Hi Who thinks i should make my own web page, if you say yes could you als sujest a good site to do so. :D kind regards boygardener (i like food)
How about currymonster.eu or .net ...... They are both available, both would cost �£25 for 2 years inc. basic hosting with Titanhosts.
Ya good idea but im really looking for something free. As i have just spent �£1.500 on doin up my garden, greenhouse and garden shed. kind regards boygardener
BoyGardiner - I suspect the answer is - that there is no need to have a web page unless you are seriously running a business. However many people, myself included, enjoy playing with computers, and would enjoy the challenge. I am intending to have a go - just waiting for some software. From what I gathered from the other thread on this subject, your own provider will give you webspace for nothing, but you will have no choice about the name. It strikes me that this is the way to start. If you really want to get a posh name, you could do that later but it will cost you.