have to go back to the dryer every 15 minutes and ball up the duvet again for it to dry, I've washed it now 4 or 5 times and it comes out perfect everytime.

    Off to get some coffee

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