Hi Guys, Remember me? It's me Kira, well look what a young lady I have turned into. Sucking my "Baby"
Hi Fran, Some Dobes like to suck something like a comforter, one of me previous ones, Rocky liked to suck my old Jumpers. I'm sure if Agie from How cleanis you house took a swob it would be coverd in bacteria!!!
Oh Sue, Kira is so beautiful! Very elegant and quite the young debutant (sucking is not good for her image though!!! )
Hi Rosa, I agree with Eleagnus, you are so talented, the sketch is so like her, do you sell any of your sketches? Sue
hi suedobie, the sketch is only on an A2 computer paper, iff you pm your address will send it to you, will do the other one of her and if you have any other pictures put them on and i will sketch them for you and will send them with that one.
Rosa,love your sketches once again You must have lost count of the amount you have done.It must be getting on for a thousand.Have you any idea? :D
Rosa is without equal and is are resident artist,she is without a shadow of doubt a very talented person,and i for one salute you