
Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by Hornbeam, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. Hornbeam

    Hornbeam Gardener

    Apr 29, 2006
    While raking my meadow hay, I felt a sharp sting on my leg (wearing shorts). I thought that I must have backed into a nettle, but when I looked down I saw that it was a wasp. Reinforces what I have said before - unless you have an allergy, a wasp sting is no worse than a nettle sting and doesn't irritate anywhere near as long. However, I had to leave the raking because I noticed a neat round hole in the ground like a mouse hole. Wasps were pouring out of it. When a wasp stings, it gives out a signal to others. So the troops were coming out to defend their home. Quite right too! As it's a long way from the house, I shall leave them in peace and continue work when they have settled down.
  2. jay

    jay Gardener

    Jun 20, 2005
    My OH went out on the scoot for a ride today and got stung in the face by a wasp ... not the most pleasant of things esp if you have a phobia like he does, but like you say - they don't do much harm and you just have to get the vinegar on it where the sting went in.

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