Roe Deer Hind

Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by Kandy, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    This little Roe Deer Hind was feeding on a piece of grassland right next to the campsite where we stayed up in the Lakes last month [​IMG]



    [ 03. October 2007, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Kandyfloss ]
  2. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    Oh Kandy how sweet [​IMG]

    On my woodland walk yesterday I came across a lady with a little Lab called Jack, my four were having a fine time playing with him, anyway...... this lady Polly, told me that she saw a fawn not long ago in the Great Woods, couldn't see the mother apparently but she was around somewhere i'm sure :D
  3. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Great pics Kandy! What a lovely sight and thanks for sharing them [​IMG]
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Thankyou AG and Marge.We was very surprised when we saw her the first day and quickly took the photo's but these were the best.She came for three days and then vanished,but then at the end of the second week,when we were getting ready to come home there arrived some more in the field which delighted us,but they were further away so we couldn't get clear photo's Glad you both like them [​IMG]
  5. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    very nice kf that must have been a brilliant sight [​IMG]
  6. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    I wonder whether it is a roe deer in the photo. There are loads in the Lakes and are more likely to be spotted on their own rather than in herds. Its the size that makes me think its a roe deer. Whe i was up at a caravan site near Coniston last year I saw the hoof prints in the mud around the campsite and we could hear the bucks barking during the day - must have been getting ready for mating. Just outside the village of Coniston we spotted a beautiful buck coming out to graze in broad daylight in full view of lots of people.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    kandy lovely pictures, well done [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Geoff,I thought of a Roe Deer but Mr Kandy said a Red Deer and I haven't had a chance to check my books yet.I will change it when i get the right answer.

    Thankyou all for your comments.I am glad you like her,we did [​IMG]
  9. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I think Geoff is right Kandy
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Geoff and Walnut,I ghave just checked my books and you are both right.It is the size,white muzzle and rump that identifies it as a Roe.Still nice to see though [​IMG]
  11. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Roe used to be harder to see at one time. Cause they are smaller, don't go around in big herds and rarely come out of thick cover until either dawn ar dusk. But I have been seeing and hearing them more often. You have two good photos. Very often its just a fleeting glimpse.
    The best opportunity i have had to see red deer was when I was in the Roaches in Staffordshire. I saw this big stag with a fantastic pair of antlers. We had a dog with us and because it stood still while we were relatively close I thought it was a statue or sculpture. i could not believe my eyes when it turned round and walked into the trees......and did I have my camera ready.......not a chance!! [​IMG]
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    I have a couple of other photos but the deer is looking the other way,and these were taken in the zoom mode.I will have to ask Mr Kandy if he took any as we took so many photo's I can't remember.
    We often see Red Deer up in the Highlands of Scotland and also down on Exmoor.Outside of the village where we live we often get a Muntjac cross the road if we are driving out of the village :cool:

    It is always the way though Geoff no camera when you need one.

    We now have Badgers coming into our village and some of them are getting run over just outside of the village.The ground must be too hard for them to dig for worms even though we have had a lot of wet weather.Now that is one animal I have never seen live :rolleyes:
  13. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Now I have been to within 3 foot of a big live badger. I used to take kids badger watching just outside our town. One time we found no badgers, just a fox ripping up a rabbit. The farmer told me that another sett had become active. That is normal They do move around from sett to sett within their family territory. Anyway I found this sett, in woodland. At dusk it is a bit start thinking of the shropshire big cat and all that when you are on your own...well I did. I had put myself off the obvious badger tracks and hid behind a oak tree. I wondered about this perfectly smooth polished round shape in the bottom of a ditch. Then this huge boar badger came out, walked over to the ditch, rolled on his back in the round depression and started to slowly turn himself round while on his back. Really weird. He then got up, walked across the badger track, right up to my tree and stretched up to scratch. His head came round the tree so that he was looking straight at me. On his back legs he was well over 4 feet tall. He realised I was there, snorted, but did not panic. He just got down and went about his business and trundled off back across the ditch.
    That particular family group, which was big with about 8 adults, never seemed that fussed about people. On one occasion at the first sett because of the wind I got the kids to move round to another spot downwind. What I did not notice was that there was a badger track running through the pasture and we were lying right on it. The badgers came out, did there usual and then came one behind the other up the bank and along the track. When the first badger got to within 5 feet of us it stopped dead. the second badger then crashed into it, followed by the third, fourth etc. There was a lot of nose waving, snorting, then they just turned round and scurried back down the dip. Black and white heads then started popping up over the bank in our direction and then we saw them one behind the other going up the other side of the depression.
    The kids thought they were absolutely brilliant.
  14. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007

    If you get any pic's of badgers (difficult i know) can you post 'em, we had a injured badger at the vet's i used to work at, hubby came to see it and fell in love. He has adored them ever since, even had his picture taken with a six foot fluffy one at The Wild Flower Centre (Norfolk) which has a mock set.

    If he see's any run over which we sadly do from time to time on Tylers Causeway he wells up :( beautiful creatures but boy what a bite, they can bite through bone easy peasy but are beautiful (if pongy). As i have alrealdy said, hubby has developed a great love for them over the last 10 years :D [​IMG]
  15. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    I remember years ago coming across a freshly killed badger and in the area they were having trouble with badger baiters coming in from other areas to dog out the setts. I had heard that if they spotted a dead badger they would follow the tracks back to the sett.
    So i stopped the car, picked up the dead badger and was wending my way up the roadside bank to find a bush to hide the badger behind. Well there was a screech of brakes, I looked round and there is a police car
    "Oi what the bloody ell are you doing with that badger?"
    .....well what did they expect me to say to that???? Sometimes policemen take themselves far too seriously.

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