pc medic

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by intermiplants, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    sorry dont want to cause a stir...but 1.50 a minute it wont be a p.c medic we need it will be a paramedic... ps dont send us a virus for thinking its expensive [​IMG]
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Probably not the highest charges that you are likely to pay for help with your PC.

    One reason the whole pc "thing" is so complicated is, in my view, to create large amounts of money for support services.
    I even have doubts about who it is out there creating all these viruses which we all spend large amounts of money on, trying to guard against them.
    Just who gains most from a virus?
    I'm not sure how much of the �£1.50 PC Medic gets but I'm sure its much more than I can make in a minute. :D
  3. DAG

    DAG Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    You can't win with computer repairs, I used to have a Dell laptop with a 3 year servicing contract (which I think was about �£250 extra).

    Twice it broke down and I must say that it was no trouble and cost me nothing, Dell sent a courier to collect it, was returned in 4 days which I think was a good service but quite an extra price to pay out in the beginning.

    Just after the 3 years it crashed completely and I decided to support my local friendly computer man, who called immediately, and for which it is only right and proper that his time and trouble has to be paid for.

    Although expensive this still did not get my computer repaired and I ended up buying my present laptop, and throwing the old one away!

    Now that is what you call expensive!

    So my feeling is that with the price of computers getting cheaper, it maybe wise to buy the cheapest computer you can and once it is out of the warranty period, if it starts giving trouble sling it and buy a new one! Don't waste money on repairs and servicing schemes unless it was expensive in the first place.

    This all depends on whether you are in business or not and maybe I was unlucky, anybody else have any similar experiences?
  4. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
  5. Moonshine17c

    Moonshine17c Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 27, 2008
    Just be careful what you buy. I built my PC as then I would have the choice of what gets put in the machine. There are certain boards I would only use, through experience. PC has lasted me years and is easily upgraded. Also, by me putting the software on I dont get all the additional software that companies add on. You will never use it and it will only slow your system down.
    My laptop, I still use an old Compaq N600c. This has been a great servant for me and has outlived other laptops within the household.
    Advice would be to read Techie forums before buying PCs/laptops. Like GC, these are very helpful.

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