cockatiel layed and egg advice

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by rosa, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    my friend called me this morning quite shocked she told me her female cockatiel that she has had for 5 years has just laid an egg in her cage, she does not know what to do with it shall she just leave it.Its the only bird she has, does anyone know iff these birds do this.
    I was quite shocked myself i told her to just leave it in her cage, She said she had been going on a bit strange rubbing her back along the bottom of the cage for a few days.
  2. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Hi Rosa, nothing to worry about, female cockatiels do occasionally lay eggs,without the need of a male. Some people like to leave the egg for the bird to sit on for a few days,it is thought that removing the egg immediatly can cause the bird to produce more eggs.The egg laying is increased if the bird is exposed to light conditions,if you decrease the light egg laying will usually stop.Make sure your friends bird is having enough veggies, they like cucumber,sprouts parsley curly kale, this will also help keep up the water intake during this hot weather.If the bird does become egg bound(unable to pass the egg) this usually manifests itself with the bird spending time on the floor of the cage, with puffed up feathers and outstretched wings,if this happen you will need veterinary treatment. Hope this helps.

    [ 20. July 2006, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: Poppy33 ]
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    Hi poppy 33, Thank you so much for the advice called my friend and told her, she said that lucy is not at the bottom of the cage and she is just rubbing her back on her bell. She is going to get some veggies for her and also she sprays her with this warm weather and has also put her bath on the cage.
    She has left the egg in the cage when do you think she should remove it.
    Thank again for your advice [​IMG]
  4. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    depends on how interested Lucy is in the egg. If she isn't sitting and not that bothered about you putting your hands in the cage then she probably won't miss the egg..leave her with it for a few days then remove it, you could give her a new toy at the same time you remove the egg, this will keep her occupied and she should soon forget about the egg.

    Hope this helps
    Poppy [​IMG]

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