Although I have quite a decent sized garden, due to my late husband's health problems, over the years the garden was turned to flowers, shrubs and lawn, and although I have a greenhouse, growing outdoor veg or fruit has been a thing of the past. We used to also keep a huge allotment, so over time I have grown most edible crops. This year I decided to grow fruit and veg in containers. I have tried all sorts ! Beans, peas, onions, a variety of salads, cucumber, garlic, carrot..... I could go on......but wont bore you, but ALL in containers. This morning I thought I would have a wander down the garden and see what I could find for having with my dinner. Bit of an Alys Fowler I am :hehe: What a joy it was to find enough French beans, or a choice of another picking of runners, a boiling of peas, or maybe I should have mangetout? The courgettes are ready, as are the tomatoes in the greenhouse. I had forgotten how satisfying it was to walk down a garden and pick fresh crops. I am at peace with the world this morning.
Well done Blueroses. I'm happy for you. yes, it is great just to go into the garden and pick your own crops. Containers can be very successful. I used to grow lots in containers but now I grow in raised beds. Well, I suppose they are just very big containers. it's more managable than growing in the ground and very productive. Enjoy all your lovely veg and your happy gardening.
Yes, this is a rewarding time of year and it's good to hear of your sucesses. I'm hopeful that I can find just a few more runner beans on my plants to make a first helping this evening.
Sounds just great Blueroses - you deserve to be proud after all your hard work, home grown veg are a real delight :thumb:
Its a good feeling Blueroses. Lunch at the moment consists of veg from my new plot. Only thing missing is the protein part, fishing has been pants this year. Tempted to get out on the kayak to try to stock the freezer, but the marine radio has broken.
Do you go sea fishing? My hubby and I used to fish for Bass and Skate of the beach in Cornwall..... lovely
Sea Bass ! Now you're talking BlueRoses. All the Bass now seems to be from fish farms and it's not the same thing at all. Jings, what have you done ! I think I'm going to be up all night now fantasizing about fresh sea bass :snz:
Always sea fishing Blue. Every weekend I go down to my sis in laws at West Bay, Dorset. I help her with the veg plot then walk down the beach & have a bottle of red whilst spinning for bass & mackerell, plus bottom fishing for gurnard, dogfish etc.
Ah yes Red Gurnard, have caught them in the past. Always seemed to be plenty of dogfish too. If we went on a boat it was Pollock we were after. Oooh Alice sorry bout that :hehe: Lets all dream we caught the biggest sea bass ever ! Now what shall we have with it ?