New Members of the Household

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Victoria, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I'm moving this out of Dendrobium's thread. Quote by eleagnus7 ...

    "Its an observation I have made on many occasions to many people, but at the height of my hands-on work with strays - cats and dogs- I never felt that they were going to fight or even just not get on. I have (carefully) introduced single disadvantaged animals (mostly cats) to the rest of the crowd which could number up to 15 or 20 at times and it did not pass through my mind that they would not all gel to a greater or lesser degree. This mainly took place in an upper maisonette (we had outside doors and stairways). They were of course always close to me and I suppose the general attitude I had must have been conveyed to them. Has anyone else been as fortunate as this with animals?"

    We got our two new kittens, Candi and Cal, on 16 August and are still having problems with our original cat, Magic Sam, tolerating them! :(

    I can see why he hisses, spits and hits out at Cal who is quite manic and flies through the air attacking Magic Sam at every opportunity. However, Candi is very quiet and sweet but Magic Sam still hisses and swots at her for no reason.

    We give Magic Sam oodles of loving and attention but it's taking longer than we expected. We got him when Skwij and Puschka (brother and sister) were four and a half and he terrorised them although he and Skwij became firm friends. Skwij died in March of 2004 and then we lost Puschka in December 2005.

    We're hoping that Cal will calm down when he is neutered in a few months and that in general things will go smoother.

    PS I know this is just not cats as we have a friend who has four large rescue dogs and the Mountain Dog and Water Dog growl every time they pass and they've been together for four/five years!
  2. eleagnus7

    eleagnus7 Gardener

    May 31, 2006
    this is just their way of interacting and I personally would not regard it as anything to worry about if it has been going on for some time. I would not dare to make such a generalisation if I had not had plenty of years experience. I would, however, never do anything to add a human element as this would unsettle the whole balance (i.e. don't add reprimands or wagging fingers etc as it really is not appropriate and only means (to them) that their beloved owner has somehow become unstable in her reactions to them and then they really do not know how to take it all. After all they are not misbehaving are they ? If you watch the zoo programmes on Sky tv you will see plenty of cases of animals trying out their arguing skills with each other - even drawing blood where the animal in question has sharp teeth or claws. They still remain friendly though, as long as they maintain the pecking order, and life is sweet to them because it is natural. Hope this may help. Every good wish!
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Thanks, eleagnus7. We try not to scold Magic Sam (now 11) although I must admit I have wagged a finger or two at him (slap hands!). We know he is now Top Cat and has to keep the two little uns in line. We are often "five in a bed" with everyone in their appropriate places, which is good news! :D

    Thanks for your encouragement! [​IMG]

    When you were on the Thames you were very near us in Upton, Bucks (near Thame, Oxon), a lovely part of the country!

    Also, I really like your new avatar ... a computer drawn moggie? By you or your son? [​IMG]

    PS Is there a special reason why you like the Eleagnus?

    [ 04. November 2006, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Lady of Leisure ]
  4. eleagnus7

    eleagnus7 Gardener

    May 31, 2006
    The whole area is lovely isn't it really? Only went to Thame once but must say I was most impressed.
    I am not very good at that sort of computer work. I have to say I "borrowed " it from one of my Sisters.

    When I lived in High Wycombe in Bucks we inherited a very straggly Eleagnus bush, which I pruned and cared for and this resulted in a magnificent bush. The perfume (Eau de cologne ) which came from it even in winter was absolutely gorgeous and would cheer me up on my way out to work every day. I did say I would grow one when we moved here, but haven't had time yet! Ho Hum! One day!
  5. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello eleagnus7! Just now read this! [​IMG] I didn't know that's where Eau de Cologne came from ... you learn something new every day! [​IMG]

    Another High Wycombe person. I worked there for two years!

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