Hampton Court Flower Show

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by andrewh, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. andrewh

    andrewh Gardener

    May 28, 2009
    First time at an RHS flower show this year for me.

    I loved some of the gardens - my personal favourite was "An Artist's Garden" by that 15 year old kid, and the Thai Garden was stunning too. The main marquee was great too (especially if you like Achilleas - loads of them for some reason!)

    BUT - it was just so busy I couldn't enjoy myself and was desperate to get out after a while. You couldn't wander or browse because it was so packed!

    I went on a public day, even though I'm an RHS member - does anyone know if it's quieter on members only days?
  2. Rhyleysgranny

    Rhyleysgranny Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    I am just back yesterday. I was over seeing my son and went to HCFS. It was such a hot day. I went on Sunday and it was packed. The gardens were lovely. But oh it was a long walk past the palace and down to the show and a lot of walking round and very little in the way of anything to sit on. I was dying to go to the rose tent but it was very disappointing. David Austin Roses were there but I was again disappointed. His roses are lovely in the catalogue but they were very uninspiring on his stand. I bought a couple of rather nice bright flame coloured roses from Peter Beals. The floral marquee was nice. I bought a bonsai there, a little group of redwoods. Lots of expensive things to buy in dozens and dozens of stalls. Would I go back.......no, but I was glad I went to see it.

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