Another Tree ID PLease

Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by r2oo, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. r2oo

    r2oo Gardener

    Nov 6, 2006
    On the basis of probability as well as the timing, general appearance of the buds and habit of the tree, it's a fair bet it is Prunus 'Kanzan'. It is definitely one of the 'flowering cherries' and 'Kanzan' continues to head the popularity list. If it is Kanzan, expect masses of large (5-6cms. diameter), double, bright purplish-pink flowers. </font>[/quote]I hope it is Dave, just done a search on google pics & they look great. I presume 'Kanzan' is a slightly later flowering cherry as whilst driving around today I noticed that there are many already in flower!

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