My 4 Gorgeous Guineas!

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by JarBax, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    Another of my passions are my 4 gorgeous guinea pig girls! I wondered if some of you would like to meet them?

    Mary is the piggy we've had the longest. She came with her sister from a friend, whose daughters guinea pig had had a litter. She is about two and a half years old.


    Unfortunately, her beautiful sister, Midge passed away over a year ago (she had an advanced tumour), so we introduced baby Marble, to keep Mary company. Marble was so named. because she whizzed around the cage like the ball in a pinball machine, and her tri-colouring reminded me of marble!


    Last October, we visited the Scottish guinea pig rescue, near Perth, and adopted Mellow and Emm. They had been rescued from a visitor 'attraction' where 60 or more pigs were kept in a cage the size I keep my four in. They had suffered malnourishment and neglect - their ears are tattered and their eyelids have been blistered. Mellow has had a broken toe, and has scars on her back from overcrowding stress. They were extremely skittish when I first brought them home, but now Mellow lives up to her name (unless she is being brushed!), and Emm has gone from being hugely scared, to very inquisitive and bold!

    The introductions were um...interesting! I almost spent a night in the bath, as I was runing out of new neutral territory to try, and the bathroom had become the last resort. However, they settled as the sun went down - and now I have a tightly knit herd!

    Mellow came to us as a fluffy ball, and has turned into a beautiful sheltie with the sweetest nature:


    Whilst Emm remains a bit of an inbred nit-wit, she swells my heart with joy!


    Whilst most of these pics are taken outside, they are actually indoor pigs - I made them a fantastic cage - they have been enjoying a few excursions into the garden to mow the lawn! Cage pics coming soon!
  2. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    what gorgeous little animals. I love guinea pigs both in their look and their behaviour.
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    JarBax, they are beautiful. And they are so lucky to have you as you love them so much. I don't think I've ever seen one with such long fur as Mellow ... how gorgeous!

    Lovely to meet them all, thank you for sharing them with us! [​IMG]
  4. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    What a gorgeous family of piggies [​IMG] I love them and wanted to have some rescue ones when we moved here but ended up with the bunnies instead! Long story :rolleyes:
    They all look so happy and healthy Jarbax - well done on keeping them so beautifully - would like to see some of the cages indoors - they sound wonderful [​IMG]
  5. Diziblonde

    Diziblonde Gardener

    May 6, 2007
    [​IMG] arn't they just the cutest [​IMG]
  6. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    They are lovely!
    I have 4 guinea pig girls from Freecycle! they are all the natural pepper and salt colour, which is, I suspect, why they were unwanted, but they are excellent grass cutters and are just beginning to greet me when I go into the garden.
    They are creatures of very little brain- engagingly stupid!
    I would also like to see their indoor cages!
  7. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007

    Can't say I'm a guinea pig person but what gorgeous, healthy and shiny looking "kids" you have there.
    Obviously well looked after.

  8. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    Awww, thankyou folks! I find them endlessly endearing - and very entertaining! (OK - a little on the daft side of sensible too!)

    Cage pics as promised...


    This first pic is of their second cage (their first was made from wooden 'picket style' fencing - and is infact now used when it's warm enough for them to roam the lawn!


    When we adopted our two latest pigs, I extended this one, and made this:


    S'cuse the decor (or should I say lack of!) - sitting room is next on the to do list!

    It is made from grids, which are meant for building storage cubes, but which make excellent pet cages! I always wanted to make a second level for my original girls, but could never work out how to go about it - this is the perfect solution! It has infact changed quite a bit since taking this pic. The top right hand section is now bedded with Megazorb (a bedding for horses, but works really well for small animals too), and is their 'hay-loft' - and they spend the night there too (their own choice!)

    Liz - I am astonished that someone would want to give away their guinea pigs for free - yet so glad that they have found a better home with you!

    I have lots more pigtures, if anyone is interested! Thankyou for all your lovely comments - I will pass them on! [​IMG]
  9. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    Looks like guinea pig heaven!
    Are they house trained? I've never managed to house train any of my guineas, rabbits are much easier!
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Lovely pictures,especially of the pigs and their homes.How do you manage to keep the bedding so clean?The ones I rescue are in a rabbit hutch on sawdust and they seem to wee and poo everywhere.They are not like the rabbits I have kept in the past they just don't care whether they do it in the run part or where they sleep.Whether it is because they never had the choice with their previous owners
  11. sumo

    sumo Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 12, 2007
    Love your pig pictures Jarbax, and your ingenious pigpens! More photos please.
    I have 4 rescue pigs who live in a large hutch in the (unused) garage and have a run for the lawn. They are great grass cutters and my Jack Russell spends hours watching them, supervised, naturally.
    Luckily he doesn`t bark or frighten them. It`s his version of the Big Brother house.
  12. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    However did I miss this wonderful thread?

    I love the pictures of your piggies JarBax and the DIY pens are amazing. If they don't feel at home in them ........ Looking forward to more pics.
  13. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    Sumo, that made me laugh, my dogs do exactly the same. The pigs have got used to the big monsters- dogs and pigs come to the bars to sniff each other.
    They are indeed excellent lawn mowers unlike the rabbits, who dug a tunnel 2' long the other day, then were so knackered they didn't use it to escape, they just lay in the run, sunbathing :mad:
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    When my boys were younger we had quite a few Guinea pigs were told they were the same sex pretty soon found this to be not true.Went out and brought a book and some more pens!

    Boy did we have fun when the babies came along, the squeaks when I walked near them was so delightful, so sad when they went to their new homes.

    Wish I had time for some now but sadly will have to wait for some grandchildren first!
  15. Tess

    Tess Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 21, 2007
    [​IMG] They are gorgous. Ive had Guinea pigs and they are the best for giving cuddles. there funny in the summer outside they hop about and squeak. My goldern retrievers used to nudge them when they stopped running around to make sure they were ok haha. Maybe next year ill get a couple again as the memories have a put a big smile on my face [​IMG] tess

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