Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Another great day here, lower 80's, and no rain.
  2. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening all :luv:

    I am home after a lovely 5 days away. The journey home down the M25 was awful and it was really hot despite air con.

    We stayed at Swindon two nights when I met a cyber friend of 4 years - she had no idea and it was a bit emotional but lovely.
    We then went on to Reigate in Surrey [ Box Hill is well worth a visit] and I was able to spend time with my sister. Now home and a lot to catch up in the garden! :wink:
  3. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good to hear you are back home safe and sound Kath - maybe we will get to meet up one of these days too!

    Well, loads and loads and loads of catching up on here to do - as have not had my laptop for the last couple of weeks. Got it back today all in order, so will have to read, read and read some more :)

    Meanwhile, I hope everybody is happy and healthy and looking forward to an enjoyable weekend!
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening penny, jazmine and natalie.
    jazmine pleased to hear you had a lovely few days away.
    natalie pleased your lap top is sorted now great news.
    well ive decided im not having the megane back too many ongoing problems so im off to garage tommorow my brothers taking me to have a look at a mg sports convertible, ive seen a peugeot cabrolet convertible but will not see that till next week the electric roof is getting repaired it looks a lovely car and both are very low mileage cars.
  5. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I hope that you have all slept well and have awoken refreshed or like me totally shattered(only joking :hehe:)
    everyone have a lovely weekend and please stay safe.:)
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo and all.

    Woo hope you are only joking sweetie take things easy hun.:luv:

    Couldn't get on yesterday my laptop lost it's IP address (or something like that) anyway after a little nag Dan sorted it out for me so it's all good now.

    Rosa I think you really are better off without your 'deathtrap' of a car and I wish you all the best in sorting out a replacement for it...pick a good'un sweetie you deserve it.:)

    Jazmine glad you enjoyed your time away I can well imagine how much fun it was really 'seeing' your cyber friend for the first time I bet you had lots to tell each other.

    Shiney little tots and puppies they really do go together and I'm sure that pup will grow to be that little girl's bested buddy.:luv: Happy cooking for today sweetie.

    Kandy it's horrible when you type away doing a long reply and then you loose your blinking post :mad: Better luck today darling. I'm sure you are landen down with veg from the plots Kandy courgettes, marrows, carrots are a bumper crop for us so far although out runners have yet to hit full flow!

    Popped to B&Q to get some sand and cement for Bob thankfully they had 'humans' on the tills! They also are having a 4 day sale so just had to have a little lookie around and was able to get some really cheap decking to do a pathway down to the greenhouse it might not last years and years although a good pickling will aid it some what at under £2 for a 8ft length it's got to be a bargain.

    Windy as heck here at the moment but hope it's nice for some gentle work later on. Have a nice weekend guys.Hel.xxx.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, helen and everyone, weather not so good today a little breezy and drizzly quite warm mind.
    helen you are so right i told the garage im frightened to take it back but till i choose my new car i may have to take it back today, the mg i will get a straight swop but iff i choose the peugeot its more money which my hubby said he would pay iff i like it but cant pay it till he gets back from africa, the guy at garage said thats fine we will work something out he just wants me to be happy with a car, hubbys seen photo and he thinks its nice, he prefers the hard top eletric convertible, hes not so sure about the mgs soft roof as its manual.
    thats a bargain the decking from B&Q i bought some 8feet posts 6 in a pack £9 put them away for my allotment all my bargains i have stored away in my landing cupboard hehe
    when i make my decision will let you know.
    have a great day one and all
  8. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Morning friends :luv:
    I thought I would be the first here :lollol:

    Woo you have so many nice friends on here :luv:
    Rosa I need to catch up on here, hopefully tonight but I hope you get things sorted once and for all!!
    Hel hope the "wind" :) doesn't spoil your work today!
    Kandy that has happened to me before, soooo annoying.
    Penny I came home to find the seeds are growing fantastically, will have to photo some as I couldn't read the labels after watering! My friend was soooo jealous so I gave her just a few :D
    Shiney I see you are chasing your tail as usual, hope all is well in Shineyland :thumb:
    Natalie, we will meet one day but I don't know who will surprise who :hehe: I thought it was quiet on here, glad you got the laptop sorted.

    I have loads to do today, hope to get on later. :)

  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    a bit dull and breezy this morning but the forecast is 75 degrees. :)

    rosa, I hope your next car works out OK :thumb:

    Jazmine, the M25 is no joke when it is busy :(. Box Hill is lovely. Many years ago I did a landscape photography course there and it was ideal for that.

