Tia's slipped disc.

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by dalbuie, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    I am so worried about our dog Tia, we had her at the park on Monday with her ball as usual, I threw the ball for her she ran and jumped and caught it as she usually does then screamed in agony and fell to the ground i have never heard anything like the noise she was making and I don't want to hear it ever again. Anyway she couldn't move her back end at all, so my hubby had to carry her home, we rushed her to the vet and she thinks Tia has a slipped disc, gave her some anti-flamatary tabs and to take her back on Friday.She is moving slightly better but keeps falling over, which breaks my heart every time it happens, she is such an active dog and I pray that she gets the use of her legs again soon. Sorry to go on but has anyone had similar with a dog ?
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Yes Dalbuie. A couple of dogs ago. It was a cocker spaniel. Very very worrying. But she got better. Just don't rush it.
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    The anti-inflammatories will help, but with all disc protrusions time and complete rest initially are the true healers.

    What breed of dog is she?

    Here is a little info - strict rest is the most important in the initial stages.



    Try not to worry too much Dalb. To go from not being able to move her back end on Monday to being able to moderately move 48hrs later is good progress. As her mobility improves, try not to be tempted to let her do too much moving around until the vet has re-examined her on Friday.

    Are all of Tia's abilities to pass urine and faeces working ok? If not, then don't wait until Friday to see the vet again. If she can't pee that needs addressing sooner. If she can't pass motions, it may just be that it is too painful to do so and some stool softener may be all that is required.

    Wobbliness on the back legs is to be expected at this stage.

    Do let us know how she gets on.

    All the best

  4. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hope she gets better soon, i'm sure it will be sorted.
  5. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    Thanks folks, she is a lurcher/lab and she is going to the loo to do both so thats a blessing. She is feeling very sorry for herself but she is enjoying all the pampering she's getting just now. It seems to be more on her left back leg and she just drags it. Tia has quite a long body and long legs which is making her look a bit like bambi, poor thing! :(
  6. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Sorry to hear about Tias' problem dalbuie. I'm glad to hear she is making good progress.

    I know what you mean about when they 'cry out' It's horrible isn't it? Luckily we haven't had anything like that with Joyce, just when she has had her foot trodden on or something. That's bad enough.

    Hope the progress continues. Let us know.

  7. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    Had Tia at the vet this morning and she seems to be making progress she seems to be moving a bit better, her back leg still doesn't have all its feeling, she still drags it. The vet has given her another three days worth of tabs and will see her again then. Tia seems to be a bit brighter today which is great to see, the next problem may be trying get her to not be so mad and run about.
    Thanks for all the good wishes.

  8. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Good news.

    Give her time Dalb - I'm sure she'll be ok - but you are dead right.... your problem is going to be trying to stop her doing too much, too soon.

    I am not certain if you have such a facility where you live - but I wonder if there is a canine hydrotherapy unit near to you? These are great to help with physiotherapy after an orthopaedic injury. Far too soon to think about this yet but it may be an aid to her full recovery. Cost may be a prohibitive factor if you are not insured though... :(

    I noticed there is one near my mum on the A37 between Bath and Wells - that is what made me think of asking.

    All the best

  9. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    I'm not sure about that Kath I'll have a search about for one. We do have her insured, we thought this wise as she is just mad she jumps in the air, runs at full speed and then thinks about it later usually after she's banged into something or someone.

  10. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    As you are in Scotland, you could make enquires to either the Edinburgh or Glasgow Veterinary Schools - they may know of such a place.

    These injuries can take a long time to settle so do not be too despondant if Tia is still a bit lame for a few weeks yet. With no complications to her recovery, I can see you two having walks and gentle runs again as usual, this summer!

    Insurance is a godsend - if she should ever re-injure herself, you can rest easy that if surgery were to ever be required then she would be covered for that expense too.
  11. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    Glad to hear Tia is on the mend,Dalbuie. We've had some scares over the years with all the animals but they all seem to bounce back to health, I just wish I was as tough as they are [​IMG]

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