How do I make a web site into a link? By this I mean make it go red so that people just click on it rather than punching the whole address into their searcher. Please go easy on me guys, I really know nothing about these machines. Ta! :confused:
Just copying and pasting the WHOLE address from the address bar at the top of the screen (ie include the http bit) will normally work. that's the easy answer, however you can get clever and replace the address with your own words if you prefer...?
For the more technical answer look here:
Hi Dizi, thanks for your reply. When I siad I know Nothing I really meant it! I copy the whole address and put it on the message, right? That's copying and pasting, yes?
Yes, If you click once in the address bar at the top of the window, the text will turn blue, then select Edit, copy (or hold down the CTRL key and press C). In your message select Edit, Paste (or hold down the CTRL key and press V). If you want to test click the Preview Post button and you reply will open in a new window for you and you can click on the link to see if it works. Don't forget to come back to the original window and click Add Reply though :D
Thanks Dizi, that's marvelous. Someone who speaks English, at last! I'm surprised thar no-one has made a fortune from writing a book called "The Complete Idiots Guide to Computers", I'd be the first to buy it! :D Thanks again
:D No worries, I am a computer trainer so I do this for a living!! Any other questions, please ask away
There is a series of books called 'The Idiot's guide to....' and they have several on various aspects of computers! Have a look on Amazon: They even have some on gardening! :D
Thanks for passing that on Liz, perhaps I should get the gardening one :D If you are going to get a book however, I would recommend having a look at the books first in PC World or a book shop so that you can see if the book 'speaks your language', the way one person explains something may not make sense to you but would to someone else and vice versa (if that makes sense), so by having a look through the book you can get a feel for the language used and make sure it's not to technical, oh and if your like me, make sure there are lots of pictures too!!
Thanks for all the help and links, guys. We're trying to get on a "Basic Computer" course at the local college but just befors the courses start they tell us there aren't enough people to make it cost effective to run! Bit like going into a shop for something and the assistant telling you that nobody asks for the product I'll probably be asking for help again!!