Tree Bark around Roses

Discussion in 'Roses' started by Winnie, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. Winnie

    Winnie Gardener

    Mar 18, 2008
    We have (two weeks ago) planted a new rose tree and have put tree bark (the stuff out of a bag) around it which looks really neat. The other plants surrounding it are heathers and lavenders which are doing very well. The following week after planting I read in a local circular that roses are intolerant to tree bark as it produces high levels of acidity. When I look at the rose bush it doesn't look too happy and am now thinking of relocating it. Is putting tree bark around it a bad idea, or is it that the rose tree just needs a little time to adjust to its surroundings? Many thanks!

  2. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Winnie Hi as far as I know Bark chipping are fine I use them myself ,Some Wood chips which are high in Carbon can cause Microorganism's but this is only temporary and won't do any long term Harm, The only other drawback are earwigs and slugs which like to hide under the warm damp chippings but you only have to rake them off now and again just to check you say Rose Tree Is It a standard or Bush ,Floribunda or Hybrid Tea Etc
    and the name of the Rose would be really Helpful
    and have you planted it and heeled it in so that the Roots don't move in the Wind [​IMG]

    [ 10. April 2008, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: wiseoldowl ]
  3. Geranium

    Geranium Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 10, 2008
    I've had tree bark around all my roses for three years now, and they seem to be just fine. I put the bark down in the first place to keep the rabbits off them - apparently young rose leaves are a particular delicacy. That had limited success, but now that they're surrounded by lavender I haven't had any trouble at all.

    Just adding that mine are mostly old fashioned roses, but the one Peace rose in the bed died, and its replacement (also Peace) is quite possibly also dead. I suppose it is possible that some roses are happier than others with bark? [​IMG]
  4. Winnie

    Winnie Gardener

    Mar 18, 2008
    Thank you for your responses! We lifted the rose tree last week as it was definitely not happy, and discovered (which comes as no surprise this year) that it was waterlogged! The tree is now planted in a (hopefully) drier spot ... We don't want to lose it as it was a gift from our lovely neighbour in memory of our little daxi who passed last month. It's a French name Mme. A Meilland ....
    Once again thank you.

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