Any pets artists out there?

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Floydgreg, May 23, 2007.

  1. Floydgreg

    Floydgreg Gardener

    Jul 16, 2006
    Thank you everyone for your kind comments. Sorry to hear about your dog Marge, you're right everytime they are not quite themselves you worry.

    We were told in January if we chose to do nothing she would have a few weeks at the most. We decided to give her the best chance we could and she had her leg amputated. (Without this her leg could have shattered and needed amputating anyway so seemed best to have it done out of choice rather than necessity)

    She then had 3 courses of chemotherapy but it was when we took her for the 4th and final dose they did xrays of her lungs first and found another tumor. As most of the veins in her legs had already been blown with taking blood and putting in catheters and the final dose would make no difference we didn't have the last one and brought her home instead. They told us she would probably have around 3 months as it is such an aggressive form but 6 weeks on there is no sign of it progressing yet.

    She is such an Angel [​IMG] (Although the halo slips a little at times-She also can raid the bin and I didn't think this would be possible with only 1 back leg....) She gives her paw quite happily for needles even though she knows it will hurt and the amount of fur she has had shaved off this year would have made quite an impressive jumper!

    I can only hope that as with Marge's dog they are wrong with their predictions and we have a long time left together. [​IMG]

    I will keep this thread updated as and when anything changes. Thank you once again for all your kind thoughts and messages.

    Floydgreg x x [​IMG]
  2. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007

    Rosa's portrait is amazing.

    Oscar was a stray cat I found at 5wks in Australia and when he was a 2 he was diagnosed with feline leukemia. When he eventually started showing symptoms requiring treatment I took him to the University Vet Hospital in Perth as I was apparently quite rare in wanting to pay for treatment! He also had chemo courses and would also quietly put his leg out for the shot. We were incredibly lucky as whenever he would show a symptom every now and then, we'd go to the vet and be treated for whatever ailment he had developed. It is similar to the HIV virus in humans, all the while he never was unhappy or in pain, the vets couldn't believe how well he was doing.
    I had him for four years after diagnosis during which time he lived the life of riley defying the initial prognosis.

    No cure, however, meant the day came when he picked up something that did distress him and I had to let the little ****** go.

    In the meantime, though, he had been a very happy loved boy who even put up with me trying complimentary "medicine" although he did draw the line at soy milk!


    I might add that after swearing I would never go through that again I seem to have acquired another four - answers on a postcard please! [​IMG]
  3. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    I could smile through my tears while reading these last two postings - aren't animals just amazing and wonderful? Much better than many humans and loyal too. Bless their little hearts bursting with love for us and not holding anything against us.
  4. Floydgreg

    Floydgreg Gardener

    Jul 16, 2006

    Not sure if this will work but have finally got round to having her framed. Decided the grey mount works well with her colour and the silver frame does not detract from the picture-Hope you agree.

    Floyd is still with us at the moment, she has good and bad days and a couple of times we thought we would lose her but she keeps picking herself up and carrying on. She had a fit last night which was very scary. This may be a sign of a tumor on her brain but at the moment the vet is happy just to keep an eye on her. If she keeps fitting then maybe it is time to let her go, but fingers crossed it was a one off and everything will be fine.

    We have been thinking about getting puppy-I can't decide if this would be a good thing or not. There are so many arguements for and against getting one whilst Floyd is still here by the time I make up my mind the decision will most probably have been made for me.... Then which breed to pick? Floyd is collie/lab/alsation we think, a full collie maybe too highly strung, I like golden retrievers but they may need alot of grooming also in the choices would be husky/malmute-Too many breeds, too useless at making a decision and sticking to it!! Can you tell I'm a typical libra yet? Geuss I'll end up with another mixed breed...
  5. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    That looks really nice framed and on the wall Floydgreg, I think you made a good choice.

    Sorry to hear about Floyd having a fit last night, and am hoping along with you that it was a one-off thing.

    I can't help you with your choice, it is very difficult knowing which is the right thing. Perhaps the vet might be able to say, assume he has come up with this many times, although each one is different.

    Big hug and pet for Floyd and strength for you in this bad time. x
  6. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello, Floydgreg. The portrait rosa has done for you of Floyd is wonderful and I think the frame just the portrait justice.

    My heart goes out to you at this time. We just recently lost one of our cats to a road accident last month (the first ever for us in nearly 40 years of having cats) ... she would have been one today.

    I just hope when the time comes for Floyd it will be quick. My thoughts are with you. [​IMG]
  7. Floydgreg

    Floydgreg Gardener

    Jul 16, 2006
    Thought I would add another couple of photos of my little girl..


    Although she coped really well with the amputation she knew with just a look she could have whatever she wanted....

  8. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    She's lovely Floydgreg, thanks for sharing her with us. xx
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    Floydgreg the water colour of floyd looks fab colour of the frame looks great, very nice.
    sorry to hear floyd is not too good in health give her a kiss from me [​IMG] you are in our thoughts.
    labradors are lovely dogs probably the best one to choose, short hair, lovely natures, good luck in choosing.

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