Windows XP Won't Start

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by r2oo, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    Can the three members in the Creative Art section who have apparently been hit not get together and compare notes regarding recent downloads? The offending file is probably still there waiting for the next opportunity to infect a PC. And it could well be that the person who posted it doesn't even know the file is infected.
    Might also be worthwhile comparing your anti-virus software.

    Just a thought.
    Glad you seem to have got things sorted though.
  2. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I very much doubt that anything nasty was downloaded from this site. Start up problems and hanging computers are pretty much par for the course. I have had them many times. Most of the time it is the internet - but it is not always something malicious. Often you get invalid or damaged links or interruptions on the line that can cause computers to hang.

    A major source of problems is turning off a computer too soon after it has hung. If you pull the plug on a computer when it is in the middle of writing something you are inviting a serious problem. When a computer finishes writing, it puts a special end of file marker on the disk and updates the FAT (the file allocation table which is like a card index in a library) telling the computer exactly where the file is. If this process is interrupted it gets confused and doesn't know where the files are. Sometimes when a computer has hung and does not respond to the keyboard, it is still able to do some housekeeping jobs in preparation to a forced shutdown. Or it may have started to write a file and is waiting for more data from the internet. The real problem may only be created when you interrupt these jobs and prevent their completion.

    If a computer hangs - ALWAYS leave it for 10 minutes or so, and make very sure the hard disk in not in use before you pull the plug.
  3. Hornbeam

    Hornbeam Gardener

    Apr 29, 2006
    I think I'm back ok, but fingers and toes still crossed. Computer dealer couldn't find anything wrong and didn't charge me.
  4. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Well done Hornbeam. After Christams you will have to have a think about a regular backup routine. Computer problems do happen.
  5. Hornbeam

    Hornbeam Gardener

    Apr 29, 2006
    I'm not sure what "a regular backup routine" is, Peter. I save my photos to cd and memory stick when I remember and photobucket for those that come on GC. What else can I do?
  6. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    I never had problems with my computer so far...finger crossed! I suppose it is very much that i don't expose myself to a lot of risk, as I use more o less always the same few sites and I almost never dowload anything. But maybe I am missing out on life...
  7. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Hornbeam. I see a regular backup routine as
    1) Identifying everything that you want to back up. ie your data (spreadsheets, wordprocessing docs, photos etc), but not your programs. Then there are lots of little items that Windows buries. Such as Favortes, e-mail address book, some e-mail messages you might want to keep. Maybe a saved game that you are playing etc.
    2) Organising your directories and files to make it easier to backup. You might have a directory Garden 2006, in which you keep the current gardening stuff, your photos, your garden spreadsheets, perhaps a gardening diary/notes/ideas for this year. You might have another directory for Garden 2005 etc. I also have a current financial directory, with spreadsheets for your bank/building soc accounts, utilities, car expenses etc. Once a year I will move these files to an archive directory. I also have a utilities directory (now quite large) for all the useful programs and utilities that I have collected from the web - CAD program, antivirus etc, computer self test programs, photo viewers, and loads of others.
    3) The final part is to decide a schedule for backing stuff up, and if you want two copies or more of each. The utilities backup needs to be on a seperate CD, and you just add to it after you have downloaded a new one and tested it (for usefulness and for viruses). You could go two years without adding to this. Once you have a copy of Garden 2005, and Garden 2004 you never need to back this up again. But the current year's stuff needs to be backed up quite regularily. I have some stuff that I try and back up every week. But I don't do that for everything. It all depends on how easy it would be and how much work it would take to replace lost files.

    Its not a computer job really, but an office admin job.
  8. Hornbeam

    Hornbeam Gardener

    Apr 29, 2006
    Thanks Peter. Most helpful and I will certainly try to get my head round it.
  9. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    PeterS's suggestions are well explained and should keep key data files safe. I've used a similar method for a few years now, but with my increasing quantity of data (in part due to image files) I've invested in a separate HDD and software which allows me to backup all my data files and crucial system files at the click of a button. I still copy all my critical data files to CD as well. As at about �£20 or less for 100 CDs it's well worth the additional security.
    I date from the era when floppies were floppy. In fact when I started I was using tape!
  10. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    I am so disafected with MS that I'm looking into Ubuntu (Linux). I downloaded it yesterday and burnt a disk so's I can do a test on my old PC.

    The final straw will be when Vista is launched - there is so much validation (via Gunuine 'Advantage') and cross checking of files in the background that MS may have written its own obituary. It is a terrible resouce hog and if you have less than a couple of Gig of RAM and are slower than about 1.5GHz then the PC will run like a zombie on Mogadon.

    It is even more sinister than that. As things stand ALL software code and hardware, (including advanced vid and sound cards, hard drives, modems etc.), will need the MS seal of aproval before Vista will run it. Without that authority Vista will say 'hasta la vista' and shut the system down or only operate in a very basic mode. Not only that, but so far MS have only released crude guidance for programers and harware manufacturers. Upgrades and repairs will become a nightmare as Vista will compare your old config with the new - if it doesn't like what it sees you will be DOOOMMMEEEDD! Installing Vista will be like trying to cross Morecombe Sands at night with no torch and the tide coming in!

    What MS should do is launch a fast, free, basic cutdown version of an OS (such as Win 2000) and keep all the bells and whistles for those that want to pay for it.

    For me, from now on Penguins will rule! [​IMG]
  11. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
  12. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Or try Freecom - who also do USB connected hard drives.
  13. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Frogesque, I do agree with you. I stick with Windows 98, because it is simple and straightforeward. But MS is so keen to keep a stranglehold that the secret things that it is doing now are sinister. I only wish there was a critical mass of support for Linux, because I would happily change.

    But I think you are wrong on one account - you suggested that MS should have a simple system for the benefit of the public. MS does not serve the public, it only serves itself.
  14. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Well it is a profit making company after all. If what it does sells, then it will continue - warts and all.
  15. Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa Gardener

    Oct 28, 2005
    I use XP Home with IE7 and Firefox as browsers....I find that if there is a good Anti Virus, Firewall, Spyware blockers (both working in the background and real-time)installed, this should give adequate protection for Home users .... I run Ad-Aware and Spybot every week, Spywareblaster is running in the background permanently, I have Spyware Terminator which does a daily automatic scheduled check, Zone Alarm (bi-directional) firewall stops anything unknown getting in (the Windows firewall is only one directional and is therefore NOT sufficient, it hace should be disabled when you have another running in it's place as two firewalls will cause conflict). Avast anti virus keeps OE running smoothly, and I recently started using Choice Mail Spam filter, because the increase in Spam mail has been incredible of late. All of these programmes are free and regularly recommended on Computer forums ... if anyone wants the relevant places to download I can post those .....even the dreaded IE7 that a LOT of people are complaining about, has been running smoothly on my system since the Beta 1 version, it is now the fully fledged version).....I regularly clear the Temporary Internet files, which if ignored, can cause a system to run slowly's a bit like gardening, keep the 'weeds' down and the rest will flourish !! :D

    In defence of Microsoft I would just say that had it not been for MS we would not have been able to have our home computers as soon as we did ...they opened it all up for us ...and now they are reaping the benefits....

    PS ....It's important also to keep these Anti Spy, Anti Virus programmes up to date (not all the free ones update automatically) ....and for this I use this very handy Calendar ....

    [ 14. January 2007, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Mona Lisa ]

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