    Helen, the puppy and the little kids were from different families :hehe: so I don't think they will ever meet. If you lived nearer us you could have some of my beans as I am picking at least 8lb a day now. The charity are going to do very well out of it :gnthb:. It's time consuming as it takes about 40 minutes each day to pick them. We have beens with almost everything but we haven't tried runner bean sandwiches yet :D.

    woo, fly safely :)

    Have a great day :D
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning jazmine and shiney.
    jazmine love that pic its just fab maybe we could meet up sometime.

    shiney thanks lets hope my next car is fine im just so worried about it as i couldnt stand all that again, this week ive been so depressed and down about the megane its done my head in i know its just a car to some people but its very disheartning to say the least every other week your car breaking down and especially twice it could of gone up in flames ive just been so lucky that never happened. anyway will let you know what i decide to get.
    have a great day and thanks shiney , helen, kandy, jazmine and everyone for your support over this you all have been a god send to me, love rosa xxx
  11. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good afternoon! Rosa - so glad that you have decided to let the megane go - I know you were loving the thought of having it, but......you do need to feel safe in your vehicle and if you don't have that assurance, then it's not for you :( A convertible MG? I love them! A good friend in Canada had one that she brought out in the summer - we used to drive to work together in it, and at 8 months pregnant, it was a feat indeed for me to get in and out of it - but well worth it!

    The decking sounds like a great deal - isn't it normally 4.98 per length at B&Q? Hmmmm, hubby has just built a shed that will need some lengths of decking on the front 'stoop' of it - I should get down there tomorrow. I tend to do a 'run through' when I go there, as I could get lost and spend hours.......and blow the bank account as well.

    Jazmine - that's the second pic I've seen of you in a couple of days - you are looking so good! And yes, one of these days......I do intend to get up your way one of these days to get turkey chicks.......had we not moved during the last winter, I would've taken it on this spring.....maybe next?

    Still catching up here - and I have a shed to paint with protectant and colourant......will go get that done and then go for a swim with the boys :) It's a gorgeous afternoon out there.
  12. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening all!
    It's hot and sticky here :)

    It's a beautiful area Shiney, I can't "do " hills now so we stayed mainly on the flatter areas but what fantastic views.
    Rosa that's what friends are for - to be there when you need someone and I wouyld love to meet up-it's a pity we are so far apart unless you decide to pop to Norfolk one day :wink:
    Natalie I hope you enjoyed your swim. I don't know about my pics, I have been told by the hospital I have to lose one stone again. Ohh it's a struggle. :(
  13. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Wooand everyone,

    Love the moon Woo:gnthb:and hope you enjoyed your flight and your walk with the girls this morning:D

    Hope you are all ok and that you are enjoying this lovely weather we are having and it looks set to stay nice all of next week so I shall be busy:D

    Had a tiring day yesterday but at least I got plenty done and hope you all did as well.Can't hang about as I don't want to miss this beautiful weather:)

    Hope you all have a great day.:)
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy and all.

    Lol Woo 'The Dark Side Of The Moon' a little Pink Floyd seems appropriate, hope you and your beautiful girls enjoyed your walk.:wink:

    Kandy them weeds are still growing like crazy down on the plots I do hope you manage to kerb yours.

    Rosa sweetie I know how you feel I'm very much into my car I think of it as my baby you do get so attached but you also need to know you are safe in a car, nothing worst than being afraid while out driving you put yourself at risk and others. I have to say the dealer (where you brought the car from) must be a good'un for allowing you a swap or a good exchange on the Megane pick well sweetie and may you be happy with your choice.:luv:

    Jazmine I'm wanting to go to Wells-on-Sea to do the whole 'Kingdom' location thingly but I'll wait until next year as I'm really not keen of going away on holiday without our boys it's just not fun anymore....the woes of your children growing up!:oops:

    Shiney sorry sweetie got my wires mixed up I thought your niece was the little girl!:dh:

    I managed to collect some lovely runner beans for our dinner today, along with French Dwarf Beans and some yummy carrots, I thought the carrot would be so very hard to grow and maybe come out all funky looking like a mutant with eight legs or something but I have had a marvelous clean looking crop only problem is that everyone is after them!

    Popping out to the carboot this morning can't do the earlies anymore body will not warm up in time for those...oh the joys of growing old!:old:

    Have a nice day guys and may the sun shine down on you all.Hel.xxx.

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